25. To Kill The Queen.

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It was late in the evening. Y/N had taken her walk with the Prince earlier that day but had been unable to find time to get away from work until it was very late at night. Despite the late hour, she rushed down to the kitchens at once to inform Enicia of the incredible breakthrough she had in their assassination plot.

The maze of moonlit corridors had become familiar to her and she managed to find her way to the kitchen without losing her way a single time. With no time to celebrate she burst through the doors to find the kitchen deserted except for one solitary figure who was bent over a washbasin scrubbing at dishes.

"Hello Enicia," Y/N greeted the older women, being much more industrious than the Luccian maids it was not uncommon to find her staying up late to complete her work, but Y/N was very grateful for that fact that night. "I'm glad you're still awake."

"Y/N! You scared me!" Enicia gasped fumbling with the pot she was scrubbing and nearly dropping it. "It's good to see you though, how have you been?"

"No time for pleasantries!" Y/N said urgently as she produced a small leather-bound notebook from her pockets along with a pencil and began to write as quickly as she could to ensure no one would eavesdrop. I found a way to kill the Queen and I'm going to follow through with it tomorrow.

"What?!" Enicia gasped before she quickly accepted the pencil and book and began to write. This is great news, but do you know how to kill the whole family or just the queen? She handed it back to Y/N.

Y/N scribbled a reply, too excited to realize just how irritated she was at Enicia's perfect handwriting. Just the Queen but I'm going to take this chance and kill her, now that I know how to do it I can't wait.

Enicia's eyes went wide as she read Y/N's note and she thought for several minutes before she wrote back. Y/N please, wait. If we kill the Queen and not the whole Royal family simultaneously then the increased security around the remaining members will make it impossible to get total revenge.

Y/N felt anger begin to stir in her veins as she recalled the thousands of bloodcurdling screams she had heard the night her country had fallen. I don't care! I have a chance, I need to take it! I can't just sit around while I know I can avenge all those who died and my family! I have to act!

Enicia wrote back as quickly as possible, her handwriting was as messy as Y/N had ever seen it. Y/N, please reconsider! Nothing good will come from this! It will be ruinous to our full revenge as well!

Y/N gritted her teeth, the more Enicia tried to dissuade her the more resolute and angry she became. Nothing you say will change my mind! I'm killing her tomorrow! She practically threw the book towards her old governess.

"Y/N! This is the same reckless impulsivity that cost your father everything, including his life!" Enicia cried out, her voice was more emotional than Y/N had ever heard before. She jumped, she had never heard her so angry before and when she looked at her face she saw tears on her cheeks. "Please Y/N, don't make the same mistake!" She begged, any trace of her normal composure gone.

"Don't talk to me about my father," Y/N growled in response. She tore the pages containing their conversation from the book and cast them into the fireplace. Taking hold of one of the carving knives she began to walk towards the door. "Nothing you say will change my mind... Goodbye Enicia, thank you for all you have done for me." She told the woman who had practically raised her with a hint of sadness in her voice.

. . .

The next morning Y/N was a ball of nerves. She could barely keep herself from shaking as she got dressed and took the knife she had stolen from the kitchen and tucked it down her corset to keep it secure and out of sight. She headed down the hall to lady Cascia's chambers and entered.

"Hey Y/N!" The frivolous lady called out cheerfully from where she sat drinking her tea. "What are you doing?" She asked, wondering why Y/N was there on her day off.

Y/N bowed her head to her, well-aware that this may be the last time she ever saw her. "I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me Lady Cascia."

"Oh Y/N," she sulked as she stood up and rushed to give Y/N a hug. "How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Cascia before it sinks into that pretty head of yours?!" She complained, patting Y/N's hair.

"One more time it seems," Y/N forced herself to smile instead of bursting into tears. She never imagined that she would have any friends in her life apart from Enicia, but Cascia had been the best friend she had ever had. "Cascia."

The H/C haired maid pulled away and turned towards the doorway where Törrsk stood watching her in silence. She felt a chill run down her spine as her eyes met his icy blue gaze. The way he looked at her, she could tell that he somehow knew what she was about to do, without her saying anything about it to him. "Y/N..." He looked at her with understanding, but sad eyes.

"Törrsk," was all she said as she passed him, but in her gaze hoped that she was able to covey the same complexity of thought that he was able to.

Once she was out she hurried down the hall, ordering her feet to move regardless of how much her heart rate spiked the closer she got to the windows that Abeloni had told her about. It took longer to find it than expected, but after enough sculking around she eventually caught sight of the small balcony he had told her about a floor above through a window partway down the hallway.

Taking a deep breath and checking to make sure that she was alone in the hallway she stepped up onto the windowsill and pulled herself outside, clinging onto the ornate carvings on the walk to keep from falling to her gruesome death.

Oh! This is high! Y/N thought, her stomach lurching as she realized that a fall from that height would kill her. She began shaking and sweating which only added to her panic. I-I feel sick - No Y/N focus! This is for your country, your people, your family! She squashed down her fear as she caught sight of the golden butterfly bracelet on her wrist, a symbol of all she fought for.

Gritting her teeth she reached out her arms to the stone railing around the tiny balcony and hauled herself up, arms burning and panting for breath she flopped onto the terrace in a heap. Finally! I'm in! Now, to find the Queen. She thought as she got up and entered the most luxurious room she had ever seen, nearly every available surface was either covered in gold or imported silks.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps Y/N dashed to conceal herself behind some floor-to-ceiling silk drapes. "Yes yes, I know that the king has given you orders to remain by my side at all times, but I must insist on having some time to myself," a regal voice spoke out that Y/N could only assume belonged to the queen. "Thank you ladies, I shall call for you if I need anything."

Yes, we're alone! She thought with a smirk, feeling the cold of the blade resting against her bosom. Now I just need to wait for an opportunity to strike-

"-I know that someone is here," The queen's voice rang out in a commanding tone causing Y/N's blood to freeze. "Come out at once or I'll call the guards."


Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger.

It looks like Queen Y/N of Luccia and Princess Y/N of Vascini will finally meet each other. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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