The Books

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"I tried calling Advika," Ray informed Tej, joining him at the dining table. Zarna glanced at her phone, spotting a message from Advika.

Zarna, if you're reading this, Maya and I are likely trapped in the temple. Please use the voice changer app on your phone to speak with our parents. Handle Ray and Tej. And whatever you do, do not attempt to rescue us. It's too risky.

"Advika and Maya must be occupied with their work," Zarna commented, slipping her phone back into her pocket. Changing the subject, she asked, "How did you both finish so early?"

"I wrapped up my tasks ahead of schedule," Tej replied, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Yeah, I managed to finish the show as well," Ray chimed in between bites of her sandwich.

"Well then, if you're already here, I'll take my leave," Zarna stated, picking up her sling bag. "Wait," Tej interjected. "Have something to eat first, and then I'll drop you off at home."

"Oh, I already had supper with Aunt, and I need to stop by Jiya's place on my way back. I'll see Aunt and head home. See you tomorrow."

"You're sure you'll be fine going alone?" Ray inquired. "Yes, don't worry," Zarna reassured them before making her way toward Swarna's bedroom.

Tej and Ray exchanged concerned glances. "Something doesn't feel right," Ray remarked. Tej shrugged, taking another bite of his sandwich.


"Wow!" Maya exclaimed, crossing her arms. "What a brilliant plan, Advika."

"At least I'm trying," Advika retorted, inserting her hairpin into one of the old books she had discovered in the room. "Oh my God!"

The book opened, revealing a portrait of a queen. It was Queen Bhilangana, as stated in the book.

"I can't believe this," Maya muttered, clenching her fists. "You're impossible, Advika. We're stuck here, and you want to read some old book?"

"Maya," Advika said, her eyes fixed on the book. "I'm just trying to find a way out."

Maya walked over to the door and pulled with all her might, using every ounce of strength she had. Meanwhile, Advika quickly scanned through the pages, searching for any valuable information that could assist them.

She halted at a specific page, abruptly rose to her feet, and dashed toward the window.

Mother Earth give me strength. I call and ask this of thee. Help me feel your strength again and seek the power that resides within.

Advika spoke, taking a deep breath and placing her hands on the window. She could sense a surge of energy coursing through her fingertips. Maya turned around just as the window swung open. Advika hurriedly gathered the books and the treasure box, stuffing them into her bag. "Forget about everything else, let's go!" Maya urged, sprinting towards the window and peering outside.


Zarna let out a sigh and sank into the chair in her bedroom. "Advika! Thank God you called. I've been worried sick," she said, sitting upright.

"We're going home now, don't worry, we're fine," said Advika. "See you tomorrow at Maya's."

"Okay, take care," said Zarna.


Maya hit the brakes as they arrived at Advika's home. "How did you manage to open the window?" she asked curiously.

"With the spell I found in that book," replied Advika, struggling to lift her heavy bag filled with items from the secret room.

"Are you sure you can carry all that without tripping?" Maya inquired with a smirk.

"Absolutely," Advika assured her, opening the car door. "I'll be fine. See you tomorrow!"


Daksh, Rutuja, and Rishi sat on the floor with swollen eyes and dull faces.

Indra settled onto the crimson sofa across from them, his gaze shifting to his side, anticipating Dai Ma's arrival. However, his hope crumbled as she failed to take her usual seat. His heart sank, and he fought to hold back tears, clearing his throat to regain composure.

"Those were Azazel's operatives," he began, finally breaking the oppressive silence. "I have faced off against his men in the past, but this time, they hold the advantage."

"Now? What do you mean by 'now'?" Rutuja asked, her tears still damp on her cheeks.

"Azazel has a son," Indra revealed.

"He has a son!?" Daksh exclaimed, his mind reeling at the thought. Memories of his visits to Azazel's lair flashed through his mind, and he was astounded to realize that he had never encountered Azazel's alleged son.

"Yes," Indra confirmed. "We're unsure whether he adopted the child or if the boy is truly his own, but he is referred to as the Prince."

"What about him?" asked Rishi.

"He has a special power," replied Indra. "The power of harnessing the moon's energy."

"Oh, and it is the New Moon phase," added Rutuja. Daksh and Rishi looked at her, confused. 

"In the new moon phase, if harnessed properly, one can increase his/her dark powers," she elaborated.

"So? Does that make him invincible?" questioned Rishi.

"Not invincible," replied Rutuja. "But as Master Indra said, he has an upper hand."

"So, it means we do not stand a chance?" asked Daksh. Rishi looked at Indra. "Why can't we utilize the power then?"

"The Prince has some affinity," said Indra. 

"Does that make him invincible?" questioned Rishi. "Not exactly," said Indra. "But he is powerful."

"More than Azazel?" asked Daksh. "Maybe," answered Indra. Daksh was taken aback. He had not seen any witch or wizard more powerful than Azazel.

"Dai Ma knew this," said Indra. "She knew if we waited there to fight, we all would have been dead by now."

"Why didn't she join us? Why the sacrifice?" asked Rishi.

"Dai Ma was the only one who knew this moon magic," revealed Indra. "We needed someone to block him until the crystal transported us here. He could even stop the crystal from teleporting us and reverse things."

"What do we do now?" asked Rishi.

"We need to get his details. His weaknesses," said Indra and got to his feet. 

"Rutuja, there are a couple of books on new moon powers upstairs in the library. Go through them."

Rutuja nodded her head. "And boys, try not to wander and stay indoors."


To be continued. . .

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