Dai Ma

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With a swift gesture, Indra snapped his fingers, causing the curtains to draw simultaneously, shrouding the hut in darkness. He turned to face the bewildered expressions of Daksh, Rutuja, and Rishi.

"Indra," Dai Ma spoke, closing the door firmly behind her. "They will be here soon." From the pocket of her dress, she retrieved a small crystal ball, holding it out before him.

Rutuja stepped closer, recognizing the object. "The transportation crystal," she stated, her voice filled with curiosity. "But why are we-"

Suddenly, the ground quaked beneath them, accompanied by a thunderous roar in the distance. Rishi lost his balance and fell to the floor. Rutuja rushed to his aid, helping him regain his footing.

Indra locked eyes with Dai Ma, a questioning gaze in his eyes. She extended her hand toward him, an invitation implicit in her actions. Indra narrowed his eyes, tilting his head slightly. "No, I won't be coming with you," Dai Ma responded, as though able to perceive his thoughts.

Baffled by the unfolding events, Daksh interjected, voicing the question on everyone's minds. "What is happening?"

"His people have arrived," Dai Ma declared, thrusting the crystal ball into Indra's hands. Before Indra could respond, Dai Ma raised her hand, silencing him. "You will follow my orders, Indra."

Confusion filled Rutuja's voice as she clutched Rishi's arm. "How did they find this place? No one should have known about it--"

A sudden explosion shattered the door into pieces, bathing the room in blinding light. Shielding their eyes, the group witnessed the arrival of ten individuals, each brandishing what appeared to be firearms. Dai Ma positioned herself in front of the group, facing the approaching soldiers. "Indra," she commanded, her voice unwavering. "Do it now. I order you."

Rutuja stepped forward, conjuring a translucent ball of light, and hurled it toward the soldiers. However, they stood unaffected, seemingly impervious to her assault.

Daksh raised his arms, generating a radiant sphere of sparkling blue light. Meanwhile, Rishi moved his hands, erecting a protective barrier around the group as the soldiers unleashed a barrage of gunfire. The bullets could not penetrate the shield, but its strength weakened with each passing second, as the ceaseless assault wore it down.

Daksh hurled the electrically charged sphere at the soldiers with great force. Yet, they remained unyielding, their silver armor deflecting all attacks directed at them.

Rishi collapsed to the ground, his hands trembling as he fought to maintain the weakening barrier. "I can't hold them off any longer," he admitted, his eyes shut tightly as he strained to channel every ounce of his remaining power. He felt his muscles and nerves ache with the exertion, the energy draining from his body.

Daksh and Rutuja persisted in their attempts to attack the enemies, but their efforts proved futile against the impenetrable wall.

With a heavy heart, Indra tossed the crystal ball into the air and swiftly pulled the children closer, forming a protective circle around them.

Rutuja's neck spun so rapidly that she risked injuring herself, while Dai Ma conjured a massive void that deflected the bullets from the enemies' shotguns.

The sight of Dai Ma single-handedly battling the soldiers grew increasingly blurred with each passing moment. Daksh extended his hand, sensing an ethereal wall of water forming around them, while Rishi gazed up at the crystal radiating a brilliant white light.

Indra firmly grasped Rutuja's arms as she attempted to step outside the protective circle of water. "We cannot leave her alone," she murmured, tears welling in her eyes.

Daksh took a determined step toward the barrier, only to be forcefully pushed back by an unseen energy. Closing his eyes, he moved his hands in a circular motion, as if conjuring an ethereal ball of energy. Rishi followed suit, matching Daksh's movements with equal determination.

"This is a wall of transportation," said Rutuja, her heart pulsating vehemently against her chest. "No magic works in it."

Rishi and Daksh opened their eyes, their expressions filled with bewilderment. Daksh nodded, a determined look in his eyes, and extended his hands before him, attempting to manifest an invisible force or energy that could halt the advancing soldiers.

A masked figure emerged from behind the soldiers, positioned in front of Dai Ma. Raising his hands into the air, the figure conjured a dazzling sphere of light.

"No!" Rishi and Daksh screamed simultaneously; their voices filled with desperation. Their pleas went unanswered as the luminous ball struck Dai Ma directly in the chest. She crumpled to the ground, motionless.

In an instant, their surroundings dissolved into thin air, as if particles of sugar vanishing in water. The wall of water surrounding them surged upward, enveloping them completely. Tears welled in Rutuja's eyes as she took in the sight before her—the floor had transformed, replaced by a lush expanse of green grass.

Daksh looked at Indra accusingly. Rishi kept his hand on Rutuja's shoulders as she dropped to her knees, sobbing. "Why!?" was all she uttered.

Indra felt his throat go dry and his hands shiver.

"We have to go back," said Rishi. "We can't just leave her like that."

"How could you?" said Daksh, his eyes watery. He felt like his insides were burning, his heart heavy with grief. He buried his face in his hands.

"We could fight them!" said Rishi. "Why did we run? Leaving Dai Ma alone."

Rutuja's tears snaked town her cheeks; her face obscured by her loose, cascading hair. She took a deep breath, composing herself, and rose to her feet, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "Those were Azazel's elite assassins," she managed to say, her voice trembling. "You can't confront them head-on. They won't relent."

Indra abruptly turned on his heels, his steps leading him in the opposite direction.

"Master Indra!" Rishi called out; his voice tinged with urgency. "Where are you going?"

Daksh gazed up at his departing father, his heart heavy with mixed emotions. He surveyed their surroundings—the towering trees, dense shrubbery, imposing boulders, and a distant river. Gradually regaining his composure, he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. 

"Please," Rutuja implored, tears streaking down her cheeks, "let him be alone. That's what he wants."

Through her tears, Rutuja managed to speak. "This place," she said, her voice quivering, "is the Forest of Aegis. It is a sanctuary of utmost security, accessible only in times of dire need."

"But what about Dai Ma?" Rishi interjected, his gaze shifting between Rutuja and Daksh.

Daksh opened his mouth to argue, but a surge of anger and sorrow overwhelmed him, rendering him incapable of forming coherent words. He sank to his knees, his hands grasping the earth and crushing the grass beneath them.

Rishi's voice trembled with frustration as he almost screamed, "Are we just going to stand by and let them take her away?"

Rutuja joined Daksh on the ground, sitting cross-legged beside him, and resumed sobbing. Daksh felt tears streaming down his face, mirroring her anguish. Rutuja glanced up at Rishi, her voice choked with grief. "We have lost her."

"No, she- this can't happen- " said Rishi. Tears rolling down his eyes. He took a few steps back and dropped down on the ground, wailing. 

To be continued...

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