58. Dreams of a Simple Life.

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Abeloni lay it a grassy field, the golden rays of the sun shone down on him. He felt hot and tired, but a cooling breeze would caress his face now and then, making the heat bearable. He looked across the swaying prairie grass to where a small farmhouse stood, with smoke rising from the crooked chimney and a vegetable garden growing bountifully outside, and sighed in contentment.

He had lost track of how much time had passed since escaping the capital with Y/N, it didn't matter anyway. The secluded farm they renovated was located on the edge of a small village, and between their vegetables and the yarn Y/N spun and sold at the market they could comfortably live out the rest of their days there in peaceful solitude.

He smiled dreamily as he gazed up at the sky were fluffy white clouds drifted like bits of wool. It was a simple life, but he couldn't be happier. No state affairs, intensive study, or aristocracy to judge the woman he loved more than life itself, just him and Y/N. It was perfect.

"Abeloni!!!" He was distracted from his happy musings by Y/N calling his name, she sounded frightened. "Abeloni you need to wake up!!!" She was suddenly standing a few paces away from him, her beautiful face strained with worry.

What was she saying, he was awake? He thought in confusion, appalled to see that tears had begun sliding down her cheeks. "What's wrong Y/N? Why are you crying?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together as his expression turned to one of concern.

"I need you to wake up Abeloni!!!" Her voice shrill with emotion, her tear-streaked face juxtaposed against the beautiful sunny weather and the placid field they stood in. "Take my hand!" She begged as she reached her slender hand out to him, her sleeve shifting enough to reveal the old burns on her forearms.

Wanting to do anything he could to soothe her he tried to sit up and take her hand, only to find that he was unable to move. Why-why can't I move?! He thought, panic filling him as he realized that he was frozen in place no matter how much he attempted to struggle.

After considerable effort, he managed to sit up end extended his arm far enough to grasp hers. He shuddered, her hand felt like ice. Why does her skin feel so cold? He wondered before the image melted away into blackness, the feeling of her hand the only thing that remained.

Confused he opened his eyes and saw the blurry face of Y/N bending over him, she looked tired and strained. "Thank Luccia you're awake," she sighed in relief, and after several blinks, his vision cleared enough for him to see that tears had begun to pool in her E/C eyes. "I-I was scared I'd never see those blue eyes again..." She whispered as she looked down to where their hands were clasped.

"What-what happened?" Abeloni asked, he felt incredibly groggy. The last thing he remembered was setting up camp by the road, but even that was fuzzy. He looked around to see that he was laying on the dirt floor of a tiny farmhouse with several gaping holes in the roof and vines creeping in through the gaps. Feeling several cool droplets land on his face he looked up at Y/N who had begun silently crying where she knelt next to him. "Why are you crying?" He asked, trying to reach a hand out to wipe away her tears, only to find that he was too weak to do so.

"You wound is... Not good," She replied hesitantly. Abeloni immediately looked at his right arm to see that it had been re-bandaged by pieces of fabric torn from Y/N's skirt, and even though to wound itself was hidden his whole shoulder ached and it was emitting an off-putting odor. "You're burning up with a fever and I... I don't know what to do..." She admitted as she caressed his flushed face.

"Don't cry Y/N, I'm fine–" he tried to comfort her by sitting up, only to let out a cry of pain and fall back down when he tried to put weight on his bad arm.

"Don't stress yourself, your shoulder is bad enough as it is," She begged, taking another torn bit of skirt and dabbing water on his forehead in a futile attempt to combat his fever. "Oh Abeloni, look at you, this is all my fault." Fresh tears brimmed in her eyes as she looked down at his bedridden and feverish state.

"It's not," he reassured her, squeezing her hand in his good one. He looked up at her with pure love shining in his turquoise eyes. "I did what I did because I love you... And I'd do it again, even if I die it would be worth it to me–"

"But you can't die!" She cut him off passionately. "Everyone I have ever loved has risked their lives for me, I couldn't bear it if you lost your life because of me!" Angry tears slid down her face as she glared at him for even thinking about dying.

"Then I'll be here with you Y/N, no matter what," he said as he reached out to stroke her cheek affectionately, his hand shaking. "I promise."

She leaned against his hand but after a few moments worry clouded her face and she pulled away. "You're so warm," she remarked as she stood, moving out of his reach. Biting her lip in a moment of indecision she looked down at his flushed and feverish state and that seemed to steel her resolve. "I'm going into the village to get you some medicine, I'll be back as soon as I can." Before he had time to fully process what she said she was already gone, leaving him alone in the run-down farmhouse.

With nothing else to keep himself occupied he slipped in and out of fitful, feverish, sleep. He would awake now and then covered in a fine layer of sweat. It was miserable and all he hoped for was Y/N's swift return. It feels like she's been gone forever. What's keeping her? He thought as the patches of sky he could see through the holes in the roof turned from blue to peaches and purples.

Finally, as day turned to night he heard the sound of footsteps approaching and called out in joy, "Y/N is that–" he cut himself off as he heard multiple footsteps and the clank of metal. It definitely wasn't Y/N.

"Careful, it could be a trap," a gruff masculine voice warned. Moments later two burly soldiers stepped into the dilapidated farmhouse, weapons raised, they're faces showed surprise when they saw the sick body of the young prince laying on the dirt floor. "Looks like that bitch was telling the truth, he is here." The same man as before muttered, lowering his spear.

"W-what's going on?!" Abeloni asked, alarmed by the presence of the soldiers, struggling to sit up only to fall back again. "Where's Y/N?!" He asked, panicked for her safety.

"Don't worry Your Highness, you're safe now," one of the soldiers tried to reassure him as he forcibly helped him to his feet. He was so weak from the fever that he couldn't stand without the soldier holding him up.  "After we captured her she told us where to find you, seems like even a witch like her knows when she's been beaten." He remarked as he began to support the young prince out of the shack while the other soldier trailed behind them vigilantly.

"C-captured- no you have to let her go!" Abeloni stammered, horrified as he tried to reason with the two men practically carrying him down the gravel path to the main road where a large group of soldiers waited. "You don't understand she didn't do anything wrong!" He tried to convince them of her innocence, terrified of what his father would do to her if she was returned to the capital.

"It's alright, Your Highness," the second soldier soothed him as they reached the road, the other soldiers giving cries of joy and relief at the sight of the missing prince. They all guided him towards a humble carriage, but the prince himself was distracted by a large iron box on wheels with a small barred window at the top. "Whatever trickery or corrosion she used to gain power over you will surely vanish after she's executed," the soldier spat, his derision directed at the metal cell.

"No-No you can't!" Abeloni exclaimed as he realized that Y/N was imprisoned in that box and she was going to be hauled back to Bocio and the wrath of his father. He desperately fought against the soldiers forcing him into the carriage, but he could barely stand on his own let alone overpower the half dozen trained soldiers. "You can't take Y/N from me, I LOVE HER!" He screamed in desperation as the carriage door was closed and he was locked inside.


Oh my! Oh my oh my oh my, it looks like this pair of lovers are in quite a bit of trouble. Do you think they'll be able to get out of this before it's too late?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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