Tej's Guilt

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"What did I do?" he asked looking at his friends. 

"Nothing," lied Advika. 

"It wasn't you, Tej," said Maya and sat at the foot of the bed. 

"Is it necessary we tell it to him now?" asked Advika. Tej's eyes fell on her hand. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped and looked at Ray. "It wasn't you, it was the black mist, the evil powers," said Advika.

"The book," said Zarna as they remembered about it. "It vanished," she said scanning the room.

"Black mist," Advika said, her voice filled with caution. "According to legend, these mist possess the power to manipulate and transform individuals into something they're not."

Maya chimed in, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. "We've come across tales of these mystical mists in the books we discovered within the depths of the library."

Ray, intrigued by their conversation, furrowed his brow and questioned, "How many visits did you make to that place?"

Maya paused for a moment, reflecting on their clandestine expeditions. "Quite a few times," she confessed. However, she quickly dismissed the notion, realizing it was not the relevant detail at hand. "But that's not important right now."

"I'm sorry," Tej murmured, his voice laced with regret, as he reached out and gently clasped Advika's hand in his own.

Tej's words did little to assuage Advika's feelings. With a firm yet tender gaze, she reassured him, "Tej, it wasn't you. You were ensnared by some dark enchantment."

A single tear escaped from Tej's eye, silently expressing the weight of his remorse. Sensing his friend's anguish, Ray instinctively moved closer, his hands finding solace in the form of a comforting grip on Tej's shoulders.

"Dude, don't burden yourself with guilt," Ray offered, his voice warm and consoling. "You know deep down that you could never inflict harm upon any of us. We stand together, no matter what."

"I think it would be best for you to rest for now," suggested Zarna, her voice gentle and caring. Maya nodded in agreement.

"Let's move to another room and get some sleep," Maya proposed.

Zarna turned towards Advika, her concern evident in her eyes. "Please join us soon, Advika," she urged.

"I'll grab something to drink," Ray offered, his stomach grumbling.

"Ray, could you please make me some coffee?" Advika requested, her voice laced with a touch of exhaustion.

"Sure thing," Ray replied, acknowledging her request before making his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Tej, unable to contain his emotions, spoke up. "Advika, I am deeply sorry. I could never bear to cause you harm, not even in my wildest dreams."

Advika met his gaze and squeezed his hand, assuring him, "I know, Tej. I've always known that you would never willingly hurt me." She glanced down momentarily, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

Observing her bandage, Tej couldn't help but voice his concern. "Why didn't you defend yourself? Why didn't you...?"

Advika interrupted him, her voice filled with conviction. "I knew that wasn't my Te-... I mean, I knew it wasn't you," she explained, her eyes searching for understanding in his.

A smile tugged at the corner of Tej's lips. Did she just refer to him as "my Tej"? His head still swirled with lingering dizziness, unsure if he had truly heard those words.

Tej began to reassure her, but before he could finish his sentence, Ray interrupted their moment by entering the bedroom with a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

"That was quick," said Advika and took the cup. "Hot coffee?" she said. "I wanted cold coffee. You know it's my favorite." 

"It's cold outside," said Tej. "Cold coffee is not good for you, you'll fall sick. 

Seated beside Tej, Ray took a sip of his own coffee and closed his eyes, allowing the warmth to soothe his senses. Tej, still processing the recent events, voiced his thoughts with a touch of unease. "It felt weird, being locked up and-"

Advika interrupted him. "Don't dwell on it right now, Tej," she urged, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Ray added his voice to the conversation. "You're safe now, my friend. Just rest and recover."

"We won't give up. We'll find a solution," Advika asserted. "Maya might have some knowledge of charms and protection spells. She mentioned them before, along with the idea of using lockets."

Ray nodded, recalling Maya's previous mention. "Oh yeah, I remember her talking about those," he acknowledged, taking a sip of his coffee. "It's worth exploring that option."

Advika's eyes met Tej's. "I'll talk to Maya and ask her to procure five of those lockets," she declared.

Tej observed Advika's struggle to hold the cup with just one hand, and a pang of guilt coursed through him. If only he could turn back time and undo the pain he had caused.

As if on cue, Maya and Zarna entered the room. "Hi," Maya greeted.

"We weren't in the mood for sleep," Zarna stated, finding a comfortable spot on the bean bag. Maya dragged a chair closer to the study table and settled herself onto it.

Ray offered his assistance. "Should I prepare some coffee for you both as well?" he inquired.

The girls, almost in perfect unison, declined his offer. "No, it's alright," they replied.

Maya turned her attention towards Advika, a spark of curiosity in her eyes. "Advika," she began. "Do you recall that story about King Himaqat?"


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