28. Afternoon Tea.

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While Abeloni was questioning Enicia in the kitchen Y/N was frozen in fear as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps and concerned voices coming towards the door to the chamber.

"Hide! Quickly!" The Queen hissed urgently, grabbing Y/N and shoving her towards the drapes where she had hidden before.

Y/N slipped behind them and forced her breathing to slow, moments later the door was opened and one of the worried handmaidens spoke up. "My Lady are you alright, I heard shouting?" She asked, clearly concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine, I just tripped over some furniture," The Queen replied quickly, covering for Y/N's outburst as she sent her handmaidens away. "It's nothing serious."

Y/N let out the breath she had been holding in as she heard the door close behind the ladies-in-waiting. "You can come out now," the Queen said after a moment and Y/N obeyed, stepping out from her hiding place. "You should leave the way you came before anyone else disturbs us," she told Y/N in a whisper as she guided her towards the window through which she had entered.

"You-you're not going to have me executed?" Y/N asked, turning from the small window alcove to face her with an incredulous expression on her face. How could this woman just let her go knowing what Y/N was plotting?

"No, think of this as your only pardon," The Queen shook her head as she gave Y/N another nudge towards the window. "Now go, and understand that I won't be as merciful if you come after my family again."

Not wanting to wait around in case she changed her mind Y/N quickly swung her legs over the stone railing and attached herself to the ornaments on the sides of the building, being careful to not make the mistake of looking down like she had on her way into the chambers.

After several grueling moments that felt much longer, Y/N was eventually back through the window and standing on the solid ground of the hallway. She was in such a daze that she just stood there for a while contemplating everything Queen Y/N had said.

Was it really true that she had once been engaged to King Dandini? And that she had actually been named after her? In the moment she had been so overwhelmed by the whole ordeal that she hadn't thought about the credibility of her tale, but now that she looked back on in she couldn't help but have doubts.

Was it true, or was it just a lie that had been quickly concocted to trick Y/N into abandoning her revenge plans? But why would the Queen go through all that trouble when it would be much easier to just have her captured and executed for treason and attempted assassination? Could she really be telling the truth?

Y/N's head was spinning, she didn't know what to believe. She remembered her father as a good man, but it was so many years ago, could her memories be trusted? And if the Queen was telling the truth, then her revenge wasn't as simple of a matter as she thought. Needing to see a familiar face she decided to visit Enicia, despite the teasing she was bound to face receive returning without killing the Queen like she said she would.

Dragging her feet, she eventually arrived at the kitchens, she was surprised to see that apart from Enicia the cozy space was void of life. "Y/N, back already!" The older lady gasped as she caught sight of Y/N's slouching figure. "How'd it go?"

"I don't want to talk about it..." Y/N groaned as she slumped over one of the tables and fished the knife from inside her corset, setting it on the table with a clatter.

"I take it not too well then," Enicia replied, struggling not to laugh at Y/N's disappointment.

"I said I don't want to talk about it," she repeated, not watching to bring up her conversation with the Queen out of fear of what Enicia may confirm to be true.

"Well, I think you ought to, considering that we need a new plan to operate on now that I assume you've blown that easy way in," she said in a lecturing tone and Y/N cringed, she knew she was right. "But I won't press you."

"You could say that," Y/N relented, "although I certainly wouldn't call it easy." She shuddered as she thought about how terrifying climbing along the wall had been.

"So would you like some tea?" Enicia changed the subject, seeing no reason to lecture Y/N any further.

"Yes, please," despite her bad mood some tea did sound delicious.

"Here you are then," Her old governess set a plain tea service in front of her and Y/N reached for a cup at once. "Since you don't want to talk, would you like to hear about what happened to me today?" She offered.

"Sure," Y/N agreed, liking the idea of a pleasant distraction. "Also, why is there no one here?" She voiced the question that had been on the back of her mind ever since she arrived in the kitchen.

"Well, you see, Crown Prince Abeloni decided to visit the kitchen today and his sudden appearance caused all the staff to scatter like a scared flock of Pigeons," Enicia responded as though it were a very mundane thing.

"Really?!" Y/N nearly choked on her tea, baffled as to what he was doing down there. "Whatever was he doing here?"

"He wanted to talk to me," The older women responded calmly, after a moment's pause she added. "... To ask me about you."

"What did you tell him?" Y/N asked worriedly.

"The same as always, don't worry," She soothed her concerns. She was sure to perpetuate the story of childless spinner and abandoned girl that they had come up with over the years. "But to discover our relations and come all the way to speak with me, he must be very interested in you - we could make good use of this if you're willing to not be as reckless." She added.

"You have a good point," Y/N sighed, recognizing the lesson that Enicia was trying to teach her. "I think I've learned my lesson about being reckless."

Before anything more could be said between the two women they were interrupted by the door of the kitchen being thrown open. They turned in unison and saw the handsome young prince standing in the doorway. "Hello, it's me again!" He said with a bright smile as he entered the kitchen for the second time that day and the second time in his life. "I was wondering if you'd seen my journal - Y/N?! What a pleasant surprise." His face visibly lit up as his bright blue eyes landed on the girl he was so curious about.

"It's right here," Enicia said as she held out the book. Having read through it she had a much better understanding of just how obsessed with information about Y/N he was becoming. "Would you care to join us for tea, Your Highness?" She offered.

"I would love to," he said at once, joyfully sitting across from the H/C haired handmaiden as he accepted his second cup of tea.

As they sat around the kitchen table drinking tea Y/N was too lost in her thoughts about what the Queen had told her to notice that Abeloni was staring at her enraptured the entire time, but Enicia noticed. She smiled as her suspensions about why the prince was so interested in Y/N were confirmed, he was falling in love with her, even if he didn't realize it yet.


Enicia knows all. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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