22. Family Advice.

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Abeloni slouched into one of the private sections of the palace that were exclusively for the use of the Luccian Royal Family. He had just returned from having tea with Lady Cascia and he was not in a good mood.

He dragged his feet across the highly polished stone floor as he walked through an open parlor on one of the highest floors of the palace that would have easily been able to hold several houses within its walls. He was technically running late for a lesson, as he used all of his free time having tea with Lady Cascia, but he knew that he was too disappointed to focus.

He had been trying so hard to get Y/N to even tolerate his presence enough to ask some simple questions, but even when he released all the stops and asked her to join him and lady Cascia for tea she had simply run away like she always did.

He had always thought that he was charismatic and good with people because that's what he was told, but maybe that wasn't true? He sulked over to a large mirror framed with gold that was hung on one of the complete walls in the quite open-air room, completely ignoring the ornate furniture and the other luxuries.

Am I not as charming as I always thought I was? He thought as he examined his reflection in the mirror. His fair skin was clear, curving around the sharp angle of his jaw. Voluminous chocolate brown hair cascaded down his shoulders in messy curls, framing his face. His eyes that glistened with the same bright blue as the ocean fathoms below the palace were fringed by thick and rather feminine eyelashes. Am I, am I not attractive? He began to question his appearance for the first time in his life.

Everyone has always told me that I am handsome and charismatic, but were they just saying that because I'm the Prince? He questioned, twining his dark hair around his finger, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Y/N's avid aversion to him certainly makes it seem to be true.

"Uuugh!" He groaned in despondency as he flopped down face-first onto an exquisite imported silk sofa. Why are women so confusing?! Why doesn't Y/N like me?

"Abeloni, are you in here?" A deep and troubled voice called several minutes later as someone entered the expansive parlor, his shoes tapping clearly against the floor. "Your tutor came crashing into the throne room because you missed a lesson for the first time ever."

"Mmmmf," Abeloni groaned into the pillow that was slowly suffocating him to alert his father of his presence, too depressed to sit up or use words.

"Abeloni?!" The king gasped in baffled surprise as he noticed his son laying limply on the sofa. "What are you doing? What's wrong?" He hurried over.

"Nothing..." The young prince mumbled, his voice still muffled by the plush cushions.

"Nonsense," King Ilidoro insisted, sitting down on the sofa with the sulking prince. "It's not like you to skip out on your lessons like this. So something is vexing you, is being Crown Prince too much responsibility for you just yet, because we can wait for you to start acting in that role if you're not ready yet-" he offered in an attempt to make him feel better.

"-No, it's not that at all," Abeloni protested, turning his face to look up at the king and revealing that his vibrant eyes were glistening with tears. "Father, am I attractive?"

"Of course!" The king responded at once. In his appearance, he looked like an older version of the attractive young prince the only discrepancies being his deep indigo eyes and the streeks of graey mingling in his rich brown curls. "You've got to be the most handsome and charming young man in the whole palace! What's made you think otherwise?" He asked indignantly.

"Well..." Abeloni hesitated and looked at the floor, embarrassed. "There's this handmaiden that I've been trying to talk to, but she always runs away from me like I'm hideous."

"If anything I'd say it's the opposite," His father chuckled warmly in response. "You're too attractive, and the heir to the throne, she's probably intimidated by the thought of interacting with you."

"... Really?" He looked up, wanting to believe the comforting words but still filled with doubt. "I thought that at first so I tried being more relaxed around her but that didn't change anything. She still avoids me like the plague and the look in her eyes when she looks at me, it's like-like I killed her family!" He complained self-consciously.

"Oh, so dramatic!" The Luccian kind laughed as he ruffled his son's hair. "Don't worry son, I'm sure she's just playing hard to get, women to love to play games, but if you're anything like your father you'll be quite the ladies man-"

"-Oh really? I seem to recall a slightly different version of events," a feminine voice said in amusement. The two men looked up at once to see a beautiful woman striding gracefully towards them. She wore an elaborate golden crown and her gown was dripping with jewels, despite the age that was beginning to creep onto her features she was still as radiant as an angel. She was the Queen Y/ N of Luccia, Abeloni's mother.

"My Queen," The king stood up at once and rushed to her side. He took her dainty hand in his and kissed it lovingly. "What are you doing here my beloved?" He asked her between kisses as he slowly worked his way up her arm.

"My maids told me that our son was missing so I came looking for him," she answered gently. "And when you were courting me I heard no end of whining about how lonely you were and how all the women in court only laughed at you," she teased her husband playfully.

"It's true..." He sulked, resting his head on her shoulder before he smirked and placed a kiss on her neck. "But it worked, I have you as my queen for always and forever and can worship you until the end of my days."

"Why were you both talking about this anyway?" She asked, ignoring her husband's great displays of affection which were quite normal.

King Ilidoro sighed before he answered, "Abeloni's interests are not being reciprocated by the girl he fancies."

"I see," she stepped out of the embrace of the king and moved to sit down next to her moping son, rubbing his back gently. "Well first off, don't listen to any of your father's nonsense. Acting arrogant only makes it seem like you don't take her very seriously, be genuine even if it means acting timider, alright?" She asked, looking at him with a caring gaze.

"Alright, thank you mother, father," He nodded his head as he sat up, feeling much better now that he had gotten some advice from his parents. "I'll go and try it right now!" He exclaimed with new vigor as he jumped up and dashed towards the door.

"Good luck dear!" The Queen called after him, smiling tenderly as he dashed off. "Just don't come on too strong."

"Do you... Really think I was timid when I courted you?" The king asked her in a quiet sulking tone after their son was gone.

"Yes," she said with a giggle, noticing his despondent expression she quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. "But that's why I love you, my king."


Awwwww! This chapter makes me feel warm and fuzzy things inside! ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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