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The days that followed the canceled execution passed in a frenzy of confusion as king Ilidoro labored to concoct a believable lie to pacify the court officials explaining why Y/N had received a full pardon and was even being treated like a member of the Royal Family.

He eventually spun some semi-realistic story about the assassination and treason being plotted by a jaded slave who had blackmailed Y/N and Enicia into helping him with the knowledge of their true identities only to betray them when they had failed to poison the Royal Family. While it wasn't the truth, Y/N was grateful that the tale cleared her and Enicia of most of the suspicion they had been under.

Her heart still ached for Enicia, and she had by no means forgiven king Ilidoro for killing her and for all the other crimes he had committed, but she knew firsthand how painful and lonely a life devoted to revenge was. She wouldn't forgive him, but she wouldn't waste her life on vengeance either. Instead, she would live every moment of her life pursuing what made her happy, and what made her happier than anything else was her flourishing relationship with Abeloni.

After exerting as much energy as he did to prevent her execution he was completely bedridden, but still his same chipper self. Y/N kept him company, occasionally joined by King Ilidoro when he was not at Queen Y/N's side. She was also confined to her chambers due to her poor health, but fortunately, it wasn't as serious as Ilidoro feared and the court physician said that she would recover before long, and indeed she did.

After what felt like no time at all both the Queen and Abeloni were back to full health, the latter spending all the time he could with Y/N, showering her in affection. Although he could be very smothering at times she eventually became accustomed to it and even began to enjoy it.

With nothing opposing their relationship, it wasn't long before Y/N broached the idea of marriage to Abeloni who accepted the idea as soon as the question left her mouth. The king and queen were quite pleased by their announcement, and even though things were still a bit awkward between her and Ilidoro wasn't that always the case with the parents of your spouse?

Y/N and Abeloni were wed in the largest Temple in Luccia, as it was the only venue spacious enough to contain all of the people who wanted to witness such an unprecedented event. As a wedding gift, Ilidoro had not only reinstated Vascini's autonomy but named it completely sovereign of Luccia. As such, the ceremony was not only a wedding but also Y/N's coronation as Queen of Vascini.

Once word of this was leaked it caused quite an uproar as never had two sole heirs to two nations been married. Whether the union of such powerful individuals would lead to prosperity or ruin, the audience watched with bated breath as the couple stood before the altar and the ceremony commenced.

Y/N wore an all-black gown with a long train that rippled behind her like a living shadow. The only spot of color on her was the blood-red jewels set into the facets of her silver crown, a gift from Queen Y/N for her wedding and coronation. Abeloni stood next to her clad in velvet robes of the deepest purple, complimenting the stones set into the golden circlet that sat beneath his chocolate curls.

Arm and arm, they knelt before the Alter of the Goddess Luccia. The priest gave a prayer before anointing Y/N's brow with oil, crowning her the undisputable sovereign of Vascini before all those present and before the goddess. After that the couple stood and exchanged their marriage vows, the priest blessed the new couple and they kissed to solidify their union.

The crowd cheered, celebrating them. Y/N pulled away and smiled as she met Abeloni's love-struck eyes. She never could have imagined that she would be standing before the altar with the man she had once plotted to kill, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

She had found someone who loved her with all his heart, and she felt the same, someone who would do anything to be with her. With her heart free from the bitter vengeance that once inhabited it, countless dreams shone brightly on the horizon.

She was going to go home, to Vascini, and bring Abeloni with her. They would rebuild the country and heal the lingering animosity in the hearts of the people, just as they had brought an end to the hatred between their families, and they would do it together.


I fully admit that I went for the sappy ending with this book, but after all the suffering I have put this family through the least I can do is give these two a happy end, right?

Don't worry though, if you're still craving, tears, angst, and depression, the prologue for Street Mouse's sequel should be up now! It's called: Street Mouse 2.

It is already more angsty than the first book, and I'm not even two chapters in. Cheers to despair and anguish. T~T

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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