36. Growing Closer.

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The days flew by and before anyone realized it, it had been over a week since Y/N and Abeloni had gone on their eventful boat ride. Combining the presence of the burns on her arms and the confusing conversation he overheard the Crown Prince had become even more obsessed than he was before and would observe Y/N from a distance whenever he had the chance as he tried to piece it all together, meanwhile Y/N was oblivious to the gaze of the prince which so frequently lingered on her as she was too busy with her work and preparing for the next chance she would have to kill the Royal Family to notice.

The day turned to night and Y/N slipped out of her room and passed quickly through the darkened halls on her way to the small courtyard in which Törrsk was teaching her how to fight little by little. The moon was a shimmering crescent as she stepped out into the courtyard and saw the tall spindly silhouette of him waiting for her.

"Y/N, it's good to see ya t'night," he said with unusual warmth in his tone and on his pale face as he looked down at her. The cool light of the moon softening his generally harsh features.

"It's good to see you too," she greeted him with an equally warm smile as she approached him. "So... What are we going to be doing tonight? Strength training, agility, endurance?" She asked, listing off the various things that he had her do in the past for training. 

"No," He shook his head firmly, catching her off-guard. "T'night ve'll be vorking on sparring. Ya've trained enough, yar ready." He told her firmly, the silence of the courtyard disrupted by his words.

"I see," Y/N nodded her head, if Törrsk said she was ready she was, he was much more familiar with this than she was. "Tell me what to do." She sunk into the sturdy stance that Törrsk had taught her over the past weeks subconsciously.

"Attack me," He commanded, her, his crystal blue eyes glinting like shards of ice within his milky face. "Do yar worst, don't hold back." His expression hardened in a way that it seldom did when looking at Y/N.

She rushed forward but was not quite sure what to do so she just flung her arms at him blindly only to be knocked away by Törrsk as easily as a cat knocking a kitten off its feet. "Yar holding back," he scolded her as she got back on her feet, "yar soul's not in the fight. Again!"

She rushed at him with more aggression this time but he sent her tumbling to the ground effortlessly. "Ya have to be in the fight," he snapped, a bit irritated that Y/N wasn't understanding what he was saying, "It's my life or yars, so what do ya have ta live for?"

His face softened as he helped Y/N to her feet and held her by the shoulders in a gentle and supportive way. "Ay have my lost home," he told her softly as he became pensive. "My village was... Attacked. They kylled many of us and took the rest. They tyed us and drove us down through the mountains. Vhen ve got to the city ve vere sold like animals and that vile man bought me. I vas the dirt beneath his feet, they all treated me like that... Till ya. Yar the only one vho has shovn me kyndness... Vanting to destroy those who shamed me and to stay by the side of such a kynd voman, that is why ay fight now." His eyes held a murmur of affection that had never before appeared there as he gazed down at Y/N.

Y/N leaned in closer to him, feeling a magnetic pull. "I have my vengeance," she breathed in a voice that was scarcely above a whisper. "I still remember that night, when everything was burned to the ground. I can still hear the screaming, that awful screaming of those who were not as lucky to avoid the flames as I... When I try to sleep at night I hear them... The screaming... The heat of the fires... The wrath of the soldiers as they burning everything..." Her mind was spinning as she felt the heat of the flames once more.

In Törrsk's gaze was something akin to empathy and respect, both emotions that had been absent from his features ever since he was captured. "Then ya must fight for them, ya must fight," He said in an equally soft tone as he pulled her into an embrace, trying to convey without words that he knew the kind of pain she felt. "That's the only way that ya'll have vengeance. I'll fight with ya, together ve'll right all the wrongs done to us -Now Again! Attack vith all ya have." He commands as he pulled away after several moments.

She quickly gathered her thoughts and ignored the way that her heart had pounded in her chest as he held her. She couldn't allow herself to indulge in such pleasant feelings, not now. Now she had to let her pain and hatred give her the strength she needed to fight. She rushed at Törrsk again and he knocked her away, but not before she managed to land a harsh blow against his ribs.

The pair continued to spare, oblivious to the fact that a glimmering pair of teal eyes had been watching them from the darkness the whole time. So Y/N likes the rough physical sports, Crown Prince Abeloni thought from where he crouched behind one of the pillars, no matter I can be tough and masculine.

He had been following her trying to get more answers and he was surprised, to say the least when he saw her sneaking out in the middle of the night, he was only vexed that he hadn't been able to hear everything that was said between her and the slave boy though. He had felt a sharp pang of jealousy when he saw them embrace and he had to bite his lip to keep a low growl from escaping his throat. I can show her a better time than any slave, I'll make sure of that! He vowed as he turned on his heel and walked away, his jealousy only growing, he had much planning to do.


Oooo! Looks like Abeloni may have a rival in love before long. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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