60. The Execution of Princess Y/N of Vascini.

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"How is he?" King Ilidoro asked nervously, quitting his pacing as soon as the Royal physician exited the Crown Prince's bed chambers. Due to the stress of his wife and son being ill he had let himself go in the last few days, his long brown curls had turned to snarls and hung loosely around his shoulders instead of being tied back neatly and his clothes were wrinkled and had remained unchanged for several days. 

"Well, I've done all that I can to treat his infection but it's still uncertain Your Majesty," the court physician shook his head sadly, folding up his small round spectacles and tucking them safely in his breast pocket. "If I had been able to treat it sooner his Highness would most likely be better already but..." He allowed his voice to trail off, knowing that he would be treading on dangerous ground if he mentioned the Prince's act of running away directly. "Anyway, he's awake now if you would like to speak with him, just don't be too hard on him." He warned earnestly before walking away, "the boy's been through a lot."

Ilidoro rushed inside the room without sparing the older man a second glance. Large windows allowed the room to be filled with sunshine and the sea breeze blew through them, fluttering the curtains on their sides. A large feather bed sat in the center of the airy chambers and laying within was a sickly pale Abeloni.

"I'm so happy to see that you're awake, your poor mother has been worried sick, she has been bedridden for days," Ilidoro said as he rushed to sit at his son's bedside.

"Father?! Where am I?!" He asked, his turquoise eyes wide in confusion as he was gripped with sudden mental clarity. "Where's Y/N?!" He asked as he bolted upright, only to flinch and clutch his bandaged right shoulder in pain.

"You are in your chambers in the palace," Ilidoro answered, deliberately ignoring his question about Y/N. "That nasty wound of yours is finally showing some improvement but you still need to rest," he insisted as he took hold of his right hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"Where's Y/N?" Abeloni asked again, more demandingly, as he gritted his teeth and struggled to pull his hand away. He glared up at his father while he waited for him to answer.

"You need rest Abeloni," The king insisted, but when the fierce glare of his son did not abate he eventually added in an undertone, "she's done enough to you, don't trouble yourself with her anymore." He urged, hoping that would be the end of it.

"Where's Y/N?!" Abeloni demanded, his face twisting in panic and anger as he tried to lunge at his father but collapsed before he could reach him
"If you've hurt her I'll kill you-"

"Abeloni, you're not acting like yourself," Ilidoro responded, involuntary leaning back. Uneasiness crept into the pit of his stomach, it wasn't like him to be so aggressive. What had happened to his son? "Breaking that traitor out of prison, running away with her, and now you're threatening to kill me. What's become of you?!" He asked, looking down on him with concern and anger clear on his face.

"I love her father! I LOVE HER!" He offered as an explanation, suddenly terrified by the man sitting on his bedside, he knew what he was capable of. "I NEED HER!" He cried as he clutched onto his hand to dissuade him of his anger, but it had the opposite effect.

"That's exactly what that bitch wants you to think!" Ilidoro snapped, anger winning out on his face as he yanked his hand away and stood suddenly. He now towered over the bed, his indigo eyes dark and flashing, and his mouth stretched into a bitter scowl.  "I don't know if it's through deception or some dark magic, but she's bewitched you. Don't worry, soon the enchantment she's cast on you will break, I'll make sure of that." He said, the malevolent tone in his voice making it clear as day that he was going to kill Y/N.

"No father! Please, PLEASE!" Abeloni begged, reaching out to him again as he turned to leave and began walking towards the door of the magnificent bedroom. His pleas fell on deaf ears only increasing his desperation. "Don't kill her, please!" He scrambled out of bed to follow his father but his legs gave out beneath him and he plummeted to the floor. All he could do was reach out as he lay on the floor, his vision swimming, as ilidoro slipped out the door and shut it behind him.

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