23. Invigorating Chase and a Pleasant Walk.

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After the invigorating talk with his parents, prince Abeloni rushed off with renewed spirits and confidence in his pursuit of the H/C haired lady-in-waiting, but he couldn't find her no matter how hard he searched, he eventually gave up but resumed his search the following day. He had noticed that his parents had assumed his interest in her to be romantic, but he wasn't sure if that was true.

Sure he did get excited about the thought of seeing her and talking to her, but how could he not? She was so mysterious and he was growing more desperate for answers as time passed. He thought about her appearance with her silky H/C hair and bright E/C eyes it was undeniable that she was attractive, but knowing so little about her personality it would be ridiculous for him to have fallen in love with her.

I obviously don't have feelings for her, he scoffed internally as he rushed through the halls near lady Cascia's chambers, hoping to run into her that day. My heart beats faster just because I'm excited by the thought of finally having my questions answered.

Finally, he caught sight of the woman who was single-handedly occupying the majority of his attention standing at the end of the hall leaning against the window, allowing the light breeze and golden sun to caress her skin, looking rather tired. "Good afternoon Y/N," The Crown Prince threw on a charismatic grin to cover up the nervousness he felt at trying to talk to her again. "I must say that the golden sun makes you look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, your Highness," Y/N replied curtly, tipping her head. She was trying her best to stay calm, but it was hardly any easier than it was before. She had trained into the early hours of the morning with Törrsk and as a result, was very tired.

"Almost as stunning as when we danced together the evening of my coronation," Abeloni prompted, trying to coax an answer to her dancing skills out of her and failing miserably.

Y/N only let out a frightened squeak before she darted away from him down the hall, despite her attempts to remain calm his overbearing and nosy attitude never failed to spook her. "No, wait - Y/N WAIT!!" The prince called after her.

He quickly took up the chase, pursuing her at swiftly. After several minutes he smirked as he saw that they had come upon a dead end and she would be forced to stop. His smirk faltered when Y/N noticed that she was cornered turned to the nearest window and jumped out of it, skidding along the overhanging roof below before she dropped down onto the lawn.

"UUGH! NOT SO FAST!" Abeloni groaned as he clambered out the window himself as he watched her take off across the grass. The things I'll do to get some answers from her, ridiculous. He sneered as he slipped across the narrow roof and took a flying leap off.

He tumbled to the ground with a groan, the air knocked from his lungs by the force of his impact. Looking down he was surprised to see astonished E/C eyes looking up at him, he had managed to land directly on top of Y/N.

"AAAH!!!" Y/N screamed, thrashing as she tried to get out from under him. "let me go!"

"Will you just listen!" He asked her desperately, gripping her shoulders. She froze and looked up at him in fear and he instantly regretted using such a firm tone. "Look, I'm sorry if I've come on too strong in the past, I just, I-I find you so interesting that I can't help it..." He explained, taking his mother's advice and not acting as perfect as he normally would.

"I was wondering if..." He faltered as his teal eyes scanned her face, she was truly lovely to look at and he felt his heart skip a beat at how close their faces were. "If you'd accompany me on a stroll around the grounds of the palace?" He asked in a voice little more than a shy whisper.

"Will you get off of me if I agree?" Y/N asked, finding that the embarrassed blush that had tinted the prince's cheeks made him appear much less intimidating.

"Oh yes, uh, my apologies!" He stammered, scrambling off her as it fully clicked in his mind what sort of position they had been in. "Here let me help you up!" He offered her a hand and pulled her to her feet, brushing the dust and dirt from her dress.

"Then I suppose I will walk with you," she agreed cooly, realizing that his invitation would give her an easy opportunity to learn more about his family.

"Thank you," he said, giving her a smile that stretched from ear to ear as he took her hand in his. "Really, thank you!"

. . .

"So, you're still pretty new to the palace right?" Crown Prince Abeloni broke the silence that had been between them for several minutes while they walked leisurely around the palace grounds, enjoying the sunny afternoon and the beautiful scenery.

"Yes, I started working her only a month before the ball," Y/N replied calmly, trying to not be as guarded around him as she had been in the past. "I know my way around the south wing, but that's about it."

"Well how about I show you around sometime?" The Crown Prince quickly jumped on the chance to spend more time with her in excitement. "Trust me, I know how confusing the palace can be, I've spent my whole life here and I still get lost upon occasion." He chuckled.

"Thank you, you are very kind," Y/N said politely, but on the inside, she was smirking, he had just given her the perfect opportunity to discover in what part of the palace the Royal Family dwelled. "What are those villas over there?" She asked, pointing to the stately buildings that surrounded the water fountain.

"They are the residences of nobles and members of the state who prefer to have more living space than proximity to the king," he responded happily, just grateful that she was actually talking to him. "Some ambassadors and diplomats prefer to stay there as well."

"I see," Y/N turned her head to look up at a large balcony that stuck out from the sandy walls nine or ten stories up.  "what about that balcony, it's on the south side of the palace but I've never been up there."

"That is because the only way to reach it is through the many chambers that belong to my mother," Abeloni looked up at the upper floors of the castle with Y/N. "Very few people are allowed in that section of the castle, not even the brothers and sisters of the king unless they have a special invention - but I know a secret way in." He said, giving her a cheeky grin.

"You do?" Y/N asked, trying to remain impartial while on the inside she was thanking the stars above for her good fortune.

"Yep!" He replied proudly, puffing out his chest. "I'll tell you, but you need to tell me what you did before you entered the palace in exchange." Y/N nodded her head in agreement and then he pulled her closer so that she could better see what he was pointing at. "See that little balcony, way up there, well those windows a story below are large enough to fit through. I go that way whenever I want to talk to my mother without being interrogated by guards for ten minutes."

"I see," Y/N pulled away, using all of her willpower to keep from grinning as she started to walk away. She knew how she was going to kill the Queen. "Thank you."

"Wait!" Abeloni called after her, unable to prevent her from going but desperate to have his question answered. "You need to hold up your end of the bargain now!"

She looked over her shoulder and gave him the first smile he had ever seen from her, causing his heart to race. "I worked as a spinner in the western edge of the city," she said the minimum that she could before she walked off.

Abeloni just watched her go, stunned. Lady Luccia, what is this feeling? He asked himself as he felt his heart still beating violently in his chest. I learned something new about her, I should be more content, why do I cave to know her more than I did before?


Ooooooo! Looks like Y/N is finally starting to monopolize on Abeloni's interest in her.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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