Balancing the Chakras

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Tej instructed, "Now, direct your attention to the base of your spine and visualize a bright, spinning red light. Feel it pulsating and rotating with your breath."

Advika interrupted, "Wait a moment. Why don't we first read and understand the material before putting it into practice? We can all learn and practice together once we have a good grasp of the concept."

Ray agreed, "That sounds like a good idea."

Maya then requested, "Tej, can you read ahead for us?"

Tej recited, "Shift your focus to your spine, a few inches below your belly button, and feel the warmth of a bright, spinning orange light."

Zarna added, "That's the second chakra, and it corresponds to the color orange."

Tej continued reading, "Now, direct your attention to the area above your belly button, and feel the intense yellow light rotating in that spot. Then, bring your attention further up to the center of your chest, where your heart is. This area harnesses a bright green light."

"We also need to feel the energy flowing in these chakras," added Advika. 

"Yes, visualization is essential in such exercises," said Maya. 

"The only exercise which doesn't makes you girls tired," joked Ray. 

"Very funny," said Maya and faked a smile.

Tej continued, "Focus on the sensations in your body as you visualize each chakra. Breathe deeply and allow the colors to fill you with energy and vitality. Let go of any stress or negativity and allow yourself to be present in the moment."

As Tej spoke, the group closed their eyes and followed his instructions, feeling the warmth of the colors and the peace that came with the meditation.

After a few minutes, Tej spoke again, "Now slowly bring your attention back to your body. Take a deep breath and when you're ready, open your eyes."

The group opened their eyes, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. "That was amazing," said Zarna. "I feel so much more relaxed."

"Me too," said Maya. "I think we should do this every day."

"I agree," said Advika. "It's a great way to start our day and focus our energy."

Tej let out a sigh. "The remaining pages are still blank."

"First, we should master this. Only then will the book reveal to us the next pages," said Advika.

"Let's begin then. Before its 4," said Maya and glanced at her wristwatch.


Rishi flung his jacket onto the bed and let out a sigh. "I wish the book had never left us," he muttered.

"Rishi, how many times do I have to remind you to hang up your clothes properly?" Rutuja scolded as she picked up his jacket.

Rishi grinned at her. "You're a real domestic goddess," he teased.

"Ugh, shut up," she said playfully as she folded his jacket and placed it in the closet.

"What's next on the agenda?" Rishi asked as he lay down on the bed.

"We should head to the second floor of the library," Rutuja said as she sat down next to him.

"You mean the portal?" Rishi asked.

"Yes," Rutuja confirmed.

"But how do we get there?" asked Rishi, still unsure.

Rutuja grinned mischievously. "There's a way. We just have to find the right person who can guide us through it," she said.

"Who could that be?" asked Rishi, curious.

"I have a contact who knows everything about these portals. He's not exactly someone who follows the rules, but he's the best in what he does," Rutuja explained.

Rishi nodded in agreement. "Then let's go find him," he said, determined.

Rutuja smiled and squeezed his hand. "I knew I could count on you," she said, and they both got up to start their journey.

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