22. The downs are conquered

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Gossip spread through the camp like Greek fire after rumours of Carter's punishment were told. Some of this gossip suggested that Carter would return to Chaos with the team, where he would be the new training dummy for all new recruits and the other that Ares had his own punishment in mind, a punishment so harsh that Atlas's seemed like child's play. But none of these rumours were true much to the Aphrodite Cabin's disappointment. Chained to a pole in the Ares cabin, Carter sits with even more disgust for his siblings as Chiron, the counsellors and members of Chaos gathered in the Big House, discussing what consequences are appropriate for the troubled demigod.

Suggestions fly around the room, some vile and cruel whilst others offer tempting suggestions that are eventually declined and labelled as, 'too kind'. After what seems to be an hour of back and fourths we settle on a punishment and agree to Thalia's punishment.

"Very well, I shall speak with Reyna and ask if she is willing to take Carter off our hands" Chiron concludes.

Together we all leave the big house relieved that soon Carter would no longer be an issue. Once outside, we do not disperse and turn Huntress, Alpha and Callista.

"Well, it seems that our duty has come to an end here" Alpha announces, "We are set to return to Chaos where Lord Khaos awaits with another task for us to complete", Alpha turns to face me, "We will see you up at the tent shortly"

With Annabeth's hand in mine, I nod. Before they turn to pack everyone gets their turn to say their farewells and each express their gratitude for all that the team had done to help sort the issue out.

"Hopefully now that your hero has returned, we will not have to come back here again" Huntress says.

"The camp is not anymore safer with me back" I tell her, "There is now just more help against any future threats"

"Take care of him" Alpha instructs Annabeth, "I do not want to see him back on Chaos again, I cannot bare to see again another meal that is blue" Alpha teases as the others leave to pack.

Annabeth squeezes my hand, "Trust me, he is not leaving my sight again" She vows with a smile as Alpha runs to catch up with the others.

Since Carter had taken my family captive, I have not been able to see my family as I have had a duty here to ensure that Carter gets what he deserves and that he does not manage to escape his chains, which most would describe as close to impossible once they have seen the security of the Ares cabin and their assurance that he would always be under the secure watch of at least one Ares child's watch made it all that more impossible for him to try anything.

Nico watches the team climb the hill from my left with his hands dug in his jeans pocket, "Do you think that I could get one of those black cloaks from Khaos?" He asks as he appreciates the black silk that has been used to create each cloak.

"Unless you are a member, no"

Nico sighs with disappointment but understands why not.

"So, are you still a member of Chaos's army or not?" He asks.

I shake my head and tell him no, describing the conversation that I had had with a very understanding Khaos. Whilst accepting my resignation, Khaos kindly told me that he did not expect me to stay with the army once I had found out about my son and that family must always come first for anyone who has the honour of having a loving family. With my final bow I left him alone in his black throne room and said my own farewells to the members of my army and made sure that there were no hard feelings between myself and Angel.

"I know that I do not need to worry about my brother or ask you to watch out for him as I know that he is surrounded by people that he loves and cares for and that is because you did not give up on him all those years ago and I will forever be in your debt, Percy Jackson" She had told me with gratitude as I gave her a final hug goodbye. When retelling the story, I changed this part telling Nico that Angel had merely said goodbye and told me to protect both of my families, my relatives and my family at Camp.

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