4. I fall for a setup

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As the evening played on, the campers prepared themselves for night watch. Clarisse walked around in her bloodred armour with her electric spear attached to her back barking orders to her fellow night watchers. Half of the campers had been assigned to the first night allowing the others to rest as it would be their turns tomorrow.

The four of us started to examine the boarder, starting at Thalia's tree. Peleus the dragon slept peacefully under the golden fleece, since the last time I had seen him he had doubled in size now. Without the golden fleece it would be impossible for someone to break the barrier as it is the fleece's job to heal the barrier if any unwelcomed guest were to try and damage or shatter the barrier.

"This does not make sense" Alpha states, "With the fleece still hanging in the tree, no monsters should be able to enter camp"

The coppery dragon continues sleep, little whistles escape his large nostrils. Towards campers Peleus is tame and loyal however when unwelcomed guests try to infiltrate our boarder, he is a ferocious beast with no mercy.

We continue to walk, with no suggestion or reasoning for the monster invasions. We stay silent as we examine the border, the lack of explanation clouds our mind. We arrive back at Thalia's tree where the campers have all met, ready for the long night ahead. Clarisse starts to distribute the points to each assigned pair, the barrier is covered including Peleus who is left alone to his own point.

I turn to Alpha and Huntress,

"Alpha, go around the barrier and look for weak points that you may have used, take Huntress with you?"

Alpha sighs, "I am never going to live that down, aren't I?"

"Live down what?" A voice asks, behind us an eavesdropping Clarisse stands.

"Not that it is any of your business, but often it is Alpha who plays the villain in our simulations" I lie.

Clarisse sneers at me, her lack of trust grows. She begins to storm off with an angry grunt.

"Uh Princess, you have not given us our posts yet" I call out to her with a mocking tone.

With her knife in one hand and other fist clenched she storms back to me,

"Listen here punk, I do not care if you are as strong as they say but I am not afraid to knock you down right here" She threatens through gritted teeth, "I am the daughter of Ares, so I suggest you do not test my strength by calling me such names"

Oh, how I wish she could see the smirk playing on my face, this felt like old times with the petty arguments that we would have.

For the past two years I would often find myself missing Camp Half Blood and its members, from the Stolls and their pranks on their fellow campers, to Clarisse always acting a lot tougher than she needed to be.

The night remained silent, often we moved around in the shadows checking in on the demigods and ensuring that all were at their posts. The silence soon was interrupted in the early hours of the morning by a horn going off near Bunker 9, as if expected all demigods rushed to that spot hoping to catch a monster in the act of entering our damaged barrier. We all arrived filled with adrenaline and our blades ready to turn the monster to dust. However, there was no monster, nor demigod.

"Clarisse who was allocated to this point?" I asked.

"Stolls!" Clarisse called, her nostrils flare with anger.

Clarisse looked just about ready to punch both brothers down the underworld. The twins came running in, their bows banging against their armour.

"Yes?" They ask together.

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