18. I am offered redemption

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A black material blinds my vision, together my wrists and ankles are tied by a raw rope that roughly rubs against my skin.

"Ah it seems like someone is awake" A voice chuckles from behind.

His footsteps tap against the hard floor, getting louder as they approach from behind. Roughly the black material is pulled over my head, immediately my hands shoot up to block the light as the brightness overwhelms my eyes.

A young guy around the age of eighteen wearing black jeans and a white golf shirt under a plate of armour, walks around to my front, a victorious smirk matches his beaming brown eyes.

"Well good morning" He says with a perky and enthusiastic tone, "I was starting to worry that you were comatose"

My eyes adjust to the light, slowly I lower my hands.

"Who are you?" I ask the strange guy.

Disbelief sits on his square face, "Is this the card that you are playing Jackson?" He asks as he walks towards a chair and drags it close to me.

"Listen, I have no idea who you are and what I did to deserve this" I say emphasising the last point by raising my wrists.

Carter sits down on his chair and leans his face close, his brown eyes dig into mine, "What about my girlfriend, Annabeth" He asks, "Do you remember her?"

I shake my head, a pleased expression sits on his face, "Clearly the knock to his head was more effective than I had realised" Carter mumbles to himself.

For a few minutes, Carter paces as he discusses with himself what to do. Eventually he stops and turns with a smile, "Well, let me tell you, why you are here" He says his perking up.

The guy goes on to introduce himself as Carter Seeth, an old friend of mine who recently I had betrayed after we failed to destroy some camp for kids with 'special abilities' who were our enemies. When I questioned if it was necessary for us to destroy an entire camp he grew very defensive as he explained that the people here were children of the gods, the Greek gods and were called Half-breeds or something and that they were not happy with our power and forced us out.

As crazy as it may seem, the story about the gods felt familiar as the memories sit on the tip of my brain.

"And why am I tied up?" I ask, growing irritated with the scratchy rope tightly tied around my wrists.

Hurt appears in his eyes, "Because, you tried to over throw me" He says disgusted, "You got cocky about your power and abilities and you were not there when my father rejected me as his son, saying that I was too weak to be his son, but he was wrong and lied, he was just scared of my power, the other campers saw my power too and their fear grew, this is why we were kicked out because I was too powerful and you followed me with the foolish belief that I needed your protection"

My head throbs with pain, "Why couldn't you just beat me around like normal friends do when they fight?" I complain as the throbbing pain comes and goes.

Carter shrugs, "Perhaps, but now at least you're sitting still and I can give you the opportunity to redeem yourself"

My memory may be non-existent but the way this guy describes me, makes me sound like I am nothing but arrogant and destructive, almost like there is a chip on my shoulder that is now forgotten, but the more my friend describes us the more I think that he is describing himself more than me.

Something in my gut tells me not to trust the guy in front of me but with no recognition of how I got here or even who I am, I feel as if I have no choice.

"So now for the fun part" He says, clapping his hands together with excitement.

"Which is?"

"Attack Camp Half-Blood" He smirks, "Where we will burn down each cabin dedicated to the gods and knock down those who doubted my power, starting with the Ares cabin"

"I thought you said that they found you too powerful?" I ask curiously.

"Only the clever ones" He says, "But it is the clever ones who pushed me out, who pushed us out"

My skin burns with desire for a good itch as the scratchy rope gets itchier. Believing he can trust me, Carter pulls out a dagger and cuts the rope freeing my wrists.

"So Percy, are you going to help me?" 

With no choice, I agree, ready to destroy this camp that has done so much wrong...apparently.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just needed to give explanations. Does anybody understand Carter's vendetta against Camp yet?

 Does anybody understand Carter's vendetta against Camp yet?

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