1. I am a monster

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Life with power is nothing that you would expect, it leads to arrogance and a loss of control over your emotions. I would know, for the first few months as Omega everything about me was different. I was temperamental and challenged any god that I could find, this however did get the word out that there was a new potential enemy to the Olympians.

Whenever completing our own quests on Earth, we were often interrupted by gods wanting to know our business and who we were. At the beginning I would send gods back to Olympus filled with fear, embarrassment and hatred, until it hit me, literally, that I should not be battling with my allies. To avoid a war, which the gods were very much prepared to send their children to fight, Lord Khaos himself spoke with the Olympians and assured them that we meant no harm and that I simply was testing out my power. Ares of course did not approve of the thought of some non-god being stronger than him and immediately declared war to which Zeus had to immediately revoke. Despite still not liking the thought of this new Omega who was rumoured to be more powerful that Zeus himself, reluctantly Zeus agreed to see myself and my lieutenants as allies that he would only use when he had no other choice to on the condition that I, Omega would no longer beat the Olympians with such an intensity where they looked as weak as mortals.

The Olympians did not have to tell us but they continued to fear us as we sent Titans back to the pits of Tartarus, preventing Half-Bloods from being sent on deadly quests and risking their lives for their ungrateful parents. We still let them handle monsters, we can't take away all the fun perks of being a Half-Blood, now can we?

The one thing that my new abilities did not affect was my dreams, where they are so realistic that I can feel the pain of the subject of my dream, in fact I think that they intensified. My latest dream in fact was something that prevented me falling back asleep.

I was following a half-blood no older than thirteen, he ran through the forest with tears streaming down his face, blood rested on his hands.

"Please leave us alone!" he screamed with desperation, as he looks back directly at me as if I were the monster.

I couldn't stop running after him. He ran straight through the barrier, I expected myself to be stopped by the barrier if I was the monster but I continued after him. i felt relief thinking that I was not the monster, just a spectator. But I was wrong, as he ran down Half-blood hill I ran after him, the sun at its peak lit up a battered Camp-Half Blood. Half-Bloods limped along, unaware of the distraught half-blood until he screamed again.


His cry for help caught the attention of the Half-Bloods. Soon there were half-bloods running towards me, swords, bows and shields in their grasp.

"How is this possible?" I heard a half-blood ask as they ran towards me.

Soon I was surrounded by demigods, some familiar some new. The faces most familiar to me, absent. Realisation hit, I was the monster and the barrier was down.

Children of apollo started shooting arrows towards me whilst others advanced with swords, every arrow that hit my thick skin I could feel, the poisoned arrows burned but I still remained standing. It was when Carter was closest that I fought back, swiping him into a few others.

It was when I saw my reflection in the shield of a demigod that I saw what kind of monster I was, a Dracaena a vile creature that I had often come across. I fought against them until my head was cut off by a brave demigod from behind and I turned to ashes, ending my dream.

I woke up clutching my throat the feeling of the decapitation still raw with pain. I didn't try going back to sleep too shaken by the thought of Camp Half Blood being invaded by monsters. I spent hours in the training arena until I was interrupted by my second in command, Huntress. A fine warrior who I had the pleasure of fighting alongside Atlas, she had died at the hands of her father, Atlas.

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