A Different Dimension

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Tej winced slightly as Advika tended to his forehead. "Thanks, Advika," he said appreciatively. "But please apply something on your neck first," pointed to her injury.

Zarna nodded, holding the band-aid against her forehead. "We should be more careful next time," she remarked, a hint of frustration in her voice.

Maya returned with the first-aid box and placed it on the table. "I agree," she said, concern evident in her tone. "We need to anticipate their moves and be prepared for any surprises."

Advika retrieved the ointment from the first-aid box and carefully applied it to Tej's wound. "The doc's a good idea," she said, her voice gentle yet determined. "We can't take any chances with these injuries."

Tej gave a small nod of agreement. "Let's go as soon as we're done here," he suggested.

Maya continued to assist Zarna, carefully securing the band-aid in place. "We'll find a way to track them down," she said, her voice filled with resolve. "We can't let them escape."

Advika finished tending to Tej's wound and cleaned her hands with a tissue. "We'll regroup and come up with a plan," she said, a determined spark in her eyes. "Together, we'll overcome this."

"Adu," said Zarna as she picked up one of the pieces of the shattered glass.

"Careful with it," said Ray.

Zarna nodded her head and kept threw the glass back on the floor. "Why did you stop Maya from using that powder, and what was that powder?"

"That powder, it's called the Schwinger powder," revealed Advika as she applied antiseptic cream on her wounds.

"The day we went to the ancient library, we found a book there, it had this powder, which I stole," confessed Maya.

"The book clearly said this powder could transport people to... anywhere, literally anywhere, into a different dimension also," said Advika and looked at Maya.

"I suppose it works," said Maya.

"I'm worried for those guys, God knows where they landed, hope they are safe," said Advika.

"I don't believe this, you're wishing good for our enemies," said Maya. 

"I think the hall needs cleaning," interrupted Ray and went to the kitchen.

Small pieces of glass lay all over the wet floor. The sofa was disheveled. The white powder lay in patches near the door and sofa.

"Careful with the powder," said Maya as Ray came back from the kitchen with a broom and mop in his hands.


"Where are we?" said Rutuja as she got up from the rugged ground. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness that enveloped them.

"Seems like we've been transported to some kind of alternate dimension," observed Rishi, his voice echoing in the eerie silence.

"Is this some sort of punishment for our actions?" Rutuja wondered aloud, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Daksh's eyes narrowed as he surveyed their surroundings. "I can't sense any familiar energy here," he stated. "It's like we've been cut off from our usual sources."

The wind blew softly, whispering through the twisted branches. The air felt heavy with an otherworldly aura, sending shivers down their spines.

"We need to find a way back," Rishi said, his tone determined. "But first, we need to understand where we are and how we ended up here."

Rutuja crossed her arms, frustration evident on her face. "I can't believe we let our guard down," she muttered, glancing at Daksh.

Rishi sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and resolve. "We underestimated their resourcefulness," he admitted. "But dwelling on our mistakes won't help us now. We need to focus on finding a way back and reclaiming what's rightfully ours."

The trees were malady brown. The musty air was difficult to breathe.

They stood in the middle of an umber-brown ancient forest. It reeked of age. Every sprawling tree they passed through reminded them of a watchful guardian.

"Why do I feel like these trees are staring at me?" Rutuja whispered as they walked through the forest.

"It feels like a different dimension," said Rishi as he jumped, escaping a ditch in his way.

"That powder," said Rutuja. "It did the trick."

"I had read about a powder called the Schwinger powder," recalled Rishi and looked around. "How did she get it? It's rare," wondered Rutuja.

The further they went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became.

They arrived at a wide glade, where the trees began to disappear, revealing the bespeckled sky.

"Wherever we are," said Rutuja. "We need to get back home."

"Daksh, the ring can help," said Rishi. His eyes fell on his reflection in the water. He closed his eyes at once and stepped back.

Daksh tossed the ring in the air.


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