43. Invitation to Tea.

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It had been several days since Y/N and Abeloni had their romantic evening together and both had been too occupied by the flurry of emotions that had sprung up within them from coming so close to kissing that neither had sought out the other. That was about to change though as Abeloni practically frolicked through the halls of the palace in search of the woman who long ago captured his heart. 

He had finally decided to do it, after attempting to court her for so long he was finally going to invite her to meet his parents. He just hoped that she would accept, despite how nervewracking it would be for her to meet the king and queen personally it was necessary that they met and get along if he was ever to marry her the way he desperately desired to.

They are bound to love her, she is so charming it would be impossible not to he thought fervently, his heart fluttering in his chest as he caught sight of Y/N at the end of the hallway walking with a dark-haired ex-slave who he often saw with her. Ignoring the twinge of jealousy he felt he gathered his courage and walked up to her and tried to get her attention, "Y/N, m-may I have a moment of your time?" He asked, cursing the tremor in his voice.

"Of-of course," Y/N stammered, halting the conversation she had been having with Törrsk as she looked up at the crown prince's handsome continence. "What is it?" She asked in a more controlled tone.

"Well I-I was hoping that maybe you would, only if you are comfortable with it and I don't want to impose or anything and you're probably busy..." Abeloni rambled, his ears turning pink as he gazed at the floor and tried to ignore his pounding heart. "But I would like to invite you to have tea with my family tomorrow afternoon."

Y/N's heart seized in her chest at the thought of having tea with the people responsible for the destruction of her family and country but she realized that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get her revenge. "I would love to, but do you think it would be alright if Enicia made the tea?" A plan was already forming in her mind and she forced herself to ignore the pang in her heart at the thought of killing Abeloni.  That way I can poison the whole Royal Family at once.

"Of-of course! She made the best tea I've ever had!" He agreed at once, a gleeful grin stretching his face. He was simply overjoyed that she had so readily agreed to have tea with the king and queen. Realizing that he had been smiling silently at her for far too long he awkwardly excused himself. "Well, um, I-I'll meet you at tea time tomorrow so yeah... See you tomorrow Y/N."

"Yes... See you tomorrow..." She whispered, feeling a shadow creep over her heart as she watched him go, knowing that he would be dead by that time tomorrow. In her pensive mood, she didn't notice that Törrsk was sulking silently.

. . .

"May I borrow Enicia for a moment?" Y/N asked as she entered the parlor where the higher-level servants could relax if they so wished. Being the industrious worker that she was Y/N was not surprised that Enicia had been promoted so quickly up the ranks of the palace staff.

"Of course," she replied as she rose elegantly from a small chair in the corner and set her embroidery aside on a table. "What do you need Y/N?"

"Walk with me?" Y/N said, offering her arm to the older women and looking around pointedly at the servants in the room who were clearly eavesdropping. Catching on Enicia linked her arm with Y/N's and exited the parlor.

They walked for several minutes in silence until they reached an especially empty part of the palace. Once she was certain that they were alone Enicia asked in a low tone, "So what is it?"

"Crown Prince Abeloni has invited me to have tea with his parents tomorrow and has agreed to let you prepare it," Y/N answered, not stating directly what her plan was but hoping that she would understand the hidden meaning of it.

"I see," the old governess nodded her head thoughtfully, her expression as impartial as it always was.  "... You want me to poison them don't you?" She whispered, it was more of a statement than a question.

Y/N looked over her shoulder to make sure they were alone in the hallway before she answered in a hushed tone. "It's the only way I can think of that will work," she sighed thinking of all their failed assassination attempts. "we've tried everything else."

"That's true but Y/N, the only way to avoid suspension is if I poison the whole pot, otherwise it will be very obvious that you are the one who poisoned them," Enicia stated plainly, despite her stoic expression sadness shone clearly in her eyes. "This will probably kill you as well as them."

"I realized that not long after the idea of poisoning them occurred to me," Y/N murmured, unable to look the woman walking arm in arm with her in the face. "But I still want to do it. Even though I will probably die as well if it will avenge my country and my people I am happy to die."

"I know that I won't be able to change your mind on this Y/N so I won't try," Enicia sighed regretfully as she looked at the girl who she had raised like her own, feeling a tightness begin to form in the back of her throat. "Just know that you are the closest thing to family I have left, but if it is what you command I will kill you."

"Thank you Enicia," Y/N said, her eyes filling with tears and she embraced her old governess. "You have been like a mother to me, I never would have gotten here without you."

"It has been an honor and a joy to serve you, Princess Y/N of Vascini." The older woman whispered as she held her close, not wanting to let her go. She wanted that moment to last forever, because she knew that this would probably be the last time she saw Y/N alive.


This is shaping up to be Y/N's best assassination attempt yet, but if she succeeds she will die as well. What do you think will happen? ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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