17.5 We fly above the clouds

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An indescribable pain mixed with fear spreads through my body as Carter's face dissipates along with my son's innocent face. Tears threaten to spill as my eyes fill with tears, around me demigods stand uneasy, unsure of how to react. Thalia leaves my side, her face holds a strong desire for blood as she walks over to the mystery that is Omega.

She tells him something and he responds by letting out a high pitched whistle. With his hood, it makes it so much harder to understand his emotions and what he is feeling until he tells us or reacts, leaving lots of room for surprise.

From the sky a familiar black Pegasus appears and lands at Omega's side. Why is Blackjack responding to Omega, ever since he left, Blackjack has refused  to let anyone ride him at some point he was so miserable that he rejected sugar cubes from anyone offering.

I watch with amazement as Omega mounts Blackjack with ease, they trot on over. With a firm tone Omega tells me to get on, not leaving much room for debate. Without a second thought I get on Blackjack's well groomed back, awkwardly my hands sit by my side unsure of what to do next.

"Hold on" Omega instructs.

With no other place to hold onto I wrap my arms around his waist an immediate sense of security appears.

"Blackjack, take us to Sally Jackson" Omega commands.

A whole pallet of emotions fill me, from surprise to confusion as he instructs Blackjack where to go without a doubt. In the call, Carter never mentioned where he was or showed Sally or her home. Gods I hope that Sally is alright. When my little boy was born, Sally was there and had been there since the moment I told her. For the first few months we lived on Camp Half Blood but it got harder to care for him. It had been suggested more times than one that I move to New Rome to live there where he would be safe but stubbornly I refused, determined to stay here and wait for Percy to return. After the first year my hope that he would return still remained but after the first monster attack the hope began to dissipate as I took him to stay with Sally and Paul for a while whilst I made plans to move. Now here we are, if I had just listened to everyone my son would not be in so much danger right now.

"How do you know where he is?" I ask Omega, as we take off towards the sky, the wind gently carries my hair as we go above the clouds.

Omega doesn't hear me, leaving our flight a silent one. The flight is a quick one as we promptly land in Manhattan outside of Sally's house. Blackjack barely has the opportunity to get all four hooves on the ground before Omega slides off his back, I follow suit.

At first Omega takes a cautious approach as he opens the door, his caution is lost when he hears the cry of an infant either belonging to my son or Sally's daughter, Estelle. Easily Omega navigates the house as if he has been here many times before. He reaches the entrance of the living, his entire body tenses. Desperate to see that he is alright I walk to Omega's side, the scene before me makes my heart drop, instinctively I grab my knife.

On the ground, Sally lies unconscious with a cut on her cheek, my eyes continue to scan the room where in a corner a petrified Paul sits Estelle sits in one arm, tears roll down her small rosy cheeks and in his other arm, my son grips to Paul too young to understand the situation at hand whilst an Empousa stands guard with a spear pointed at the three of them. Then my eyes land on the person that I hate most.

A pleased yet vile grin sits on his face, his eyes stick to Omega, "Ah Omega" He chuckles, "It seems that I was right about you"

Omega looks ready to pounce but he manages to stand back, "I am going to kill you for hurting her" He says through gritted teeth. 

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