39. Getting Out of Hand.

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Abeloni had been practically buzzing with energy and excitement ever since his discussion with his parents. They had tried to weasel the name of the lady he fancied out of him but he kept his lips sealed, even so in his love-clouded mind he took their acceptance of the idea of him pursuing a woman as acceptance for his feelings for Y/N specifically.

The way that he misconstrued this information led to increasing problems down the line. He kept himself hidden as much as he could until the ugly bruising diminished, for the most part, but no amount of waiting would change the new rather crooked position of his nose. Most people would have been disappointed by such a thing but Abeloni didn't mind at all knowing that Y/N had been the one to give it to him, he also thought that it made him look a bit more ruggedly handsome like the heroes he admired in his romance novels so he was secretly pleased.

Speaking of romance novels, what had once been a secret guilty pleasure of his had begun to spiral out of control. His chambers were now littered with dozens of romance books from the palace library along with more medical reports that he would comb through trying to figure out what had caused Y/N's burns.

One yet another beautiful afternoon he could be found shut up in his bed chambers, which had become a normality for him. He dashed around, cross-referencing the many books he was hoarding and taking notes on loose leaves of paper and the second journal which had been dedicated to information about Y/N while munching on a piece of stale toast from the previous night that was his first bit of food that day.

His hectic research was brought to a halt as a knock resounded on the door to the chamber. "Sire, it is time for you're afternoon meeting with the various lower Demboccs," his valet called through the thick wood.

"Tell them that I have decided to decline," Abeloni scoffed at once before returning his attention to the two books in his hands.  "I have more important work to attend to."

"B-But Sire," The valet persisted as he stepped through the door, reluctantly entering the radius of the Prince's new volatile temper. "This is the third meeting you have declined this week, if you continue to neglect your duties-"

"-Do you dare to question my authority?" Abeloni shot back as he fixed the man with an icy glare. "Securing the hand of the future Queen is far more important than a petty meeting, wouldn't you agree?" He asked, in his perception that was warped by his growing affection for Y/N he had taken his father's question about a wedding far too seriously. Now that he had envisioned it and gotten a taste of what it was like he was obsessed with making it become a reality. Y/N would be his Queen, one way or another.

"Y-Yes Your Highness," the valet stammered, knowing that the consequences could be severe if he dared to disagree with the crown prince.

"Then make yourself useful by going into the city and find a piece of jewelry fit for a Queen," Abeloni ordered him as he tossed him a velvet coin pouch. "Here, this should be enough to cover it."

"Y-Yes Your Highness!" The valet bowed before he quickly exited the chamber, the look on the face of the young prince making it more than clear that their conversation was finished.

. . .

"Hello Y/N," Prince Abeloni called as he skipped up to the lady-in-waiting in a small secluded courtyard several hours later, clutching a small box behind his back. It was the first time he had been seen by anyone in at least a week so stares had followed him his entire way there but he was oblivious to them all, his attention only on the fact that he was about to see Y/N. "Do you have a moment, I would like to speak with you?" he asked her, shifting from foot to foot in his nervous excitement.

"I Do Your Highness - my goodness I'm so sorry!" Y/N gasped, her eyes widening in shock and remorse as she saw the slightly swollen and crooked placement of his nose along with the faint yellow trace of a fading bruise. "I assure you, it was not my intention to hurt you down at the archery range. Please forgive me!" She apologized, fearing that he wanted to punish her for breaking his nose.

"No need for apologies," He told her quickly, trying to disperse her concerns. He placed a hand to his sharp chin and gave her a dashing smile. "I think it adds to my rugged good looks, wouldn't you agree beautiful?" He winked at her flirtatiously.

"I-I suppose I would agree Your Highness..." Y/N stammered, caught off guard not only by the fact that it was very obvious that Abeloni was trying to court her but also because on inspection it was undeniable that he was quite attractive.

"Really?!" His face broke into a foolish grin and his heart exploded in a flurry of rapid heartbeats at her praise of his appearance, he felt like he might fly away. Clearing his throat to ground himself again he pulled the box from behind his back and handed it to her.  "I-I really must insist that you call me Abeloni, if we're on a first-name basis giving you this wouldn't be inappropriate."

"Oh my..." Y/N gasped as she removed the lid of the box to find that a golden necklace lay within, the center jewel was a ruby and it was set into a carefully sculpted golden butterfly that glittered in the sunlight. "I-I can't accept this." She said with a pang as she suddenly realized that her father's discarded bracelet also had a butterfly centerpiece and tried to hand the box back to the Crown Prince.

"Do you not like it?" Abeloni asked her, his teal eyes glistening with hurt at the thought that she didn't enjoy his gift. His father was always overly flirtatious with his mother and was constantly buying her gifts, so the thought that this didn't have the same effect on Y/N left him at a loss. "It's fine if you don't I'm sure that I can find something that you do fancy."

"It's not that I don't like it... it's just," Y/N faltered, unsure as to why seeing him look so disappointed made her feel disappointed herself. "I... I don't have any occasion to wear something like this..." She eventually said, looking away in embarrassment.

"Then I'll make an occasion it that's what's bothering you!" Abeloni told her in a heartbeat. "Meet me right here in a week at sunset? Alright? Alright! Don't worry Y/N, it will be wonderful!" After he handed the box back to her he rushed off, tripping over his own feet as he went.


Abeloni's yandere is really starting to show.

Also, I can't believe it's already been a week since I last wrote a chapter. I'm enjoying my vacation but I miss writing already. T~T

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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