3. The Path of Vengeance.

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After the two women agreed to work together to kill the Luccian Royal Family they stayed up late into the night discussing how they could actually pull off such a task. After much debating, it was at last decided that they would apply for jobs as maids within the palace.

With their previous experience living in the Royal cast, they knew that whenever a ball was going to be held more staff would be hired, so it was the perfect time to get in. They would then work their way up in the ranks of the servants until they got an opportunity to strike. It would take time, but the two women had the rest of their lives. It would be risky, but neither of them cared if they lost their lives, as long as they could tase sweet vengeance first.

The next morning they awoke bright and early. They hurried to pack up the few belongings they had along with some pigments they had left. Wearing the two overskirts she owned and carrying the makeshift bag of her belongings wrapped in the rust-colored shawl she watched as Enicia informed the family that ran the dry good stall next to their home that the two women would be going away for a while, and that the family was welcome to use the shop for storage as long as they kept an eye on it as well.

After that was done Enicia linked her arm with Y/N and the pair walked down the slowly stirring street. Y/N's heart thrummed with a strange combination of nervousness and excitement. With every step, she took she felt like she was moving closer to a destiny that had always been hers. It was exhilarating to know that she was on the path of avenging not just her family but her whole country, that must have been the reason why she had escaped death that night; she had a greater purpose.

The moment was short-lived as someone called out her name from behind them on the street. "Y/N!" She jumped, startled by the sudden noise. "MISS Y/N, MISS ENICIA!"

Recognizing the voice Y/N sighed while Enicia struggled to keep from laughing as she unhooked her arm from Y/N's and stopped walking.

"Hello, Petiro," Y/N greeted the young man with a forced smile as she turned around to face the individual who had been most the persistent in seeking her hand, most would-be suitors gave up after she turned down their proposals once or twice, but he must have asked her five times at least. "What brings you into the city this fine morning?" She asked.

"Y-You," He panted, out of breath from running after them, his sweet face flushed pink. "I-I mean father sent me to get your order for next month's wool delivery," he elaborated, blushing further. He was the son of the sheep farmer who supplied the women with wool for their shop, and he had been smitten with Y/N for years.

"Oh, thank you but there's no need," Y/N said, attempting to be polite while still keeping her distance. "Enicia and I are going away for a while, so we won't need any more wool."

"What?" Petiro asked hurt flashing briefly in his gentle eyes. "Where are you going? How long will you be gone?" He pressed her.

"I'm not sure how long we'll be gone," Y/N answered evasively, not wanting him to spend time pining after her with the false hope that she would one day return his feelings. "Well, it was nice to run into you before we left." She offered him a slight curtsy before she turned around and joined Enicia.

"WAIT!" Petiro shouted, causing Y/N to stop in her tracks again. She flinched as she noticed the people who had begun watching the spectacle as she turned back around to face him. "Y/N, please don't go. My offer still stands, please reconsider. I-I love you, marry me, please. I promise that I will care for you and give you all the luxury I can afford." He asked desperately, taking hold of Y/N's hands.

"Petiro," Y/N said gently as she pulled her hands away from his. "You flatter me, but I am not the one for you. I wouldn't make a good wife. I think that you would be suited to the miller's daughter, and I think she fancies you." She told him for what must have been the sixth time.

"... But you're the one I want Y/N," He said softly, true heartbreak showing in his eyes as they began to fill with tears.

"I know, but that doesn't mean that we would have a happy marriage," Y/N said quickly. She hated it when people cried, she never knew what to do. "We walk different paths in life Petiro." She told him firmly. He was a fine young man, but he wanted a simple life of a shepherd, with a loving wife and a family of his own, and Y/N's true identity along with her desire for vengeance would surely destroy all of that.

Before Petiro could say anything else Y/N took Enicia's arm and hurried away. She was so embarrassed, and it didn't help that she could feel the older woman struggling to keep from laughing. After they were several streets away Enicia finally spoke. "That was a bit harsh don't you think?" She asked, a jolly twinkle in her eyes.

"Perhaps," Y/N shrugged, still feeling disgruntled by the whole ordeal. "But I just told him the truth."

"Well, if you're truth continues to be so cold and thorny you're going to grow into an old maid like me," Enicia teased with a laugh, her smiling face making the wrinkles on her face more apparent.

"And what's the matter with that?" Y/N tilted her head as she looked up at the older woman. She was sixteen years old, and even though most of the girls her age occupied themselves dreaming about their future husbands the trauma and hardships she endured as a child made her lose interest in all of that. "You know that I've never been interested in love, not with all the secrets I'd have to keep. I prefer being alone, and anyway," she gave Enicia one of her rare grins as she said, "I don't think growing up to be a capable woman like you would be bad at all."


I know that Y/N might seem a bit young, and she is. Keep in mind that she has had to live on the run since she was six years old. In years alone she is sixteen, but in her life experiences she is much older, and I try to reflect that in her behavior.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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