19. Midnight Conference.

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Y/N just stayed up on her lonely battlement for a while, collecting herself and watching the stars come out one by one until the sky was filled with them but not as entirely as it would have been in Vascini. Once the dark of night had fully enveloped the palace, and the sounds of the ball had at last quieted down as the last of the party-goers trailed off to bed, Y/N returned to the south wing and awoke Törrsk. She bid him follow her once he had awoken from his grogginess enough to recognize who she was.

They crept silently through the halls of the palace, the path they took appearing entirely different lit by the cool blue light of the stars and moon instead of the sultry rays of the sun. It was fortunate that it was so late and that all those within the palace apart from the guards were asleep after the eventful day as the pair were quite noticeable as they ventured through the halls.

"Y/N?" Törrsk asked, using the soft-spoken tone he always did when he addressed the H/C haired maiden. "Vere are ve going?" His accent was still very thick, but his grasp of the language had already improved in just a few short days.

"The kitchens," Y/N replied simply, not bothering to look over her shoulders at him as she marched down the corridors in her borrowed crimson dress, the cloth appearing near black in the dim light as they came closer to the main servant's wing of the palace.

"And," he piped up again after several moments of silence devoted to following Y/N and thinking of the right words for his question. "Vhy are ve going?

"I'll tell you when we get there," Y/N said in a placid tone, like that of a mother addressing a curious child, but she turned and gave him a cheeky smile filled with warmth as she said it.

. . .

After several more minutes, they arrived at the cramped dorm room that Y/N and Enicia had started in a month ago. It felt like it had been so much longer since she had entered the palace, so much had happened, it was surreal.

Y/N opened the door into the darkened dormitory and said in a stern but kind voice, "I need to borrow Enicia." The summoned maid climbed groggily out of bed and came to join Y/N in the empty hall, wrapping a shawl around her shoulders as she walked.

"I've missed you Enicia," Y/N embraced the older woman as soon as the door to the dorm was closed behind her. "I hope that you've been well."

"Oh Y/N, it's so good to see you again," the middle-aged woman gushed with an uncharacteristic lack of elegance as soon as she realized that it was the exiled princess who had come to call so late. "I've missed you so much! How are you? Has your lady been treating you well? Who is he? I've been so worried about you!" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as they landed on Törrsk.

"So down Enicia, I'm more than alright," Y/N laughed gently. "I've just been too busy to stop by for a visit, but now I have time and some big news - first I would like to introduce Törrsk to you Enicia."

"So he's the slave that was rescued by lady Cascia's handmaiden," Enicia said in sudden realization of the identity of her present company.  "As soon as I heard the gossip I knew that it must have been you who saved him!" She smiled proudly at Y/N.

"I did," Y/N nodded, gesturing to the awkward man who was so tall that he had to slightly bend his head in the confines of the short secluded hallway. "And he has pledged to help us, he desires vengeance against the Luccian Royal Family for the enslavement of his people just as much we do." She explained.

"I see, well I suppose that's a good thing," Enicia said half-heartedly, her attention distracted by Y/N's fine dress. "But Y/N, why are you dressed like that, you are the spitting image of your mother, it's hardly conspicuous." She arched a suspicious eyebrow.

Y/N shifted from foot to foot as she began to explain."Lady Cascia had me accompany her to the ball earlier this evening as her attendant, and I thought that it would be a good way to get a read on the royal family, but something unforeseen happened."

"What?" Enicia shot back at once, clearly much more nervous than she wanted to let on. "Is it serious?"

"Well, I've already had several run-ins with the Crown Prince and he has developed an interest in me for some reason. I've tried to push him away as much as I can, but that has only made him pursue me harder." Y/N sulked with a deeply uncomfortable sigh while the two others just watched her and listened carefully. "He forced me to dance with him and I did the double-step without thinking, he noticed and now he's bound to pursue me even more than before... I don't know what to do." She looked up at Enicia after she finished, hoping for answers. She was still terrified by the idea that the Crown Prince had caught on to who she was.

"Well, that is certainly not ideal, but it's not the end of our schemes yet," The old tutor sighed, giving Y/N a weary smile.  "From the reliable gossip I've heard, Crown Prince Abeloni has been very sheltered and as a result is quite naive and airheaded." She laughed softly, allowing her normally stern features to relax.

"I see," Y/N nodded, realizing a breath she didn't know that she had been holding in. "That eases my mind greatly."

"His interest in you might even prove to be advantageous for us," Enicia continued, her hand resting against her chin as she stared into space. "If you can gain enough of his interest and trust that he will let his guard down around you then it will help us greatly in assassinating him and his family."

"You are as correct and clever as ever Enicia," Y/N let out another low laugh before regaining her previous seriousness. "I'll do everything I can to get close to him and earn his trust, for my family and my people."


Enicia is so smart! I wish I was as smart as her. And poor Törrsk was so awkward and cute in this chapter.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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