The Ring

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The ring spun in the air, its silver surface glinting in the dim light of the forest. All three of them held their breath, anticipation filling the air.

But as the ring descended and made contact with the ground, there was no discernible change. The surroundings remained unchanged, and their predicament persisted.

Rutuja's brow furrowed. "Why isn't it working?" she questioned, disappointment lacing her voice.

Daksh, once again, tossed the ring into the air.

As the ring ascended, a sudden gust of wind swept through the glade, causing ripples in the atmosphere and turning the air ice cold. The once vibrant green leaves of the surrounding trees began to wither, their colour shifting to a deep, ominous black as they succumbed to the frosty chill.

The ring descended, spinning gracefully upon reaching the ground, the frosty aura lingering in the transformed glade.

"Impossible," said Daksh.

"This was supposed to transport us to the portal," said Rutuja rubbing her arms.

Daksh removed his jacket and placed it around Rutuja's shoulders.

"Thanks," she murmured.

"Rishi, what are you doing?" she asked, turning to him.

Rishi opened his eyes. "Calling Master Indra for help."

"What!? No," said Daksh and took a step towards Rishi. "We can't tell him about the five, yet, we'll be grounded, we'll be locked in that cottage forever."

"You got any better ideas?" asked Rishi.

"Daksh, we'll think of an excuse later, but now we need to get out of here," said Rutuja and held his arm.

Rishi, anticipating the imminent danger, swiftly pushed Rutuja and Daksh aside.

In the eerie silence of the moonlit night, a colossal creature emerged, its massive form hurtling towards them. Reacting with remarkable speed, Rishi retrieved a gleaming dagger concealed within the folds of his jacket. With a swift and calculated motion, he slashed at the creature, his blade meeting the steel-grey claws of the formidable adversary.

"Rishi!" cried Rutuja.

The pounding of Rutuja's heart echoed in her chest as she witnessed Rishi's agile and courageous maneuver. Shaking off her initial shock, she gathered herself and bravely stepped forward.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Rishi flashed her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice steady despite the adrenaline rushing through his veins. "Just had to protect you both."

Rishi sheathed his dagger and turned his attention to the fallen creature. "We need to stay alert," he cautioned, scanning their surroundings. "If there's one, there might be more."

"Daksh, be cautious," warned Rutuja, anxiety lacing her voice as sinister roots slithered from the earth, ensnaring her like serpentine shackles.

"Daksh!" Fear trembled in Rutuja's voice, her frantic struggle intensifying against the tightening embrace of the relentless roots. Her gaze darted anxiously between Daksh and the looming presence of the advancing beast, a sense of impending danger engulfing the atmosphere.

Daksh clenched his teeth, his face contorting with pain as the roots pierced through his flesh. Blood stained his shoulders, but he refused to let out a cry.

Rishi swiftly reacted, his instincts kicking into high gear. He lunged forward, swinging his dagger at the roots encircling Rutuja. The sharp blade sliced through the tendrils, freeing her from their grasp.

Four black paws, now red, stood firm to the Earth's soil, the beast lowered its head while its ember eyes watched every move of its victim. Blood oozed out from Daksh's shoulders.

Rutuja's agonizing screams echoed through the desolate expanse of the secluded forest; the thorns from the branches mercilessly piercing her skin.


Hey Readers,

Hope y'all doing well.

Sorry about the late update. Was not well.

Hope you're enjoying the story.

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