It All Begins

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Advika sat on the edge of a colossal white boulder, nestled deep within the heart of an untamed forest. She held a weathered tome in her hands, its golden cover gleaming in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy above. A smile graced her lips as a symphony of birds swooped and chirped overhead. The teak-brown forest enveloped her like a lush paradise, with towering trees reaching towards the heavens, their roots twisting and turning in a mesmerizing dance. Ferns and orchids adorned the forest floor, adding to its ethereal beauty. The air was heavy with the scent of petrichor, a reminder of the recent rain that had graced the earth. 

Advika felt a sense of wonder and awe as she turned the pages of the ancient book.

Shielding her eyes from the glare of the midday sun, she glanced at her wristwatch. 

3 p.m., it read in bold digits. She pursed her lips and reached behind her to take off her black sling bag. 

As she glanced at the scattered leaves on the forest floor, she heard a faint sound of approaching footsteps. Advika turned and saw two familiar figures racing towards her, their breaths heavy with exertion. It was Tej and Ray.

"You can't beat me," Tej taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye as he sprinted towards the enormous white rock that served as their meeting point. The sun was directly overhead, casting a warm glow on his skin and causing a thin layer of sweat to glisten on the nape of his neck. His feet kicked up the yellow leaves and dust as he ran.

Ray, trying to catch his breath, kept pace with Tej, determined to prove him wrong. "Sure, I can," he huffed between breaths, his determination evident in his eyes.

Advika smirked, knowing this familiar banter all too well. She adjusted her white cap and crossed her arms, waiting for them to catch up. Maya, their friend, was not far behind, her green top blending seamlessly with the lush surroundings. The twigs crunched under Maya's feet as she joined her friend Zarna, and together they watched the boys race towards the rock, eager to see who would reach it first. The forest was alive with the energy of their friendly competition.

As Maya and Zarna approached the group, Maya couldn't help but roll her eyes at Zarna's choice of footwear. 

"Let them be, Maya, they always do that," Zarna said with a sigh, looking down at her impractical heels that seemed out of place in the forest. Maya smiled at her friend's fashion-forward but impractical choice.

"Seriously, Zarna, heels in a forest?" Maya teased, nudging her friend playfully.

The girls made their way towards the enormous white rock where Advika was already seated, cross-legged, glancing at her watch from time to time. She adjusted her cat-eye spectacles and waved at them with a smile.

"Careful, Tej," Advika warned as he came to a sudden halt at the foot of the rock, panting from his earlier sprint.

"I won," Tej proclaimed proudly, wiping sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

"Okay, okay, you are Tej, the Prince of speed, how can I defeat you?" Ray said with a grin as he leaned against the rock, panting, and adjusting his colorful headband.

Tej climbed up the rock and settled down beside Advika, who offered him her water bottle. Ray followed suit, climbing up the rock and sitting on the other side of Advika.

"Hurry up, girls," Ray called out to Maya and Zarna, who were strolling towards the rock. "Zarna, Maya, climb up, quick," Advika urged them.

Maya couldn't help but chuckle, remembering how Advika had once been known as 'the latecomer' among their group, but now it seemed her friends had taken inspiration from her and turned into latecomers themselves. The girls finally ascended the rock and sat cross-legged in a circle, forming a close-knit group, ready for whatever adventure awaited them on this day in the forest. 

The five friends had gathered in a secluded forest, far from the bustling city, on a Sunday afternoon. It was unusual for them to meet up on a weekend, as they usually spent Sunday's indulging in their individual hobbies at their favorite spots. But everything had changed since the discovery of the book.

"Wow, you're early today," Zarna exclaimed, slipping off her black heels and placing them gently on the forest floor.

Advika, holding the book tightly in her hands, smiled at Zarna's remark. In truth, she felt that the others were late, but she kept her thoughts to herself. Maya, with her curly hair, was attempting to tie it up in a bun, while the anticipation in everyone's eyes was palpable as they all gazed at the book in Advika's hands. It held a special significance to each of them.

Advika gently stroked the spine of the book, feeling its weight and the power it seemed to exude. The title on the cover, 'The Secrets of the Elements,' seemed to shimmer as the letters rearranged themselves, capturing their attention.


To be continued. . .

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