A New Beginning

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"Alright," Tej uttered as he shut the file, his voice carrying a hint of determination. Adjusting his tie with precision, he reassured himself, "I'll talk to the clients."

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I'll be back shortly," he excused himself, swiftly leaving the conference room, and making his way towards the restroom.

With a heavy sigh, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, taking in the impeccable attire he adorned. A crisp white formal shirt complemented by sleek black trousers, a matching blazer, and a neatly tied black tie.

Unexpectedly, a voice resonated from behind, causing Tej to pivot on his heels, his brows furrowing in surprise. "You? What are you doing here? Who's looking after Dad?" he questioned, a mix of concern and curiosity lacing his words.

"Relax, bro," Ray reassured him, stepping forward and enveloping Tej in a warm embrace. The tension that gripped Tej's frame eased as he closed his eyes, reciprocating the embrace, finding solace in the presence of his best friend.

"Advika is with uncle," Ray disclosed, his voice carrying a note of assurance. "Your aunt reached out to us."

"And?" said Tej.

"She said she will come here and handle-"

"All bullshit," spat Tej. "She just wants dad's property."

"Forget all that," said Ray and removed a locket from his pocket. "Advika went to this temple on the outskirts of the city."

A shiny gold Rudraksh dangled on the delicate silver chain.

Tej smiled and wore it around his neck.

"Ohhhhh," teased Ray and playfully punched Tej's arm. "You don't believe in such stuff, but now, as Advika has sent it."

Tej smiled. "Once everything is fine, I'll confess my love to her."


Rishi sat perched on the edge of his bed, his gaze fixated on the expanse of the sky outside.

"Rishi," Rutuja called out softly, stepping into his room. "Daksh and I just got back from-"

Rishi swiftly wiped away the tears that trickled down his cheeks, mustering a smile to disguise his inner turmoil.

Taking a seat at the foot of the bed, Rutuja reached out and placed a comforting hand on Rishi's. "Missing your parents?" she inquired, her voice filled with empathy.

Rishi nodded, his eyes revealing the depth of his longing. "I miss them too," Rutuja murmured, her lips forming a sympathetic line.

Curiosity sparkled in Rishi's eyes as he asked, "Where were you both?"

"Just out and about, exploring with Rio," she replied, a glimmer of excitement in her voice. "You haven't met Rio yet, have you? He's our horse."

"I'm fine here," Rishi replied curtly, shifting his position to face away from Rutuja.

Sensing his withdrawal, Rutuja rose from her seat, her voice laced with concern. "Rishi, why don't you step outside? It might do you good to get some fresh air."

"I'll go out on my own if I feel like it," Rishi retorted, hugging his pillow tightly, as if seeking solace within its soft embrace.

"Alright," Rutuja acquiesced, her tone filled with understanding. She left him alone, allowing him to wrestle with his thoughts in solitude.


Zarna tugged on the curtains, allowing a stream of sunlight to illuminate the hospital room, casting a warm glow upon Swarna's peaceful face.

"How can you be so certain about it?" Zarna inquired, her voice laced with skepticism, as she glanced at Maya.

Maya met Zarna's gaze, a determined expression on her face, and reached into her pocket, retrieving a small device. "The meter," she stated confidently, holding it up for Zarna to see.

A contemplative look crossed Zarna's face as she tied her hair into a neat bun, her mind processing the implications. "Should we inform Tej about this?" she pondered aloud.

Maya hesitated for a moment, concern etching her features. "No," she decided after a brief pause. "Tej already has so much on his plate. But we must inform Ray and Advika about our findings. I'll call them right away."


His sweeping black robe whispered against the cold stone floor as he strode purposefully toward the imposing rock throne nestled against the dungeon wall. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and charged with an electric excitement that crackled through the chamber.

Kneeling before the throne, a sea of figures clothed in vibrant red robes awaited his arrival, their gazes fixated on the masked man's approach. With a graceful bow, he paid homage to the elderly man seated regally upon the ornate throne.

"Ah, my dear son," Azazel greeted warmly, rising from his seat with a delighted smile. "Welcome home. It is a joyous occasion indeed."

The masked man reciprocated the smile, revealing a face that exuded both strength and allure as he removed the obsidian mask concealing his features. His fair complexion, sculpted calves, prominent eyebrows, chiseled cheekbones, and tautly defined arms captivated the attention of all present within the dungeon's confines.

As Azazel descended from the throne, he gestured toward the vacant seat, beckoning his son to claim his rightful place of authority. With sparkling blue eyes gleaming with determination, the masked man settled into the seat, embracing the weighty responsibility that awaited him.


Hey lovely readers,

How's the story going so far?

Do you like the pair of Tej and Advika? Do let me know in the comments.

Until next time... Stay Tuned!

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