The Next Morning

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"Good morning, everyone!" greeted Swarna as she served the breakfast. She placed a plate in front of the four and offered a coffee mug to Advika, she added, "Here's your strong coffee, dear."

Advika reached out to accept the mug but winced in pain, hastily placing it back on the table. Concerned, Tej immediately rushed to her side. "Are you alright? Does it still hurt? Should I get you a painkiller?" he inquired, his worry evident in his voice. Meanwhile, a gentle smile played on Swarna's lips as she observed their interaction.

Advika glanced at Tej and then back at Swarna, composing herself before responding. "It's just that the coffee was too hot. I'm fine, Tej," she assured him, masking the pain she felt. Sensing the need to ease any worries, Swarna placed a comforting hand on Tej's shoulder.

"Don't worry, my dear. She's fine," Swarna reassured him, her voice filled with warmth. Then, addressing Tej directly, she asked, "But why do you look so pale? Is everything alright?"

Tej paused for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal, before finally responding, "I'm just a little tired." 

"We've been travelling a lot these days," added Ray. "And Tej is working hard for his new physics project."

"Project? I didn't know about it. But I'm glad you kids are focusing on your careers," she said and smiled.

Maya made her way down the stairs, apologizing for her tardiness. "Sorry, I'm late," she acknowledged as she settled into her seat at the dining table.

Swarna, ever gracious, replied, "Not a problem at all. Here's your green tea, dear." She placed the cup of green tea in front of Maya.

"Thanks, Aunt Swarna," Maya expressed her gratitude, raising the cup to her lips and taking a sip of the soothing beverage.

Interrupting the peaceful moment, Swarna announced, "Children, I'm off to work. Take care, and I'll see you all soon." With that, she bid her farewell and left, leaving the young ones to continue their breakfast and face the day ahead.


"There's something he's hiding," Rutuja observed, taking a sip of her thick cold coffee. Her gaze shifted towards Daksh, who was engrossed in practicing with his sword in the yard opposite their house.

Rishi followed her gaze and glanced at Daksh, his expression thoughtful. "I hope he doesn't succumb to the darkness," Rishi murmured, watching as Daksh skillfully performed a cartwheel while maintaining perfect balance with the sword.

"I have faith in him," Rutuja asserted, a hint of concern in her voice. She continued to observe Daksh's impressive display of skill. "He won't let himself be swayed by the dark forces."

Rishi's hand gently rested on Rutuja's head, offering reassurance. "You worry too much, my dear," he said, offering a comforting smile.

Rutuja reciprocated the smile, grateful for Rishi's presence in her life. "I'm grateful to have you by my side after my parents passed away," she confessed, her voice filled with warmth. "It's been Dai Maa, you, Master Indra, and Daksh."

Daksh, having exerted himself, sliced through a tree trunk with his sword before collapsing to his knees. 

Rutuja rushed to his side, holding a water bottle in her hands. "Must you always push yourself to such extremes?" she inquired.

"I appreciate your concern," Daksh replied with a genuine smile.

Rishi observed the interaction from a distance, a pang of jealousy tugging at his heart. Despite his efforts to suppress the feeling, it lingered within him, refusing to dissipate.

Rutuja, her focus unwavering, clarified, "My concern is solely for the success of our mission. It has nothing to do with personal feelings." She extended the water bottle to Daksh, offering him a drink.

Daksh accepted the water, thirstily taking a gulp. "Let's head inside," he suggested, his voice indicating his discomfort with the scorching sun. He reached out and gently took hold of Rutuja's hand.

Rishi's gaze lingered on their intertwined hands as they approached the house together. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, not fully understanding the complex emotions he harbored towards Daksh. They were not friends, nor enemies, at least not from Rishi's perspective.

"Master Indra?" Rishi exclaimed, taken aback as he swiftly turned around. Indra had seemingly materialized out of thin air.

"Dad?" Daksh reacted, carefully sheathing his sword in its leather scabbard. 

Rutuja swiftly snapped her fingers, causing all the doors and windows to close simultaneously, fortifying their surroundings.

Indra acknowledged Rutuja's quick response with a nod.

"There's no time to waste. It's no longer safe for us to remain here," Indra urged, motioning for Rishi and Rutuja to retrieve their swords.

Rishi and Rutuja exchanged determined glances before swiftly grabbing their weapons, ready to face the impending danger.


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