19. My Awakening

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Our gentle huffs are all that can be heard around us, as we each hide behind a tree that stands tall whilst overlooking the barrier that protects the infamous Camp Half-Blood. With both of our faces cloaked, our shields rest on our forearms as we search for any signs of the night watch.

When mentioning the night watch, I had asked Carter why they needed a night watch he explained proudly that it was to delay our destructive advances. Unsure of these so-called destructive advances I pressed further,

"What did we do that required half of the camp to be on night watch?" I asked curiously,

Carter shook his head with disappointment, but a proud smile played on his thin lips, "It is a pity that you do not remember, with our last attack we let in a whole army of monsters and wow you were ruthless" He said with pride as he patted my back.

The more time I spend with him the more his loneliness shines, I am starting to understand why he was so hurt by my betrayal as I think that I am the only friend that he's got.

Often since, let's call it my awakening, until early this morning I had been questioning the validity of all of his tales of the two of us and our battles against those who wronged us, but this morning my suspicion died out when he was telling me a story of how Clarisse La Rue had stabbed with a poisoned blade whilst trying to take me down in what she had promised would be a friendly battle, but she lied and stabbed me in the back, literally. Due to the poison, the cut has left an incurable scar. If his tales were false, how would he have known that it was there unless I am just the most gullible guy on earth.

Along the barrier a pair of half-bloods walk fully armoured with swords and shields in their weary grasps. Carter sees them too, his eyes watch them as they walk past with a quiet chatter between the two of them. Carter steps forward, eager to pounce on top of them like a lion with his prey, however I stop him but stick my arm out in front of him.

"Not yet" I whisper.

Carter sends me a frustrated look, annoyed with me for stopping him but causing some premature havoc.

Carter's plan is devious and slightly vile, when he had told me about his final plan, I was shocked that he held so much rage inside and was hoping that he would consider his plan over until he showed me the scar, that is when a desire for revenge sank in deep for the person who had given me that scar, so here I am with a bow at my feet ready to shoot a flaming arrow towards the cabins where our enemies rest. This is all that our plan entails, shooting a few arrows at the cabins scaring the demigods with the thought that we had gotten close enough to burn their precious cabins.

Quietly and still, we hide behind our trees until voices appear behind us. We freeze with fear of being caught as the voices walk snapping twigs and not trying to hide.

"It has been two weeks and nothing" a voice complains with defeat, "Why is it so hard to find him?"

I manage to spot two figures off to our right, walking through the shadows and through the barrier.

Two weeks, that is just a coincidence that my awakening was two weeks ago as well...right?

We watch as the figures walk into a nearby tent, "We need to draw those guys out" I suggest, "With them being there we may be compromised, or they will be able to take us from behind"

Carter nods with agreement, "So, what do you have to suggest?"

I explain to Carter that the first thing that we should set alight is this tent, drawing all of those on the night watch to the tent to look for the culprits. This would draw our threat to one area, finding evidence that points to outside of the barrier whilst we sneak around towards the cabins.

Patiently we wait until an hour before dawn, to keep us busy Carter tells me stories about growing up in Detroit with his drunk of a stepfather and mother. Whilst expecting it to be sad, he proudly explains me how after his second case of beer, Joe would black out and sleep until midday with no recollection of the night before.

"Often I would take an extra twenty out of his wallet and remind him that he had gone to a bar and would lose money betting on the sporting event of the night" He smiles, "Unknown to him that he was funding my midnight snacks to full me up from my slice of butter on toast with supper, and the other fifteen I would sneak into my mom's purse so that she had some money as Joe would take her salary claiming that she had to contribute to his house, when actually it was my mom's apartment"

"That must have been tough" I sympathise, "I did not see you as a mommy's boy" I tease, hoping to change the tone to something lighter.

Understanding my attempts to lighten the mood, he chuckles, "Say what you want Jackson, but I do not see anything wrong with loving my mom"

I smile at my friend who leans against the stiff posture of his tree, "At least you can remember your mother" I say, "I would give anything right now to know the relationship that my mom and I share, and how close we are"

A guilty look appears on his face, as I mention my unknown mother.

"I don't think that I have apologised for you know" He says pointing at his forehead.

"Don't worry" I assure him, "It was not your intention to knock away my memories"

His look of guilt stays on his face as he leanshis head back against the tree. For the next few half an hour we look up the starsuntil we are sure that the time is right to attack camp.

 For the next few half an hour we look up the starsuntil we are sure that the time is right to attack camp

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