Untitled Part 121

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Advika knew she was as good as dead. And so was Rishi. They lay still on the cold, hard ground; their breath shallow as they awaited their fate. Devansh approached Azazel's throne, bowing deeply before speaking.

"My Lord," he began, his voice reverberating in the vast room as he straightened up and stepped back. Azazel's piercing red eyes locked onto the two prisoners, studying them intently.

"I found them in one of the dimensions while searching for the five," revealed Devansh. "They have replaced the mirror, My Lord." He spoke. Azazel glanced at Devansh. "You must not step anywhere near the portal."

Azazel rose from his throne; his movements deliberate as he descended towards the prisoners. Crouching down to meet their eyes, a smile played on his lips, his gaze shifting to Devansh, who stood nearby.

"Where are the others, My Prince?" questioned Azazel, his voice hoarse and deep. 

"Indra Nagri," said Devansh as Azazel walked towards him. "Is my best guess. My Lord, the others seem to have planned to trap you. But not to worry, I will go there myself and bring them to my Lord."

Azazel's smile widened as he gently placed his hands on Devansh's shoulders, a gesture of approval and perhaps something more sinister beneath the surface.

"Very well," he said. 

Devansh bowed deeply before turning to leave the dungeon. However, a thought struck him, and he halted, pivoting back towards Azazel.

"My Lord," Devansh began, gesturing towards the prisoners, "What shall we do with them?"

Azazel's eyes glinted with a sinister glimmer as he replied in his gravelly voice, "Use them as bait. Take them to our special prison."


The night was enveloped in darkness, broken only by occasional flashes of lightning that illuminated the sky. Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance, a precursor to the impending storm. The first drops of rain began to fall, quickly turning into a torrential downpour. The sound of rain hitting the ground was drowned out by the deafening roar of thunder. The streets were deserted, the only movement coming from the swaying trees and the water rushing through the gutters. It was a night to stay indoors, safe from the fury of the storm.

However, the six stood amidst the protection circle, while the enemy halted in her tracks, now smiling at them; her hands drawing a symbol in air. 

Rutuja, now drenched, hurried towards Maya. "I know a powerful spell," she said. Maya blinked, trying to keep her eyes open in the rain. 

"Just mimic my actions," said Rutuja as she turned to look at her companions. 

"And what will that do?" questioned Tej, as he observed the fire on the protection circle dimming.

"Trap her in this circle," answered Rutuja and took her stance. 

"We cannot beat her," said Maya and stood facing Rutuja. The others followed. "But we can keep her here till we get Advika back."

"Rishi too," added Zarna and gave Rutuja a reassuring look.

As the rain poured down, Rutuja stood at the center, chanting ancient mantras, her hands drawing intricate symbols in the air. Tej, Ray, Maya, Zarna, and Daksh surrounded her, mimicking her movements, their voices blending with hers in a harmonious chant.

As they continued, the enemy closed in on them, her expressions determined. However, as Rutuja's chanting grew more intense, Aguntuk stopped in her tracks, her eyes snapping open. A look of realization crossed her face as she watched the symbols being drawn in the air, recognizing their power. The rain intensified, but the group remained undeterred, their focus unbroken.

"Tej," said Rutuja. "Allow her to enter."

Tej raised his hands in the air. At her first chance, Aguntuk entered the circle from a small opening. The six stepped back at once.

Maya could hear her chest hammering. Zarna grew breathless every passing second. Ray took in a few deep breaths. Tej stepped in front of the lot as Daksh took a few cautious steps, positioning himself behind Aguntuk.

Aguntuk raised her hand in the air, but Daksh was too quick. In a split second, Aguntuk found herself in the middle of the circle, and the six out of it. She observed a dome of fire form above her. She strained to lift her foot, but it remained stubbornly anchored to the ground.

Zarna gave her a weak smile when their eyes met. 

Aguntuk's advance halted abruptly as an unseen force seemed to grip her feet, rooting her to the spot. She struggled, but it was as if her feet were encased in ice, immovable. Her eyes widened in shock and frustration as she realized she was unable to take another step. The group continued their ritual, the symbols in the air glowing with an ethereal light, sealing Aguntuk's fate.

"Now what?" questioned Ray as he glanced at the sky. 

"Can you maybe control the rain?" asked Rutuja. 

Ray closed his eyes for a fleeting moment, letting out a slow, deep breath as he centered himself. When he opened his eyes again and gazed up at the tumultuous sky. His eyelids fluttered against the force of the wind and the driving rain, but he fought to keep them open. With a steady hand, he raised his arm, pointing towards the sky.

In that moment, as he focused his mind and willpower, a sense of calm washed over him. Mirroring his resolve, the raging storm above began to relent. The thunderous roar softened to a distant rumble, and the relentless downpour gradually subsided. Ray's control over the weather was evident as the sky cleared, leaving behind a tranquil calmness in its wake.

"Cool," said Zarna and smiled, giving him a thumbs up.


As Indra mounted his horse, the leather of the saddle creaked under his weight. The horse snorted, sensing its rider's readiness to depart. Devansh quickly followed suit, mounting his own steed, his eyes fixed on Indra ahead.

Meanwhile, Rishi helped Advika onto Rio, ensuring she was securely seated before swinging himself up behind her. Advika held onto Rishi tightly as Rio picked up speed, galloping over the rough terrain of the dark forest.

The sky above was shrouded in darkness, with thick clouds obscuring the moon and stars. The chilly wind whipped through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle ominously. The only sound was the thundering hooves of the horses as they raced through the forest, guided by Indra's determined lead.

"Will this really work?" asked Advika.

"Trust Devansh," replied Rishi, holding on to Rio's bridle. "He has done this before. Fooled Azazel when he was seven. Don't worry, it will all work out just fine."

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