13. New Ally.

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While Lady Cascia was on her walk with the soon-to-be crown prince the two handmaidens were too engrossed in bathing the very reluctant slave, Törrsk, to even notice her absence. He was as scrawny as a stock of wheat, but his imposing stature was still quite intimidating. Adding to it all was the fact that he was sitting naked in one of the troughs previously used for dying fabric.

Even though the soapy water obscured anything indecent Issi was still squeamish about assisting. It didn't help that whenever she got close he would glare at her with such a blazing intensity that she would be forced to retreat in fear.

This meant that Y/N had to do the majority of the washing herself. She lathered her hands up with soap and hesitantly began scrubbing his dark hair. On the inside, she may have wanted to cover her eyes and squeal like Issi was, but if she wanted to make sure that he was fully rid of any fleas or other parasites she couldn't afford to be squeamish.

She massaged the soap into his scalp and found to her surprise that he didn't flinch away from her hands as he had done to Issi, but leaned into her touch instead. This behavior continued to repeat throughout the day.

Törrsk would pretend like he couldn't understand a word of what either Issi or lady Cascia was saying when they addressed him or asked him to do something but would listen attentively and do it at once if Y/N was the one to talk to him or ask him for something.

The other women would just laugh it off but Y/N found it more than a little bit unnerving that his eyes always seemed to be on her. Throughout the entire day, she felt him watching her, several times she had looked over her shoulder hoping that if she caught him staring he would stop, but he just continued to stare at her with a blank expression on his pale face. It was unsettling, to say the least, but Y/N was just grateful that Törrsk was now clothed in a simple tunic and trousers which had been brought by after he finished his bath.

There was much discussion about what was to be done with Törrsk now that he was technically in Lady Cascia's possession after the fiasco at the front of the palace earlier that day,  after much deliberation, it was decided that Törrsk would be given the role of a sort of man-servant to Lady Cascia mainly responsible for light housekeeping and lifting things that were too heavy for the three women to manage on their own.

With that settled Törrsk was given a small room nearby and the three women decided to go to bed early, tired from all of the excitement of the day. They should have slept soundly, but Y/N was awoken in the middle of the night by a clattering from across the hall.

Lighting a candle she crept into the hallway only to hear it again moments later coming from Lady Cascia's room, she hurried to the door worried for her lady's safety. She stepped inside, the moonlight flooding the extravagant room from the large windows considerably brighter than the light in the hall. The bedchamber was permeated by the loud sounds of the lady's snores and for a moment Y/N felt relief but it melted into terror when she saw a tall menacing figure was standing at the bedside brandishing a fire poker in the air.

"T-Törrsk?" She squeaked uncertainty, not wanting to believe the identity of the abnormally tall intruder.

"Y-Y/N..." He stammered in surprise, his foreign accent caressing her name in a way she had never heard before as he turned to look at her, his empty eyes flashing with warmth again.

"What are you doing?!" Y/N hissed, trying to be as firm as she could while still keeping her voice down, walking closer to the slave.

"... Ay-ay am going ta-ta kyll 'er..." He said, his words were heavily accented and he spoke with a rumbling and hesitant uncertainty. "Er kind... Took me and mine kin... Brought ta thys vile cyty and sold... Ay'll kyll her first... Ya can' say it's not mine right after everything that's been done to me..." He raised the poker again to strike the defenseless woman sleeping.

"Törrsk you can't kill her," Y/N growled, trying to stay brave. She didn't want him to be caught as she greatly pitied him, but she may not have a choice if things kept progressing.  "She is not one of those who wronged you, she is foolish but innocent."

"Vho are ya to tell me ay can't?" He snapped his head back, glaring at her, his face twisted into a snarl as he gazed down at her. "Ya 'ave never had pain from them-"

"-I have," Y/N interrupted him cooly. The pain on his face, the countless ways she knew that he had suffered, reminded her so entirely of herself that she revealed something to him that no one but Enicia knew about. She rolled up her sleeves, the ugly burns on her arms plain to see in the moonlight. "My whole family was killed by the Luccians, and my homeland was destroyed, believe me, I understand your pain. But killing Cascia won't solve it she's not the one to blame."

"Vhat then?" He asked her, his eyes as wide as saucers as he gazed down at her.

"Put that down and come with me," Y/N pointed to the fire poker, relieved beyond measure that he had calmed down, then she crossed the room towards the door.  "Then I'll tell you."

Törrsk did as she commanded him and put the poker down before he followed her out of the room, leaving the noble lady still fast asleep in bed oblivious to just how close she had come to dying. He followed her down the hall until they entered her chambers which were so small that it barely accommodated the two standing people in it. "Cascia is guiltless for the pain caused to your family and mine," Y/N said firmly as she turned to face Törrsk the candle in her hand the sole light in the tiny room. "But the man who isn't is king Ilidoro. He allowed the misery and slavery of your people to continue and ordered the destruction of mine."

"Soo, vhat do ya vant ta do about it?" He questioned her, his pale skin appearing ghostly in the flickering light of the candle.

"I am going to kill him and his family to get my revenge," Y/N told him, sounding as calm and certain as though they were already dead. "I don't care what it takes, even if it costs me life! I understand that you want revenge too, but I won't let you hurt lady Cascia she is innocent and my friend!" Y/N warned him earnestly.

"Ay... See..." Törrsk faltered looking away from Y/N for the first time that she noticed. "Ya saved me from Arllo, I surely vould have died, so if yar vish if far Cascia ta be spared I wyll oblige... An' I vant ta help ar v-vengeance," he offered her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, wanting to be sure he understood the risks. "The path of vengeance is rocky and treacherous."

"Yes," he nodded his head, his cold eyes connecting with hers. "vhat more can they take from mine?"


Looks like Y/N has found another ally within the walls of Ficcioro Palace.

On a side note, writing out Törrsk's accent was such a nightmare, but I hope that you enjoyed it, because that's what matters. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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