Ghost or no ghost?

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"Okay," whispered Maya. "Don't panic. You look after Advika I'll-"

"No, we're staying together, no separating," declared Zarna.


"Alright," said Ray, taking a deep breath. "So, what's the plan now?"

He stepped out of the car, gazing at the desolate landscape before them. Tej closed his eyes, envisioning Advika in his mind. He turned towards Ray, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I remember," he began. "Advika once mentioned a technique... I can't recall the exact name, but she said it allows you to find anything using your heart and intuition."

"Interesting. How does it work?" Ray asked, his breathing unsteady.

"You visualize the object or, in our case, the person, and try to establish a connection with them through the energy they emit," Tej explained. "Then you can ask yes or no questions."

"Okay," said Ray, although it was clear he didn't fully grasp the concept. "So, let's focus on Advika for now. Maybe the technique will work better if we concentrate on one person." He settled back into the driver's seat, ready to begin.


The sound of something being dragged abruptly ceased. Zarna's trembling finger pointed towards the door as the doorknob seemed to be twisting on its own accord. Maya, still recovering from her fright, stood up and cautiously approached the door.

"Maya," Zarna mouthed silently, clutching at Maya's leg. Maya let out a startled yelp.

"AAAA!" Maya squealed. "You silly girl," she said. "Don't catch my leg like that, not in this setting at least."

The door swung open, revealing a shadowy figure holding a steel rod. The figure advanced towards the girls, raising the rod threateningly.

"No!" Zarna screamed.

"You!?" both Maya and the mysterious figure exclaimed simultaneously.

"What... How... This is all...," Zarna stammered, her voice trailing off, still cradling Advika's head in her lap.


"Stop!" said Tej and opened his eyes. "That's Maya's car, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. Let's get going," said Ray and stepped out of the car. Tej followed. They marched towards the small hut. "But the door's locked," said Ray as he tried turning the doorknob.

"Advika! Maya! Zarna!" called the boys and banged their fists on the door. "Should we try to break in?" asked Ray. 

"That's your department, go ahead," said Tej.


Rishi followed Daksh into the darkness, leaving behind the moonlit street that led them to this gloomy passage. 

"I knew it," said Rishi. "The moonlight was a trap. We're dead if we don't-"

"AAAHHH!" they swivelled as they heard a scream. 

"Was that- no, no, that wasn't. . ." said Daksh.

"Yes, it wasn't Ru, but some other girl," concluded Rishi. "More likely a lady. We shouldn't knock on that door."

They stood in a long, narrow passage comprising several doors, which could lead them to a place or room they knew nothing about.

Rishi looked around himself, scanning all the doors. The only source of light was the dim bulb suspended from the ceiling. 

"Which door would have Ru chosen?" he wondered. "And why?"

"Rutuja! Rutuja!" called Daksh, going from one door to another. 

"Ru! Can you hear us? Where are you?" cried Rishi.

Daksh closed his eyes and felt his heartbeat. "Rutuja," he whispered.


"Does not work," said Ray as he handed the hairpin back to Tej. 

"By the way," he said as he got to his feet. "This is Advika's, right?"

Tej nodded his head and rushed towards the only window at the backside of the hut. Without a second thought, he placed both his hands on the thatched, closed window and closed his eyes.

Ray exchanged a puzzled glance with Tej before his attention shifted to Maya's car. With a sense of urgency, he hurried towards it, driven by a purpose yet unknown.

Meanwhile, Tej focused his thoughts on the window, feeling the woven fibers that composed it. He concentrated on channeling the warmth from his body into his palms and then directed it towards the material of the window.

As Tej concentrated, Ray took decisive action. Armed with a stick, he shattered the glass of the car window and swiftly opened the door. He collected the black bag, water bottles, and other items that he believed would be valuable for the impending journey ahead.

The window caught fire. Tej stepped back, panting, his hands on his knees. 

"Brooo!" exclaimed Ray. "That was cool. No, actually hot."

Tej swivelled and saw Ray carrying a huge black bag on his back, water bottles, and two purses in his hand. "What-" he glanced at Maya's car. "You broke the glass!?"

"Yes, well, what option did I have," Ray defended. "We might need these things inside."

Tej peeped inside the hut through the window. 

"Bro, let's just go inside," said Ray.


"How are you so sure?" asked Rishi as they stood before a giant grey door. 

"I just know," replied Daksh and kept his hands on the door. 

Rishi pressed his ears against it. "I do hear some chatter," he added.

"Do you hear her?" asked Daksh. "I think I do," said Rishi. Daksh turned the doorknob.

"No, wait!" said a voice from behind.


Until the next update. . .

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