14. Skittish.

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The next few days passed in a hectic blur as the three ladies tried to adjust to working with Törrsk. Y/N wished she could say that there was no trace of the alliance she had struck with Törrsk, but that was not the case. He would watch her intensely and still refused to do what anyone else told him to do.

While Lady Cascia was off being lectured by her father about her rash decision of taking the slave in Y/N pulled him aside and told him that he was going to blow their cover if he kept refusing to follow Lady Cascia's orders, after that he served her mostly without incident for which Y/N was very grateful.

After all the excitement with Törrsk Lady Cascia was only just able to try on her completed gown for the ball. She had gasped as soon as she saw her reflection and Y/N could see why, the dress had turned out absolutely gorgeous. It was a soft pink that complemented her dark skin and green eyes, the bodice was dainty and small while the skirt flowed behind her.

Cascia said that she loved it after much unintelligible squealing but said that she'd like to add a few more beads to the already extremely bejeweled bodice, and she sent a reluctant Y/N to go fetch some more. Y/N know that she was not in the position to refuse a direct order from her mistress even though they were also friends, so she departed from the bed-chamber in search of the tailor's section of the palace where she could get more beads.

As she hurried down one of the many open-air hallways, she was oblivious to the pair of blue eyes that followed her movements from an adjacent courtyard. Abeloni watched the maiden pass with a flare of excitement, ever since his less than satisfactory talk with his cousin his curiosity about the maid had only grown, he had resolved to discover the truth about her on his own so that his curiosity would finally stop vexing him in regards to the H/C haired handmaiden.

He had begun loitering around the South wing of the palace as much as he could, but between his studies and other duties as the prince, this had been the first time he had caught a glimpse of his subject of interest since he had first seen her dispute with Dembocc Arllo. He was tempted to follow her, but he reminded himself that she was bound to return to her lady's quarters, and since he had the rest of the day free he could wait there as long as he needed to cross paths with her.

His plan was simple but brilliant. He knew well that he was considered very attractive, not only for his good looks but for his position as heir to the throne as well. It was no exaggeration of ego when he said that there wasn't an eligible woman in the palace who wasn't interested in him to an extent, the young prince had even seen evidence that some of the other lords fancied him. This had always been more of a curse than a blessing to the young prince, for as charming as he was, he had never had an interest in romance preferring to devote himself to his studies and fanciful imaginative pursuits over finding a partner.

But at that moment he was sure that his charisma would finally serve him well, with a few kind words the handmaiden was sure to give him all the answers he desired, and once he had his answers he could finally push thoughts of that woman from his mind. He perked up as he saw her familiar figure walking back down the adjoining hall towards him, cupping a small wooden bowl in her hands. Now to set my plan into motion, he thought, a grin stretching his face as he walked from the courtyard towards the hall.

At this rate, she's going to be shinier than the chandeliers, Y/N thought to herself as she walked down the final hallway towards Cascia's bed-chamber, shaking her head as she looked down at the shiny glass beads.  but that does sound just like something Cascia would want. Oh well-

She let out a gasp of surprise as someone crashed into her from the side, sending them both toppling to the floor. Y/N groaned in pain as she landed roughly on the ground, a tinkle filled the air as the tiny glass beads spilled over the floor.

"Oh! Forgive me!" An apologetic voice said, obviously belonging to the person who had knocked her over. "I wasn't looking where I was going!"

"Oh no... The beads," Y/N sighed in a rather huffy tone as she got on her hands and knees and began to pick up the hundreds of little beads. Glancing over at the idiot who had knocked her over she had to stifle a cry as she recognized the fair face of the prince looking down at her with concern. "Forgive me, your highness! I didn't know that it was you!" She bowed her head and froze, well aware that the slightest offense on her part could get her killed.

"You are forgiven, I am equally to blame after all," He said with a carefree laugh, amused despite himself by how spooked she was by his presence. "Here, allow me to help you," he offered as he crouched down and began to pick up the beads for her.

Y/N quickly resumed her task, shaking her head fervently. "Oh no, I dare not trouble you with such a task, your highness."

"Please there's no need to stand on ceremony," He told her, sure that behaving in a more relaxed manner would help her open up more. "You may simply call my Abeloni."

Y/N kept her head bowed, refusing to even look up at him. She hated that she was bowing her head to someone who was by birth her equal, but she couldn't let that show. If she wanted to succeed in her revenge she had to appear as nothing more than a normal maid, especially around the prince. "I dare not, Your Highness."

"You certainly are one for formalities," Abeloni internally sighed. "You're Y/N aren't you, lady Cascia's new favorite handmaiden?" He asked, hoping that by showing he remembered her personally she would open up to him.

"I am," She answered him, continuing to pick up beads from the floor. "But, if I may be so bold as to ask, how do you know that?"

"I was the one who promoted you to be Cascia's Lady-in-waiting," he said, feeling slightly hurt, did she really not remember him? "And your mistress speaks most highly of you and your skill." He added, trying to butter her up more.

"You flatter me, your highness," she told him in a grateful tone, but didn't say anything more.

"I must admit that all of Cascia's praise for you has me quite curious about you," He added, grasping in thin air for something to keep the conversation going. Never had he struggled so entirely to flatter someone, had she been anyone else she would have said yes if he proposed marriage to her at that moment. "So tell me about yourself Y/N."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to bore you, your Highness," She said modestly as she pursued the beads that had rolled the furthest on the floor. "There's nothing interesting about me," internally Y/N was screaming, wondering how much blander she'd half to be before the prince got bored and left her alone so that her heart rate would return to normal.

"The maid who stood up to the notoriously violent Dembocc Arllo?" Abeloni questioned her with an arched eyebrow, his teal eyes flashing as he smiled. "There must be something interesting about you to be so courageous."

"You flatter me too highly your Highness," Y/N courteously told him as she hesitantly rose to her feet, keeping her head bowed as she clutched the now full bowl of beads in her hands. "I just do like to watch others suffer - Now I beg you to excuse me, your highness, I must get back to my work." She hurried off before he had time to call her back or forbid her from going.

She certainly is skittish, he thought, his eyes continuing to twinkle as he watched her retreating form. Far from satisfying his curiosity, his brief interaction with Y/N only increased his roiling interest in her. Just who are you, Y/N?


This chapter be like:

Abeloni: *charming smile* "tell me about yourself, beautiful."

Y/N: *internally screaming*

Abeloni: *even more charming smile* "please?"

Y/N: *internally screaming* "Excuse me, I have work."

Abeloni: *sad crushed ego noise (┰ω┰)*

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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