Untitled Part 123

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A man with a pale face and bloodshot red eyes stood motionless, his black robe billowing slightly in the unseen wind. His eyes snapped open, glowing fiercely against his ashen skin. Before him swirled a massive vortex, a churning maelstrom of shadow and light. The vortex seemed alive, its spiralling depths stretching infinitely, pulsing with dark energy and emitting a low, eerie hum. It flickered with flashes of lightning, illuminating ghostly shapes that twisted and turned within its depths. The man's gaze was fixed on the vortex, a sinister smile creeping across his lips as he raised his hand, feeling the immense power that emanated from it.

The man's sinister smile faltered as his attention was drawn to the waters beneath the vortex. Amidst the swirling chaos, he saw a boy swimming towards one of the many mirrors submerged in the inky depths. The boy's determined strokes sent ripples through the water, and his reflection stared back at him from the mirror's gleaming surface.

The man's bloodshot eyes narrowed as he watched the boy reach the mirror, holding a small, sharp knife in his trembling hand. With a resolute expression, the boy positioned the blade against his forefinger, the intent clear in his eyes.


Advika held her breath as the scene unfolded before her. She stood behind Rishi, Indra, and Devansh. 

Indra signaled Devansh; seconds later, they plunged into the vortex, following closely behind Azazel.


Rishi stood before the swirling vortex, its energy crackling and roaring like a beast untamed. The air around him was thick with the scent of ozone, and the ground trembled beneath his feet. Sweat dripped from his brow as he raised his hands, summoning every ounce of his power. His fingers glowed with a faint blue light, tendrils of energy snaking from his palms towards the vortex.

With a guttural shout, Rishi pushed forward, his energy clashing with the chaotic force of the vortex. The strain was immense; it felt as though he was trying to push a mountain. His muscles screamed in protest, and his vision blurred at the edges, but he didn't relent. Slowly, painfully, the edges of the vortex began to shrink, the violent winds calming under his influence.

Finally, with a final surge of power, Rishi forced the vortex shut. The swirling energy dissipated with a thunderous clap, leaving behind only silence and the faint scent of burnt ozone. Rishi fell to his knees, panting heavily.

 From the corner of his eye, he saw Advika approach. She knelt beside him, her hand gentle and warm as she offered it to him. Rishi looked up, his vision slowly clearing. Advika's eyes were glistening with tears, her expression a mix of relief and worry.

"You did it," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You really did it."

Rishi managed a weak smile, taking her hand gratefully. "Couldn't have done it without you," he replied, his voice hoarse. He squeezed her hand, feeling a surge of warmth that had nothing to do with his powers. "Thank you."

Advika helped him to his feet, her tears falling freely now. "Thank you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "For everything."

"Hey," said Rishi panting. "This fight is ours."

"Then, let's move," said Advika. "We've got plenty to do."


A flash of bright silver light erupted from the portal, blinding Azazel momentarily. He raised an arm to shield his eyes, cursing under his breath. When his vision cleared, he scanned the area, trying to locate the source of the light.

Far away, in a quiet grove, Indra patted Devansh on the shoulder. Devansh closed his eyes, focusing intently. In his mind's eye, he saw Azazel standing by the portal, surrounded by churning water and the faint glow of the now-dissipated light.

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