The Symbol

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The symbol continued to emit a brilliant white light, casting an ethereal radiance throughout the chamber. They exchanged perplexed looks, uncertain why contact with the symbol had caused them discomfort.

"Why did that hurt?" Maya pondered aloud, inspecting her tingling hand.

Advika reached out and placed her hand on the earth symbol again, with the others following suit, their hearts racing and their hands quivering. This time, it felt like a dull blade pressing against their skin, but they maintained their positions, captivated by the unfolding mystery.

The temple's atmosphere grew even colder, and Advika sensed a soothing quality in the air. "This air has a calming effect," Zarna observed, her voice quivering slightly.

Advika gingerly withdrew her hand from the wall, causing the symbol to immediately cease its glow.

"Just as the book described. The light stops once we remove our hands," Maya remarked.

"Perhaps we should explore for more clues," Ray suggested, and Advika glanced at her watch.

12:30 a.m., it read.

Tej entered the womb-chamber where the idol of Lord Shiva stood. Advika joined her hands and closed her eyes in prayer, seeking protection from any harm or danger.

As they combed through the temple, scanning for any other clues, the symbol on the wall remained the only remarkable discovery. It continued to emit a faint glow when touched, but no other clues or hints could be found.

"Can you hear that?" Advika asked, her head tilting to one side as if listening intently.

"Hear what?" Maya asked, perplexed.

Tej looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound that Advika seemed to have picked up on. The temple was otherwise eerily quiet, except for the faint echoes of their own footsteps.

Ray's sharp ears picked up on the soft music first. "The soft music," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maya, Zarna, and Tej strained their ears, and sure enough, they could hear it too. 

"Yes, I hear it now," Maya confirmed, glancing at Zarna, who nodded in agreement. "Me too," added Zarna, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"But where's it coming from?" wondered Advika, scanning their surroundings in search of the source.

"Advika, you know the trick," Tej reminded her, his voice urgent with excitement.

Advika closed her eyes and focused, trying to determine the direction of the sound. After a moment of deep concentration, she took a step ahead, following the mysterious melody.

Who's there?" a man's voice came from a distance, shattering their focus.

"Damn it!" Ray cursed, panic widening his eyes. "I think it's the caretaker or the watchman."

"Run!" Tej urged, taking the lead as they bolted for the exit. The rest followed suit, their hearts racing as they sprinted toward the car waiting outside the temple.

They piled into the car without a backward glance, their adrenaline surging. 

"Go!" Ray urged from the passenger seat as Tej wasted no time in starting the engine and speeding away toward their home.

They didn't stop until they arrived safely, and the girls let out a relieved sigh. 

"That was close," Ray said between pants, echoing the sentiments of the group.


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