15. Old Scars.

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The day before the long-anticipated ball dawned with a glorious sun casting its yellow rays over the phthalo blue ocean that lapped against the pearly white sands at the base of the cliff face atop which Ficcioro Palace perched magnificently. The light from the sun only served to make the gilded and ornate spires and domes of the structure appear more golden.

The breeze carried the sound of the gentle murmuring waves into lady Cascia's bed chamber where her two ladies-in-waiting and her manservant were occupied with helping her make sure that everything was prepared for the coming ball. It was quickly discovered that only after a few square meals Törrsk was already too strong to handle delicate things when he accidentally ripped one of lady Cascia's petticoats, she was very forgiving and sent him to fetch them lunch from the kitchen while the three of them concluded setting out everything that would be needed.

Once lady Cascia's dress was laid out the ladies spent at least half an hour debating what jewelry would go best with it, after much back and forth it was eventually decided that the simple string of pearls and the abalone flower hairpins would go best. After the accessories had been set out the ladies didn't really have much to do so they just sat around and chatted for a while.

Cascia had Issi pour them their afternoon tea, something that Y/N always looked forward to as exotic teas had been hard to come by, even for the Vascinian Royal family, but in the port city of Luccia it was affordable to have such teas daily for even the common class. After mixing in copious amounts of honey into her tea lady Cascia looked over the rim of her teacup, her hazel eyes locking with Y/N's E/C ones. "Y/N, there's something that I'd like to talk to you about," she said in an unusually calm tone.

"Yes, my lady," Y/N said, dipping her head in recognition of the question. She felt anxiety growing in the pit of her stomach from how odd lady Cascia's behavior was. "what is it?" She asked, her brows knitting together in worry.

"There's no need to be so formal, you can just call me Cascia," the lady giggled, her black waves of hair bouncing in rhythm with her laughter. She set her teacup down on the table next to the plush silk loveseat she sat on across from Y/N and Issi. "I've given some thought as to which servant I want to be my escort at that ball and I'd like it to be you!" She said with glittering eyes, reaching out and clutching Y/N's hands in hers.

"I cannot accept Cascia," Y/N pulled away, she was flattered by the offer and knew that it would allow her to observe the Luccian royal family for the first time, but there was no way that she'd be able to hide her scars from Lady Cascia or any of the other party guests in an evening dress. "I-I have only just begun serving you, it wouldn't feel right to have such an honor - Issi should be the one to go, she's served you longer." Y/N turned to look at the plump maid.

"Oh no miss Y/N," Issi shook her head vigorously at the notion. "I get terrible indigestion and I've got two left feet."

"I want you to be the one to come with me Y/N!" Cascia said, her tone growing whinier with every word. "you've done so much for me it's only fair!" She said, clearly indigent on Y/N's behalf.

"But I," Y/N's mind raced as she tried to think of another reason to not go without appearing rude by turning Lady Cascia down outright. "I don't have any suitable clothes for a ball," she said looking away, hoping that would be the end of it.

"Oh, if that's why you're being reluctant why didn't you just say so!!" Lady Cascia exclaimed, jumping up from her seat at lightning speed before dashing over to her massive wardrobe that was packed to bursting with lavish dresses. "I've got more dresses than I know what to do with and we're about the same size so I'm sure that we can find something!" She said as she dug exuberantly through the dresses tossing out ones that didn't fit the occasion over her shoulder carelessly. "HERE! Try this one Y/N!" She squealed as she emerged with a flowing crimson gown.

"I-I shouldn't-" Y/N stammered wrapping her arms around herself as she backed away from the advancing lady, her heart racing as she tried to think of a way out of exposing her arms in front of the other two women.

"Don't be shy!" Cascia said, giggling as she caught the struggling Y/N in her surprisingly strong grip as she began to pull at Y/N's simple work blouse. "I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it!"

"NO DON'T!!" Y/N screamed panic gripping onto her blouse, tears pricking at her eyes as the one garment concealing her terrible scars were being pulled away by the oblivious lady, but it was already too late.

"Y/N y-your arms..." Lady Cascia gasped, her playful energy faltering as her eyes fixed on the ugly pink burns that coated Y/N's forearms. "What happened?!"

"An accident when I was a little girl," Y/N said as she pulled away, wrapping her arms tightly around her corseted torso. She made herself as small as she could, she felt so terribly exposed. "I don't want to talk about it..." She screwed up her face to keep from crying.

"Is this why you're so adamant to not go?" Lady Cascia asked, her face filled with nothing but tender concern as she looked at Y/N, Issi wearing a much similar expression behind her. The H/C haired girl just nodded her head, knowing that she would burst into tears if she tried to speak.

"Well I think you're still beautiful," Lady Cascia chirped with a grin. When she saw that Y/N still looked timid and uncertain she hurried over to her vanity and rummaged around for several minutes until she found a pair of long gloves she had been looking for. "But if it makes you that uncomfortable take these - I spilled some ink on them, but they're the only long gloves I have."

"T-thank you..." Y/N stammered as she accepted the garments from lady Cascia, a shocked smile spreading her face as a few tears slid down her cheeks. "Thank you so much!"


Lady Cascia can be hyper, but she's a sweetie too. Issi is a sweetie too, even if she can be pretty quiet and clumsy.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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