Untitled Part 125

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Tej stepped forward as he conjured a ball of fire in his hands. The flames danced and flickered, casting a warm, orange glow on his determined features. Beside him, Zarna focused her energy, and a shimmering sphere of water appeared, swirling and pulsing with life. Maya extended her arms, summoning a gust of air that whirled around her like a protective vortex. Ray lifted his hands to the sky, drawing upon his element to create a swirling, ethereal sphere of the heavens. Advika, standing in the center, closed her eyes and summoned her connection to the earth. The ground beneath her feet responded, forming a solid, pulsing orb of earthly matter in her grasp.

Devansh and Daksh lunged at Azazel, their combined strength holding him down as he struggled against them. The evil lord thrashed and snarled, but they tightened their grip.

Indra, Rutuja, and Rishi moved quickly, weaving an unseen rope of pure energy around Azazel. The rope glowed faintly, binding him tightly and rendering his dark powers useless. Azazel's eyes fluttered open, revealing bloodshot orbs that radiated malevolence. His gaze locked onto Advika, sending a shiver down her spine.

Advika took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt the cold touch of fear, but she refused to let it take hold. Closing her eyes, she thought of Grantha, the ancient source of her strength and wisdom. She reached out with her mind, seeking its guidance and drawing upon its boundless power.


Rishi swiveled, his eyes catching sight of something in the distance. His gaze sharpened as he focused on it. Rutuja, breathing heavily from the exertion and tension of the battle, followed his line of sight. Her eyes met Rishi's, and a single name echoed in her mind: Aguntuk.

"Dad," Rishi said, his voice carrying a mixture of urgency and familiarity. Indra's heart skipped a beat; it was the first time Rishi had called him 'Dad.'

"We forgot about Aguntuk," Rutuja said, her voice filled with a sudden realization.

"Please trust me with this," Rishi pleaded with his eyes.

"I'll accompany the children," Dai Ma offered, stepping forward with a reassuring presence.

Indra nodded, his hands still firmly on the invisible rope that restrained Azazel. "Come back to me," he implored, his voice tinged with worry and hope.

With one final nod, Rishi, Rutuja, and Dai Ma moved towards the opposite part of the land.


The orbs of fire, water, air, sky, and earth hovered around, each one pulsating with the elemental energy of the five. Together, they formed a barrier of protection and strength, their combined power aimed at Azazel.


"I heard something here," Rishi said, his voice barely above a whisper as they approached the area.

"Let's brace ourselves," Rutuja replied, her voice steady but her heart pounding. They moved cautiously, every sense alert, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the trio ventured further into the unknown, the sky above them darkened, a heavy, oppressive blackness enveloping them. The dense shadows seemed to press in from all sides, cutting them off from the others.

"It's an illusion," said Dai Ma, her voice steady and unwavering. "Face her with all your might. You have the skills."

Rutuja's eyes darted around, searching for the source of the darkness. "She's a demi-god," she said, her voice tinged with fear. "How can we defeat her?"

Dai Ma turned to her, "Quasi-divine," she said, a determined glint in her eyes. "You're a witch," she said firmly. She then glanced at Rishi. "And you're a sorcerer. Together, you have the power to overcome this."

The darkness around them pulsed, and a figure began to take shape within it. She emerged from the shadows, her presence commanding and fearsome. Her eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and her power radiated like a palpable force.

Dai Ma stepped back, giving Rutuja and Rishi the space they needed. "Remember your training," she urged. "And trust in yourselves."

Rishi raised his hands, summoning a protective barrier of energy around them. Rutuja, drawing upon her witchcraft, began to chant an incantation, her voice strong and clear.

Aguntuk sneered, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponents. "You think you can challenge me?" she taunted, her voice echoing with an ethereal quality.

"We don't think," Rishi replied, his voice steady. "We know."

The air crackled with energy, the dark sky around them illuminated by bursts of light and power.

The clash between Rishi and Rutuja against Aguntuk erupted with a ferocity that lit up the entire landscape. Sparks flew everywhere as their powers collided, the air thick with energy and the sound of battle. Rishi stood his ground, his hands outstretched as he projected a void to counter Aguntuk's relentless attacks. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his teeth clenched in concentration as the force of Aguntuk's power threatened to overwhelm him.

"Rutuja, now!" Rishi yelled; his voice strained.

Rutuja's chants filled the air, her voice growing louder and more powerful with each syllable. The ancient words flowed from her with an intensity that made the ground beneath them tremble. She drew upon every ounce of her magic.

Dai Ma watched from a distance, her eyes wide with concern. "She cannot be killed, Rutuja! She's a Quasi-divine!" she yelled over the din. "You must send her back to her world!"

Rutuja's mind raced, her chants never faltering. "How?" she called back, desperation creeping into her voice.

"Use the binding spell! Dai Ma replied, urgency in her tone. "It's the only way!"

Rutuja's heart pounded as she racked her brain for the spell. She could feel the raw power of Aguntuk pressing against them, her chants barely keeping the enemy at bay. She needed to focus, to find the right words, to channel the energy correctly.

Rishi's void flickered, and he let out a pained grunt. "Rutuja, hurry!" he urged, his strength waning.

Rutuja took a deep breath, her eyes closing for a brief moment as she centered herself. She visualized the ancient book, the pages turning in her mind until she found the spell. Opening her eyes, she began to chant the binding spell, her voice ringing out with newfound clarity and power.

Aguntuk snarled, sensing the shift in the battle. She lashed out with a burst of energy, but Rishi, drawing on the last reserves of his strength, reinforced his void just in time. The sparks intensified, lighting up the sky like a violent storm.

Rutuja's chants reached a crescendo, her words weaving a web of magic that began to wrap around Aguntuk. Her movements slowed, her attacks growing less focused as the binding spell took hold.

"Now, Rishi!" Rutuja cried, pouring every bit of her power into the final words of the spell.

With a determined roar, Rishi pushed forward, his void merging with Rutuja's magic. The combined force of their powers enveloped Aguntuk, binding her with an unbreakable tether. The air crackled with energy as the spell tightened around her, drawing her towards the portal that began to form behind her.

Aguntuk's eyes widened with fury and desperation as she struggled against the binding. But it was too late. The portal's pull was irresistible, dragging her back towards her world. With a final, furious scream, Aguntuk was sucked into the portal, which then snapped shut with a burst of light.

Silence fell over the battlefield, the air still crackling with residual energy. Rishi and Rutuja stood panting, their bodies trembling from the exertion. Dai Ma approached them, her face a mixture of relief and pride.

Just as they were about to celebrate their victory, a residual burst of energy from the collapsing portal struck Rishi. He cried out, collapsing to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Rutuja rushed to his side, her heart pounding with fear.

"Rishi!" she screamed, her hands shaking as she tried to stabilize him. His eyes fluttered, his skin pale and cold. "No, no, no," she cried, looking up at Dai Ma.

"Take him to Tara," said Dai Ma, "she can heal him."


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