24. Disappointing Report.

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Crown Prince Abeloni sat behind his desk in his office staring at the door impatiently as he drummed his fingers against the dark wood. His valet would be reporting on all the information he had discovered about Y/N and after his walk, with her earlier that day he was more than excited.

The moments inched by as though they were years. His restlessness growing Abeloni began tapping his foot on the stone floor in rhythm with the drumming of his fingers on the dark wood. He closed his eyes and focused his attention on the rhythm that was created in hopes to distract himself from his anticipation.

It worked for a few moments but then the coy smile that Y/N had given him as she walked away from him just hours ago was projected on his eyelids. His heart fluttered in his chest at the memory and his eyes snapped open as he sprung up from his plush chair and resorted to pacing to keep himself grounded.

This is maddening! He thought his mind clouded over by his impatience, even though it had only been several minutes he felt like his valet was half an hour late. What could be keeping him so long, he said he had information for me?! He continued to pace, anger and indignance mixing with his impatience.

Finally, there came a knock at the door that sounded like a chorus of other-worldly splendor to the young prince. "May I enter your Highness-"

"Yes, yes come in!" He called through the door once he recognized the voice as that of his valet, interrupting the poor man. "I eagerly await your report." He finally stopped pacing as he heard the door swing open and the footsteps of the servant as he entered.

"V-Very well your Highness," the valet stammered nervously. He had been serving the prince since he was barely a child and never in all that time had he struggled so entirely to complete a task that his master had set him. "I apologize in advance, it-it was difficult to come by much information about her."

"That's alright," the Prince said, not really hearing the words. He kept his back turned to disguise the fact that he was beaming with uncontrollable excitement at the thought of finally getting his answers. "I'm sure that you won't disappoint me. Begin when you're ready." He commanded in a jolly voice, staring out the window a glittering sea below.

"Yes, your Highness!" The valet agreed, still nervous about revealing just how little he had discovered to the prince. "She-she entered the palace a month and a half ago with an older woman named Enicia. They worked with the new maids for several weeks until Y/N impressed your cousin Lady Cascia and began working as her lady-in-waiting. Oh, she also got into a fight with Dembocc Arllo to protect a slave in front of the main entrance to the Palace!'' He piped up the last bit with pride, as it was the best of the information he could find.

"I already know, I witnessed the event myself first hand," The crown prince replied tartly, anxious to hear information that he wasn't already well aware of. "What more information do you have?" He asked hopefully.

"W-Well, she visits the woman who she entered the palace with whenever she can, she's working as a baker in the kitchen," the valet faltered, having already shared all that he was able to learn about the handmaiden in question. "I'm afraid that's all I was able to discover, both women keep to themselves." He visibly shrank as he tried to put forward a weak excuse in his defense, it was true though, if he hadn't seen both of them in person he would have thought that they were nothing but rumors.

"That's it?!" Prince Abeloni snapped, the smile slipping from his face as his excitement soured and turned into disappointment. He had been anticipating getting answers for so long and he thought he would finally get them but he was wrong. "Don't you know anything about what she did before she came to the palace?" He asked, turning to face his servant with desperation on his face, his eyes pleading.

"I-I'm afraid not your Highness," the valet quivered in unease. Never in his many years of working for the prince had he ever glimpsed him snap like that. Despite his high status, he had always been polite and cheerful to everyone, it was why everyone in the palace couldn't help but like him. 

"By Luccia, even I've been able to discover more than you and I work full-time as the Crown Prince," Abeloni scoffed, his disappointment transforming into bitterness as he turned his sullen gaze back to the waves that were forever ebbing and flowing against the pearly sands. "The only thing I was unaware of was the other woman, Enicia."

"Forgive me, I have failed you, your Highness," The valet bowed his head in shame, filled with genuine guilt and disappointment than he was unable to fulfill his duty to the satisfaction of the normally easy-going prince.

"You are forgiven," Abeloni sighed deeply through his nose, releasing the anger that had briefly gripped him as he allowed numb despondency to tack its place. "I have learned that she worked as a spinner in the Western Section of the city, you're new orders are to comb through that whole region and inquire if anyone knew a spinner by the name of Y/N who matches her description, understood?" He issued his new orders without even sparing a glance over his shoulder.

"Yes, your highness," The valet bowed his head again, even though the task would be grueling the bit of temper the Crown Prince had displayed made the man eager to please him to avoid the possibility of angering him further. "I understand your orders."

"Very good, I hope for more satisfying results this time," Abeloni said in a forlorn way, continuing to stare out of the windows with his hands clasped behind his back as he decided to act on the only new bit of information himself. "As for me, I think I'll be paying this Enicia a visit myself."


Ugh! Poor Abeloni is gonna lose it if he doesn't get some answers soon... Perfect. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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