12. Friendly Inquiry.

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Once the spectators realized that the show was over they quickly dispersed, returning to the tasks they had stalled to view the scene that had unfolded between the Dembocc, his slave, and a passing maid. The whole Palace would be buzzing with news of the day's events before long as it was something that was quite seldom seen.

After most of the people had gone Y/N helped Törrsk to his feet, his tall form greatly slumping over hers as she helped him walk up the steps. Issi joined her as Lady Cascia led the way back to her chamber. Meanwhile, a pair of bright teal eyes watched the four figures from a third-story window until they disappeared into the Palace.

Prince Abeloni had been one of the many observers who had watched the events in the square with a keen interest. He had despised Dembocc Arllo for years because of his cruel nature and he wasn't alone, but the man's vile temper kept anyone from wanting to confront him regardless of how much they hated him.

You can imagine the young prince's surprise at witnessing a simple handmaiden confront a vicious man who even the other nobles didn't dare offend. The only person who would be bold enough to do what she did couldn't have had much knowledge about the man's ruthless reputation, otherwise, she never would have dared to taunt him in such a way, but the more he reflected on the events the more perplexed her became.

The maid's actions had conveyed nativity in regards to the man she confronted, but both her words and confident delivery suggested someone who had spent years among the royal court. The contradictory nature excited his curiosity the longer he dwelled on it.

He had seen the maid depart with lady Cascia and recalled promoting a woman to her lady-in-waiting a week before. He remembered that her name was Y/N because of the novelty that it was the same as his mother. Having the rest of the day free he decided to skip out on his archery practice in favor of satisfying his curiosity about Lady Cascia's new maid.

After several minutes of walking, he arrived at the door to his cousin's chamber and knocked. Learning from his last experience he didn't barge in and instead waited patiently for the door to be opened.

"Oh, hello their Abeli!" Lady Cascia said cheerfully as she pulled the door open, Abeloni caught a brief glimpse of what appeared to be the slave from earlier sitting in a big water trough grumpily while the two handmaidens bathed him before he was tackled in a hug by his cousin. "What a great surprise! Would you like to come in?!" Cascia asked, motioning to open the door wider.

"Actually, I was hoping that you'd join me for a walk," Abeloni suggested, knowing that he would be unable to ask Cascia questions about her new handmaiden while that very handmaiden was present, it would be unbelievably rude.

"I don't know..." She shifted her weight from foot to foot, looking over her shoulder to where the two servants were still occupied bathing the slave. "I should probably stay with those three."

"They'll be fine for a few minutes," the young prince insisted, and when Lady Cascia still appeared uncertain he added, "come on, I want to spend some one-on-one time with my favorite cousin before I get super busy with all the responsibilities of the crown prince."

"Alright, I guess I have time for a short walk Abeli!" She said after a moment's consideration. She linked her much more slender, and much darker arm with his, and together they walked down the hall of the open-air Palace. There were hushed murmurs from those who watched the nearly seventeen-year-old prince and the nineteen-year-old lady walk arm and arm together through the halls. Due to their closeness rumors speculated for years that it was only a matter of time before the pair were engaged.

"It feels like it's been ages since we've been able to walk together like this," Abeloni commented once they reached a more secluded wing of the palace. "Has anything of interest happened lately?" He asked, not directly voicing the question that he really wanted answers to.

"Yes!" Cascia began gushing at once, her eyes bright and sparkling. "So many interesting things! You know that maid you promoted to be my lady-in-waiting has turned out to be a real genius!"

"Oh really?" He asked her in a calm tone pretending to only be mildly interested while on the inside his ears were perked and every nerve stood on end to better hear her answer. "How so??"

"She's just amazing! Not only did she rescue my lucky shawl but she also saved my ball gown from certain ruin - Oh and just today she stood up against Dembocc Arllo to save a slave who was being abused!" The words poured quickly from lady Cascia's mouth without end like the overflowing of a reservoir.

"Wow, she must really be something special to stand up to that vile man," Abeloni commented, faining surprise, pretending that he had not witnessed the scene himself. He was by no means a great actor, but his act was enough to fool his cousin.  "Do you know anything about her that would explain how she would have the courage to do that?"

"No, I don't," Lady Cascia shook her head, "to be honest I have no idea."

"Didn't she tell you anything about her past that would explain it?" Abeloni pressed her, his teal eyes serious as his anticipation only grew. "Anything at all?"

"Nope, all I know is that she worked dying wool and thread before she came to work at the Palace," Cascia replied vaguely with a bubbly laugh, "I honestly never thought to ask her about it."

Abeloni felt his eye twitch in irritation and disappointment at not getting the answers that he sought. Cascia, never has your short attention span vexed me so much! He thought gritting his teeth to mask his anger. "Are you sure you know nothing more of her past besides that?" He asked, carrying less and less about being subtle.

"I'm sure so stop pestering me!" Lady Cascia whined, shoving her cousin and pouting. "I don't understand why you're suddenly so interested in her - Oh!" The prince felt his heart sink as a deviously wicked smirk possessed her face, her eyes glinting with mischief. "You fancy her, don't you Abeli? This all has been a pretense hasn't it?"

"W-What no?!" The brunette sputtered, his face flushing with embarrassment and indignation. "I don't fancy her! I haven't even spoken to her, how could I?" He scolded the playful lady who only giggled before running away from him down the hall.

Prince Abeloni's handsome face turned bitter as he recalled that his questions about the H/C-haired maid remained unanswered. This only caused his curiosity to grow exponentially. Who are you, Y/N?


Ooo, it looks like Abeloni is finally showing some interest in Y/N. It will still take time, but the yandere is on the way now. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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