49. Breaking the News.

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"Y/N! Y/N! Are you awake?!" Abeloni called exuberantly as he burst through the doorway of her modest bedroom first thing in the morning. Before Y/N was even awake fully she found herself tackled in bed by the crown prince who was so excited to see her that he didn't even notice that aside from the blankets that were covering her she was only wearing a thin nightgown and how improper his presence in her chambers was.

"I am now," she sighed, stretching as she adjusted her position to better accommodate Abeloni who was hugging her tightly and showing no signs of letting go. It's not that she minded his obverse displays of affection, it was just a bit much to deal with first thing in the morning.

"Oh Y/N, even in your bedclothes you're enchanting," He commented, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks as he finally noticed her white and semi-transparent garments. He didn't pull away though but just kept holding on to her as he looked up and met her eyes with an adoring smile.  "Oh, can we please get married right now so that I can have you all to myself forever?"

"Abeloni, let's take things slow, we only just started courting last night," Y/N reprimanded him, unable to keep herself from giggling at how eager he was. Even so, she would need lots of time to adjust herself fully to being in love with him considering what her previous plans had been.

"Alright, I suppose I can wait for a week, maybe two," He gave in, sulking childishly. When she arched her eyebrow at him and glared he reluctantly amended his previous statement. "Alright... I guess for you I can wait as long as you want."

Y/N kissed his forehead in a show of appreciation before she moved to sit up from the reclining position she had been in. "But, I suppose it would be alright if we told the king and queen and Lady Cascia about us-" she added, trying to improve the prince's mood.

"-Alright! Let's go tell them now!" He perked up at once, practically beaming with delight, and took Y/N by the hand as he bolted to his feet at started dragging her towards the door.

"Abeloni wait!!" Y/N protested, her eyes widening in surprise at his response. She dug the heels of her feet in and struggled to grab the previous day's clothing that had been discarded on the floor before she was pulled out of her bed-chamber. "I'm not properly dressed!!"

. . .

Abeloni arrived at the doors of his parents' bed chambers and pushed past the two guards as he threw the doors open. "Mother! Father!" He exclaimed, still grinning from ear to ear as he continued to tug Y/N along behind him, who was quite disgruntled considering she had to get dressed sloppily while rushing through the halls of the palace, not of her own free will. "You remember Y/N, of course, you do who could forget her? As I was saying I have wonderful news! Y/N and I are in love!" He babbled on, oblivious to how awkward it was for Y/N to be standing half-dressed before the king and queen of the nation who still appeared to be half asleep despite their son's loud intrusion. 

The king sat up in the giant canopy bed and pulled on a silken robe over his tonic, his brown and silver curls hanging loose past his shoulders. Despite his less than regal dress he still had a commanding and intimating aura. "Is this some kind of joke?" He questioned in a serious tone, as he approached them. "My son, who has turned down all the arrangements your mother and I have offered you with the most eligible women in the kingdom is in love with a low born lady-in-waiting?" He asked, without a trace of his normal jolly nature to be seen.

"Yes..." Abeloni's smile fell and he faltered, taking an involuntary step back. He had never seen his father that way before and it unnerved him. "But father-" he tried to explain, clutching tightly to Y/N's hand as he spoke.

"Well by Lady Luccia finally!" The king exclaimed, his face splitting into a wide grin that matched the one his son had moments before. "I was being to worry that we'd have to give you a love potion of some kind if we ever wanted to see any grandchildren, isn't that right my queen?" He chuckled as he turned his attention to his wife who was only just rising from the bed.

"You're not upset that she's not from a-a noble family from Luccia?" He stuttered, his blue eyes still wide and uncertain at the sudden change of atmosphere.

"I wasn't either you know," The queen cut in tenderly from where she stood by the windows, shooing several servants away so that she could open the curtains herself and let in the morning sunshine. Once she finished with the curtains she walked towards the three others, still managing to look refined and elegant in nothing but a nightgown. "Even though it may cause some contention in the court we just want to see you happy Abeloni. Low born or not, all that matters is that you love each other, and you do love each other don't you?" She asked sternly as she fixed her gaze one Y/N, making it clear that the question was for her.

"Yes your Majesty," she answered, trying to convey to the queen that she had given up on revenge and genuinely loved Abeloni without directly stating it. "We only just began courting, but I already feel as though I've started a whole new life... It's as though nothing before now matters anymore."

"I see," Was all she replied with as she nodded her regal head but Y/N felt immense relief wash over her just from those simple words. "You two have my blessing then." She finished with a charming smile.

The king continued to smile but then leaned in with a much more devious smirk. "You have my blessing too. Now... about those grandchildren," Before he was interrupted by the Queen smacking the back of his head and glaring at him. "Ouchie! I was only teasing them a bit my love," He pouted, rubbing the back of his head.

. . .

"Lady Cascia, I have something important to tell you," Abeloni announced as the pair entered her chambers in a reserved fashion, catching the Lady in the middle of having her hair styled for the day. "Y/N and I have begun courting-"

"-I KNEW IT!!!" Lady Cascia cut him off before he could finish, bolting up from her chair with only half her hair pinned up so that she could dance around the room and giggle in delight. "I knew that you two secretly fancied each other - ah I love it when I'm right!!!"

"Congratulations Y/N!" Issi, Lady Cascia's other lady-in-waiting, congratulated her in a much more subdued tone though she was still swooning from the romantic pair they made. "You both are just so well-suited to each other it's practically unimaginable to think of you two apart."

"So... When's the wedding?!" She was practically bouncing up and down with excitement as she clutched onto Y/N's hands and twirled her around. "Who are you going to have as your maid of honor, pick me! Pick me! Pick me!"

"Cascia, we only just started courting, I haven't even told Enicia yet," she sighed, shaking her head at her excitable friend as she pulled her hands away and turned her attention to Abeloni as she realized that she had yet to tell Enicia about her change of heart. "Speaking of which, Abeloni I think it would be best if I told her alone about us. It's just been me and her for a very long time and I'm not sure how she will react."

"Of course," Abeloni sighed reluctantly, stroking her cheek with his hand tenderly. "Even though I can hardly stand the idea of ever being apart from you again, if it's what you think is best then what choice do I have but to accept?"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic," Y/N laughed as she pecked his cheek before slipping out of lady Cascia's chambers. "I'll be finished and returned to your side before you'll be able to miss me."

"But I already miss you..." He whispered, his face turning sad just moments after she was gone from his sight.

"Come on Abeloni!" Cascia tackled her cousin from behind, trying to cheer him up. "I want to hear ALL the juicy details about you and Y/N! You can start by telling me who confessed!"


This was such a wholesome chapter, everyone was so sweet. Were you surprised by the king's reaction?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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