26. Queen Y/N of Luccia.

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Hesitantly, not knowing what else to do, Y/N obeyed the command to reveal herself, her heart pounding in her throat. She was petrified as she stepped out into the light, she knew that there was no way she could escape the way she had come before the guards arrived, that was it everything was lost.

She kept her head bowed, unable to look up at the Queen. She was shaking from head to foot and felt like she was about to be sick from fear, the cold metal of the blade burned like fire against her bosom. Once the Queen discovered her intentions she was sure to be executed, she could only hope now that they wouldn't execute Enicia, Törrsk, and Cascia as well.

"Who are you?" The Queen asked in a stern tone that made Y/N flinch despite the fact that it wasn't overtly aggressive. "I know all of my maids and you are not one of them - let me see your face."

Slowly Y/N raised her head struggling to keep the tears clouding her vision from spilling to the ground as she looked up. She couldn't stifle the gasp that escaped her lips as she caught sight of the Queen. Her dress was elaborately ornamented with pearls and jewels that matched her decadent crown, but Y/N's focus was on her face. It looked like an older version of her own. They had the same H/C hair, only hers was infused with streaks of graey. In every way, the woman resembled Y/N except her eyes. Y/N felt like crying, this queen looked so much like her late mother, it was unbelievable.

"You-you are the daughter of King Dandini, aren't you?" The Queen asked, taking an involuntary step back, her expression shocked as she guessed Y/N's identity just by seeing her face. "And you were going to try and kill me, weren't you?"

"How-how did you know?!" Y/N was so stunned by the Queen recognizing her that she didn't even think to try and defend herself or deny what she had said.

"You have your father's eyes, I would recognize a gaze like that anywhere," The Queen replied as she held Y/N's gaze in her own. "Tell me, what is your name." It was more of an order than a question.

"Y-Y/N," Hearing how her voice trembled Y/N stuck her chin out and reminded herself that she was born on the same level as the woman before her. "My name is Princess Y/N."

"Oh!" The Queen gasped, pain and conflict lighting her eyes as she took another step away. "I-I knew that he was sick but I never imagined, his own daughter. Come sit with me by the window, I have much to tell you." She perched herself on a cushioned alcove and rested her arm on the windowsill as she gestured Y/N to join her.

"You knew my father, why did he never tell me that he knew the Queen of Luccia?" Y/N asked meekly as she took a seat next to the woman she had been plotting to kill. "And why... Why do we..."

"Why do we look so alike?" She finished, offering Y/N a small smile, but her eyes were still conflicted. "Don't worry, I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, you deserve to know the truth."

"Why are you doing all this for me?" Y/N asked in embarrassment, completely baffled that the queen hadn't called for the guards yet. "When I was going to kill you... "

"I suppose I feel responsible," She signed, gazing at Y/N with what was becoming clear to be guilt. "You must have suffered so much, and it's all my fault."

"What do you mean?" Y/N tilted her head, intrigued to hear what she had to say despite herself.

"I knew you're father," the older woman sighed, staring off into the distance. "I was actually born into a noble house in Vascini you know, and I knew your father Dandini before I was Queen of Luccia and he was still a young prince."

"You did?" Y/N was incredulous. Could this woman really have known her father?

"I did," She nodded, smiling nostalgically as she recalled times long past. "Truth be told I actually had feelings for him back then, he was so kind at first. We were engaged you know, but then he did some terrible things and I could love him no longer." Her expression turned bitter and she turned away.

"What did he do?" Y/N had only ever known her father as a loving man who doted on her whenever he was with her, she wanted to know why the Queen of Luccia said otherwise.

"He killed my family and forced me to marry him," she said, looking at her dainty hands that were folded neatly in her lap. "I escaped and fled to Luccia with the man who is now my husband and the king. I knew that Dandini was twisted but I never imagined the lengths he would go to get me back. I thought the war was extreme but after seeing you today I realized that I was mistaken." She turned her gaze to Y/N and the maiden was shocked to see tears glimmering in her eyes.

"I don't understand..." She whispered, wondering why the Queen was crying.

"Y/N, your father named you that because that is my name," She explained with the same conflicted expression she had worn before. "And you look like me because he never moved on from what we had, I bet when he married your mother he chose her because she resembled me the most, I had several cousins in the nobility whom I never met but likely were what he was looking for."

"No!" Y/N protested as she balled her hands into fists. Her father was a good man, he wouldn't do something like that. "I-I don't believe it!"

"Your wrist child," Queen Y/N didn't even notice her protests as she reached out and rolled up Y/N's sleeve to reveal the golden butterfly bracelet that her father had given her for her sixth birthday. "That bracelet, down to the slightest detail, is a perfect replica of the one that has belonged to me since I was a little girl. Your father truly was trying to recreate a version of me that couldn't escape from him the way I had done. Do you ever remember your father treating you strangely my dear?" She asked with a pained smile as she revealed a nearly identical bracelet on her own wrist.

"NO, OF COURSE NOT!" Y/N yelled, letting her rage at the slander against her father get the best of her. "YOU'RE LYING ABOUT HIM!" She clapped her hands over her mouth once she realized how loud she was being, but it was already too late. The sound of several quick footsteps could be heard coming towards the chamber.


Cliffhanger aside, what did you think of today's chapter? I thought it was pretty good. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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