29. Disturbing Dream.

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Birds were singing and the gentle breeze was carrying the perfume from the many flower buds from the willow tree under which Y/N sat on a stone bench, kicking her legs as she waited for her father to arrive. He had told her over breakfast that he wanted to meet her in their secluded garden to give her something so she had rushed there.

It was a small grassy yard that had been completely enclosed by the walls of the castle after an expansion and the only way to reach it was to climb through one of the narrow windows set into the walls, which had been quite difficult for Y/N to climb through considering her short height and her thick frilly dress but she had managed it and settled herself onto the small stone bench beneath the willow tree in the center of the little garden.

"Y/N, I'm just so happy to see you!!" Her face brightened up as she turned to see her father stepping through the window, he was so tall that it took almost no effort at all, his face was all smiles as he beamed down at his daughter.

"I'm happy to see you too daddy!" Y/N giggled in excitement, bouncing up and down where she sat as the king crossed the small garden.

"Dandini," his black eyes flashed but he forced a smile as he corrected her, "please just call me Dandini."

"But why?" She asked, tilting her head which caused her ringlet curls to bounce.

"Oh, no reason pumpkin," His smile became more genuine, revealing the dimples in his pale cheeks as he knelt on the ground in front of his daughter. "Now since it's almost your birthday I have an early present for you, would you like to open it?" He produced a small beautifully wrapped box from his pocket.

"Yes! Yes yes yes!" The young girl squealed in delight as she reached for the box.

"Yes, who?" He asked with a playful smirk as he held the box out of reach.

She pouted, she didn't like being told what to do, but if it was for a present, she would do it. "Yes, Dandini..."

"Very good," He chuckled warmly as he handed the wrapped box to her and ruffled her hair. "Here you go."

Y/N tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box to reveal a dainty gold bracelet that had a butterfly on the front of it resting on a cushion. "It's too big..." She whined as she tried to fasten it around her wrist only for it to slip off.

"Don't worry, you'll grow into it," The King told her gently as he picked the bracelet up from where it had fallen and clasped it around her wrist. "You'll grow into lots of things, my dear," he continued to hold her hands in his as he looked at her with love.

"Whatever you say, daddy," she shrugged, not really understanding.

Suddenly looking upset he retracted his hands and reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a pressed flower bud that had been glued down to a piece of paper. "Y/N, do you see this flower?" He asked as he held it out for her to see. "You gave it to me the day we first met, right in this very garden, remember?"

"No, I don't," she shook her head, she had never given her father a flower, of that she was sure.

"Don't worry, I'll make you remember," He sounded desperate as he placed his hands on either side of Y/N on the bench and leaned forward, he was so tall that even though he was kneeling on the ground his face was level with Y/N. He was so close that she could count the tiny freckles on his cheeks. "I'll make you remember everything, No matter how long it takes, you will-"

"-Your Majesty!" A voice called out in alarm. At the sound of it, king Dandini snapped away and Y/N could see her reserved governess climbing through the window, she giggled at the ridiculous sight. "Y/N there you are, I have been looking everywhere for you! Come along, it's time for your dance lesson," Enicia said with more gentleness as she reached out to take Y/N's hand.

"Ah, Governess," the king stood, rising to his full height so that he towered over her. His words were kind, but the way he said them was anything but. "Surely we can make an exception today, Y/N and I are having such a good time, aren't we love?" He gave the little girl a dewy smile.

"Yes!"Y/N shrieked in joy as she rushed forward to show Enicia her new bracket. "Daddy gave me this bracelet, look!" She presented it proudly.

"It's very nice Y/N, now come along, I must insist that you attend to your studies," the older woman complimented it before she took hold of Y/N's hand and began pulling her towards the window. With a much harsher tone, she addressed the king. "As for you, the war council is looking for you, you are supposed to be having a meeting with them, Your Majesty."

"Ah well, who wants to be in the company of some pompous old fools when they can spend time with their lovely daughter instead?" He asked passive-aggressively, the energy between the two of them growing more hostile while Y/N remained oblivious.

"You could do well by spending more time with those 'old fools' you are the King," Enicia held her ground, glaring up at him.

"You should mind your manners more, Governess," he snapped, something dark surfacing in his obsidian eyes as he looked at the woman depriving him of precious time with his daughter. "Who knows what might happen to you if Y/N's mother didn't vouch for your protection." He added, his tone menacing.

Enicia's face went pale, but she kept her expression impartial. She curtsied before him. "I'll keep it in mind, Your Majesty." Once that was said she lifted Y/N back through the window before she climbed through herself, leaving the king alone in the garden with nothing but memories.


Oooo! Looks like the Queen of Luccia was on to something about Y/N's father after all.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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