38. So You're in Love.

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Abeloni stood on a small terrace in one of the secluded parlors for the Royal Family sloppily nursing his nose which was clearly broken now that he had moped up most of the blood. He'd had to skip out on a tutoring session, something that had become an increasingly common occurrence since he met Y/N, to take care of his nose to the best of his ability.

It ached but he barely noticed as he was focused completely on reliving the time he spent with Y/N at the archery range. He could tell by the way she acted that she was not particularly excited about being forced to spend time with him, but she seemed to have cheered up significantly after accidentally elbowing him in the nose. Instead of being moody a contented smile stretched across his face, Lady Luccia, so this is what it's like to be in love, he invoked the name of the goddess feeling giddy. I think I'm beginning to understand why my father fawns over my mother day and night.

"Abeloni! There you are my boy, the whole court has been looking for you," the young prince jumped as he was startled out of his thoughts as he heard the exclamation of his father who had just walked into the secluded chamber looking for him. "You're late for your tutoring - by Luccia! What happened to you?!" He gasped his brows furrowing as he caught sight of the blood on his son's fine silk shirt, his hands, and the handkerchief that was clutched at the base of his nose.

"Nothing! Nothing!" He quickly turned away in a vain attempt to keep his father from seeing the extent of the bruising that was beginning to blossom on his peachy skin. "I-I tripped down going up the stairs and didn't want anyone to see me like this..." He lied awkwardly, unable to meet the indigo gaze of the king of Luccia.

"Don't lie to me," he arched a dark eyebrow as he looked down at his sheepish son who resembled him so entirely that he almost felt like he was talking to a younger version of himself. "It looks like someone hit you, did you get into a fight? Who did this to you? I want to see him face some punishment." He pestered him sternly.

His blood froze at the coldness in his father's tone. "No no no!" Abeloni's teal eyes widened in fear at the thought of Y/N facing any kind of retribution, he knew that his father could be merciless to anyone who dared to hurt his family. Knowing that unless he explained the situation Y/N could get hurt he relented and told the truth about his injury. "Fine I MAY have caught an elbow to the face during an archery session but it was an accident, she didn't mean to-"

"She?! A woman broke your nose?!" King Ilidoro's tan face broke into an incredulous expression that soon morphed into a wide grin. "Why didn't you say so sooner?!"

"Well, I-" Abeloni stammered, confused by his sudden change in demeanor.

"This is wonderful news! I need to tell you're mother right away!" The king dropped the serious airs that he generally put on and revealed his much more whimsical nature briefly before he dashed from the room leaving his son completely bewildered.

"Umm..." He muttered as he found himself alone, growing increasingly worried about Y/N. As the minutes stretched on his paranoia began to grow into it had begun to spiral out of control as thoughts about all the terrible things that the king could be playing to do to Y/N consumed him.

Before he could fall into a complete mental breakdown he heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the room. He turned from the window in time to see his father come rushing through the doorway physically carrying his mother in her bejeweled gown. "Come look, my love!" The king expressed with great giddiness, his curly brown and graey hair going in every direction as he continued to hold his wife like some injured martyr. "It's just wonderful!"

"Well, it's not exactly like I had a choice in the matter," The queen said in a rather disgruntled tone as she straightened her glittering tiara indignantly while still being held up in her husband's arms. "After all you just burst into my chambers and carried me bodily from the room without any explanation - brings back memories now that I think about it." She allowed herself to chuckle and a small smile stretched her face as she recalled the adventures they had in their youth.

"There was no time, I wanted you to experience this moment!" He shot back in a frenzy as he carried her right up to the very confused crown prince before he deposited her back on her feet. "Look! A lady broke our dear Abeloni's nose!" He stated as though it was something to be celebrated.

"My word!" She gasped, clutching her hands to her mouth as she caught sight of the purple bruising that was rapidly forming on her son's countenance. Once she made sure he wasn't badly hurt she said with a gentle laugh.  "If she has the nerve to do that she is definitely a keeper."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" The king practically squealed as he took hold of his wife's hands and kissed them several times before he turned his exuberant energy on his son. ''So who is she? Do we know her? How long have you been talking? When do you want the wedding?"

"Father..." Abeloni blushed in embarrassment at his father's bombardment of questions, the thought of marrying Y/N only stoking the flaming pigment on his cheeks and ears. "I don't even know how she feels about me... Don't you care about my poor nose..." He tried to distract their attention from his romantic feelings.

"Forgive your father's excitement Abeloni dear," His mother told him as she put her hand on his shoulder caringly.  "it's just that you've never seemed very interested in finding a partner so the fact that you took her shooting with you is quite exciting."


Well, that's the end. I have written 365 chapters in 365 days, and I am going to end my year of writing a chapter every day on this wholesome note. ^~^

Don't worry, I will be uploading a new chapter every Friday plus extra if I have time and energy. Thank you for coming on this writing journey with me, I couldn't have done it without you, and,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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