Into the Action

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"Where is Master Indra?" quizzed Rishi as he sat on the floor in front of the mysterious bookshelf they had just discovered. 

"He said he'll be back soon, didn't say where he's going," replied Rutuja as she sat next to him. "Where is Daksh?"

"Sleeping," replied Rishi and picked up a random book from the shelf. "Is he okay? Let me go and check."

"No," said Rishi and held her hand. "He's fine. You know, coping up with. . . whatever happened."

Rutuja nodded her head and pursed her lips. "After his mom, Dai Ma was-"

"I know," said Rishi and examined the other books. "What's that?"

As he reached for a dusty and lackluster book from the second shelf, he remarked, "Look, it's fragile like glass," pressing his hand gently against the front cover.

Startled by the resounding cracks emanating from the wall across the room, Rutuja couldn't help but flinch. "Did I— Oh no," Rishi muttered, swiftly turning the book to read the description on the back cover. "Reserved for the courageous," he recited aloud.

The cracks in the wall expanded steadily, unleashing billowing clouds of dust and a deafening cacophony that reverberated throughout the library. "Should we, uh... make a hasty retreat?" pondered Rishi, returning the book to its original position on the shelf.

"Moonlight!" said Rutuja as the library walls split into two halves forming a pathway, which lead to what looked like a moonlit street. The wall began repairing itself. "Why is the gap closing?" wondered Rutuja as she got to her feet.

"Perhaps it's because I returned the book to its original spot," Rishi suggested, tugging at Rutuja's hand, urging her towards the door. However, she resisted his pull and shook her head. "No," she asserted firmly, releasing his hand. "Dai Ma mentioned that your answers lie here."

"Yes, but-"

Before Rishi could complete his sentence, Rutuja grabbed the book in her hands and marched towards the opening. "Rutuja, no," said Rishi and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back. "First at least-"

She gave him a slight push and turned to face him. "If you don't want to come, then just don't."

Both Rishi and Rutuja locked eyes, their hands raised in anticipation. Rishi extended his arms forward, mimicking the action of casting an invisible net. "Ou!" Rutuja cried out as the book slipped from her grasp, falling to the floor. Sensing the urgency, Rishi swiftly pulled her closer, embracing her tightly. "I'm sorry, Ru, but I can't allow you to endanger your life," he whispered, his voice filled with concern.

Rutuja squirmed within his hold, desperately mouthing the word "Impair" into his ear. A tear escaped her eye, tracing a path down her cheek. Gradually, Rishi's grip weakened, his body swaying as if losing balance. "Ru-" he began to say, before collapsing onto the ground.

Wiping away her tears, Rutuja swiftly retrieved the fallen book.  She pivoted and sprinted towards the closing opening, barely making it through before it sealed shut.

"Rishi!" said Daksh and rushed towards him. He looked around and noticed the cracks in the wall repairing itself. Repair, he whispered in Rishi's ear.

Rishi woke up with a start, panting. "I don't believe this!" he almost screamed.

"What happened? Where's Rutuja?" asked Daksh. "What's with the noise and this wall."

"That stupid book!" said Rishi and got to his feet. He explained to Daksh how Rutuja performed the immobilization spell on him and entered the crack in the wall.

Daksh rushed towards the bookshelf and rummaged through the books. "There might be some other book that'll lead us-"

The boys fell to the ground as the wall split itself into two halves with a deafening sound again. Rishi noticed the same moonlit street he had seen before. "Which book did you-"

Daksh lifted a rose-colored book in his hand. "Is that-"

"Yes, this is the same opening, but where's Ru?" said Rishi and took a few steps towards the wall.

 "Let's find out," said Daksh and stepped into the opening. Rishi took a deep breath, glanced at the bookshelf, and followed Daksh into the unknown moonlit place.


Advika covered her mouth with a mask and held Zarna's hand, who was hugging her from the side. "Ma- Maya, do-n't," stammered Advika. Maya advanced towards a woman resting on an easy chair.

The girls' clothes were drenched in blood, yet none of it belonged to them. Advika and Zarna sank to their knees, their bodies trembling with terror.

"It's her," Maya whispered, scrutinizing the faces of the lifeless bodies. "It's the woman we encountered—" Her words trailed off abruptly. "Wait a minute, she died years ago. How is her body still—"

"AAAAA!!!" The girls shrieked in horror as the woman's eyes snapped open, and her hand clutched tightly around Maya's throat.

The woman's appearance began to deface. The bright and sober face turned into an obnoxious, unpleasant one. Maya produced a small vial from her pocket and uncorked it. She threw the liquid on the woman's face. Advika and Zarna rushed towards her as she fell into their arms.

"Just black magic," murmured Maya as she got to her feet. "They were no spirits, just illusion."

"Is it possible to do something like this just with black magic?" asked Zarna, wiping her tears. "Yes," answered Maya. "I've helped solve many-"

"Advika!" cried Zarna as she lay flat on her back on the wooden floor.

Zarna kept Advika's head on her lap and looked at Maya. "Panic attack."

"Zarna, can you-"

"I don't think so," said Zarna and pursed her lips. "I can influence water, not summon, or create."

"Advika!" said Maya as she rubbed her foot and palms.

The girls turned abruptly as they heard the scraping sound against the floor. Zarna's body went rigid, her heart pounding with intensity. She grabbed Advika's shoulder and shook her urgently. "Advika, please, wake up!"

Their eyes met, sharing a mix of fear and confusion, as the noise grew louder with each passing moment. It resembled the sound of a heavy object being dragged along, akin to the weight of a steel hammer. 

But why? And who?


To be continued. . . 

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