13. An enemy makes a move

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A pain struck me as we flew into Camp, a pain that I have only experienced a few times. Injured demigods lay weak amidst the battle of fifty monsters all as ugly as the next. We wasted no time getting out the chariot and charging into battle with swords held high and a strong desire for no mercy. My first victim was a cyclops who continued to knock young demigods aside,

"Hey ugly!" I called as I ran up to him, my grip tight around my handle.

He took a swing at me with his giant wooden club, only missing my waist by the inches as the force of his club swept by.

"I think we need to get you a monocle" I chide as I defend the next swing with my sword.

To my left, Alpha and Huntress fight their own monsters, furiously Alpha strikes through the chest of an empousa turning it to ashes whilst Huntress shoots and arrow into the eye of a gorgon. Around me more demigods fall, Apollo's children desperately try to bring as many unconscious demigods away from the battle and towards the infirmary. Behind the cyclops, Will desperately attempts to pull two battered and bruised demigods away from the danger but is pulled down by their weight, he tries to get up with agony not wanting to leave one of them behind.

The cyclops takes another swing, this one higher than the last as he aims for my head, I manage to duck and roll under his swimming club and strike him in the stomach, his dust falls down onto me. With no time to whine I run over to Will and offer to take a young girl who has a nasty gash on her forehead that is oozing with blood. Grateful Will accepts, I scoop the child up in my arms and rush over to the infirmary and gently lay her down in a bed. This is no time to be thanked as Will and his siblings immediately move to feeding her ambrosia and nectar.

As I approach the battle ground my eyes fall on an enemy, confidently he strikes the monsters from behind one by one a look of power sits on his face as he takes down two monsters by surprise as he stabs them in the back, literally.

So this is his plan, to play hero and to gain recognition at the expense of his fellow campers, rage boils within me as I approach him. I am ready to strike him when from behind me someone calls,

"Don't do it" Huntress pleads, "You will make it worse"

I stop, unsure if he is aware of how much I want to knock him down with my sword.

To my left an empousai approaches, behind her stands Annabeth who is in full gear and is fending off her own monster, "Your scent is strong" The empousa comments, "Like a child of the big three" She grins, her words capture Annabeth's attention, causing her to lose her focus and to be clawed down her side she lets out a cry of pain.

I look around to see Callista turn her monster to dust,

"Callista!" I call, this catches her attention using my blade I point to the monster that now stands over Annabeth's injured body.

Callista runs over and swipes her blade through the monster, catching it by surprise, immediately she picks up Annabeth and heads over to the infirmary.

"You will be a delicious snack!" The monster says with a determined grin.

The Empousai's hair flames with orange, her red eyes hold a hungry desire as she walks over with her donkey leg first and then her celestial bronze leg next ready with her sharp claws to devour me.

"I get why you change your form" I say as she circles me trying her best to catch me by surprise, "You are so ashamed by how ugly you are that you have change your looks just to find a friend"

This angers her, as her red eyes glow brighter with rage.

"But don't you worry, I will be your friend right after I kill you"

This engages her strike as she flies over and tries to come down on me with her dirty claws, it takes one angry strike to decapitate her.

I look around as her dust falls and watch as Nico summons dead soldiers as a desperate act to fend off the monsters, around us the hunters shoot arrows wherever they are needed their form and aim nearly as good as Huntress's. I watch Carter as he pushes demigods out the way, taking the monsters by surprise before he slashes them to dust, the demigods look up to him in awe.

Clarisse finds me, anger sits on her face as she leaves the side of a fallen demigod.

"How is this possible" She spits, "Our barrier should have withheld this"

I spot a small demigod in trouble, desperately trying to fend for his life with my knife against a horrific Manticore.

"It is Carter, he let them in, do not trust him" I order as I race to Alexander's side. As I am about to reach him, the tip of the Manticore's tail impales him through the chest, Alexander immediately falls.

"No!" I yell with grief as I pounce and try to cut off his tail. His reflexes are good as he steps away from my blade lusting for the taste of manticore dust, angry with my failed attempt he lifts up his scorpion tail and starts to shoot his poisonous blades of thorns at me, each one with direct precision. With my sword I manage to slap them away, he continues to push me back towards the beach. I step on a hard item that is rounded and makes a sound that sounds almost like a metal, I look down to see a shield dropped by a demigod. Quickly I manage to pick it up, making it easier to protect myself against the manticore's poisonous thorns. Soon white sand grumbles under my feet, wanting to avoid the water I try to push the manticore back but miss a flying thorn that impales my arm. I groan in pain as I feel my levels of energy start to fall quickly as black dots appear, another lands in my other arm. I fall to my knees, unable to stand up my vision begins to blur. I wait for him to strike me with his scorpion tail but he never does instead he blows away in the wind.

In front of me a figure stands with a bow in her hand, my throat is dry as my words fight to be released as my tongue feels paralysed with exhaustion, pain fires through my arm as I weakly point to the water and manage to gasp for the word, "Water" before the black takes over and I fall into the sand.

In front of me a figure stands with a bow in her hand, my throat is dry as my words fight to be released as my tongue feels paralysed with exhaustion, pain fires through my arm as I weakly point to the water and manage to gasp for the word, "Water...

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