20. I use my shield as a frisbee

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The moon's light is dim, allowing us to hide in her shadows as we begin to stalk through the shadows away from the tent and through the barrier. On high alert, I follow Carter through the forest until we find a suitable tree to climb and that is at a fare distance from the tent but near the cabins. Together we climb up the tree, each taking our own branch as our own lookout point. I hand over the bow to Carter along with the flammable arrow, below us another pair of demigods move oblivious to their enemies being above them. Slowly I hand over the bow to Carter, my eyes remain trained on the two, both with bows in their hands. We wait until they are fifty metres away from us before lighting the arrow, with precision Carter aims the arrow and lets it soar through the night, its flame a beaker for us to follow as we watch it land onto the top of the tent, the eruption of a flame is not immediate, it takes a few moments as the single flame remembers its task at hand. Quickly the flame starts to spread along the tent's rooftop from end to end. Around us dozens of campers flee their posts towards the tent, hoping to get an idea of the culprits.

Campers begin to scream orders at one another as three hooded figures escape from their burning tent, their bodies are stiff with rage as they too begin to bark out orders.

Seeing our window of opportunity, we climb down and head to our next destination. A challenge that I had underestimated until now as I looked down towards the camp, where large gaps of light sit between the shadows. Since we had arrived, I have not had the opportunity to take in the beauty of the sleeping Camp Half-Blood, with torches lit at the entrance of every building offering a mysterious yet inviting invitation to investigate the secrets that hide in the shadows. Guilt strikes me as I look over to the cabins where many demigods snooze peacefully knowing that there are people out there protecting them from harm. I continue to follow Carter to the first building, my chest rising and falling with painful guilt as we get closer to burning down the cabins. Carter looks around, hoping to find an advantage point, his brown eyes fall onto the arena.

He points to it, "There" He says, "If we get to the top that will give me a close range and will make it easier to shoot each cabin"

The words of protest are stuck in my throat as an arrow pierces my shoulder, I gasp in pain, desperately looking around for its shooter. My eyes land on a figure from the direction we had come, her bow and arrow are aimed eager to take another shot.

"Stand down" She orders with despise painted over her commanding voice.

Carter hands me a vile, "I will deal with this" He says bravely as he shoots his own arrow towards her, the girl easily dodges it.

My head throbs with adrenaline screaming at me to run and to leave this sleeping place whilst my heart beats against my chest to help my friend out. I bite my tongue as I pull out the arrow and throw it on the floor along with the vile. Taking my shield, I throw it towards my attacker like a frisbee, watching proudly as the shield comfortably skates across the air and only just misses her head. Her attention falls to me, thinking that her guard is down, Carter attempts to strike her with his knife, using her bow she blocks his attack and swings her bow across his face knocking him to the floor.

Rage grows inside of me as my friend wipes away blood from a cut on his cheek, ignoring my internal protests about attacking camp I pull out my sword and strike towards the girl.

Her bow is strong, as it easily blocks most of my strikes, a few get through but miss her body by inches. Our weapons clash as she tries to knock me down like Carter, my reflexes decline her attempts easily allowing me to avoid the same fate.

"I do not know which of you is Carter, but just know that you will be paying a price for what you have done"

On the floor Carter lets out a low rumbling chuckle, a chuckle that is filled with evil intentions and poisonous thoughts, a chuckle that frightens the misunderstood image that I have created in mind about him. His chuckle disturbs the girl's concentration as she turns to face him, seizing an opportunity my blade swipes along her back. As she cries in pain, victory does not fulfil me instead my guilt returns telling me that I should not have done that.

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