11. A pale obstacle emerges

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"Why would a demigod want to attack camp?" Huntress asks, "I mean it can't be an equivalent to the war against Kronos he has too few monsters for that"

The four of us sit on top of half-blood hill as we watch the sun slowly pull itself over the horizon as the demigods return to their cabins to catch up on some sleep. The sun infiltrates the dull blue sky with a warm orange tone introducing a beautiful day ahead.

In front of me I twirl my blade around in the dirt, disturbing blades of green grass.

"Maybe he is trying to play hero and we keep getting in his way" Alpha jokes.

"It couldn't be that it is too simple of a problem for our presence to be requested here" I suggest, "Lord Chaos would not approve if the gods called us here for an attention seeker"

"Unless the gods do not know" Angel mumbles

"Or this is what he wants us to believe and there is a more sinister plan hiding behind this" Huntress suggests.

"I need to speak with the fool" I say with a strong distaste, "It is the only way to find out"

"What and to get him to share his evil plan to the hero like in movies?" Alpha scoffs, "Dude you clearly are out of the enemy game"

"It is our only choice, I will get myself captured by Carter and ask questions and then you can come rescue me, I doubt he will be able to harm me the boy is weak and lacks skill and talent"

"At least let one of us be the bait" Angel pleads, "We are immortal he cannot kill us"

"I think we need another plan" Alpha thinks aloud, "We all know from past experiences that that will not go according to plan, and we do not know where he is"

"I will ask Thalia if she has seen him around, I am sure she has huntresses scouting, if he was here last night, he must be close"

With my arm under my head, I lay back on the grass, knowing that it may be hard to convince my old friend to assist me because as Annabeth had pointed out we are not trusted here, and I am sure Thalia trusts us the least.

With my chat with Annabeth in mind, "We need to gain more of the camper's trust" I say my eyelids shut closed, protecting my eyes from the bright rays, "They are still on the fence on whether we are a threat or not"

"Why are these campers being so difficult" Alpha whines, "What is up with their trust issues?"

I lift my head up and stare at him, the girls do the same, "Would you really like an answer to that?" I ask.

Alpha shakes his head, "Oh right" He sighs.

In front of us a shadow appears with a figure in its centre. His dark black hair touches his shoulders, his hands are dug into the pockets of his leather jacket with a matching black pai of pants and a black rock band shirt.

"Nico" Angel gasps under her breath.

I take in his appearance, it is less miserable in comparison to the last time I had seen him, his white pale skin seems to have found more colour and he is not as scrawny as he was before.

Nico stares at all of us, he doesn't speak for a while.

"Who are you?" He finally asks with a reserved tone.

I push myself off the ground and dust myself off I extend my hand out, "We are members of Chaos's army" I say and begin to introduce everyone, "This is Alpha, Huntress, Angel and I'm Omega"

Reluctantly he shakes my hand. He stares at my hood, as if trying to catch a glimpse of my face.

"You are supposed to be immortal" He comments his eyes still trained on me.

Mentally I curse, forgetting about his abilities to sense things like our life status and whether we are immortal, mortal or near death.

"We are" I try.

"No, they are, and you are not" He insists, "What is with the hoods? Why can I not see your faces?"

"It to protect others"

Nico seems unsure, "You do not need to protect me" He says confidently, "I can protect myself so you may take off your hoods"

"We cannot do that, my people have died and have been brought back to life by Lord Chaos with Lord Hades' permission, if their faces are shown it may create a lot of confusion and hurt and we do not want that"

"My father allowed you to bring people back?" He says with disbelief, "What makes your people so special that they get to be brought back when others have to remain in the underworld?"

"They are very special and unique; I am sure that if you had the opportunity you would bring back lost ones if given the option for the best possible army"

Nico's concentration is now stuck on Angel's, his body is tense.

"Did they have the option to join you or did you decide for them?"

"They had the option" I say feeling like we are being pushed into a corner, "Now if you excuse us, we must return to our tent we have much to discuss"

We leave him in a hurry as we rush towards the tent. Once we are in, I let out a breath.

"He has grown" Angel comments with pride, "He seems less angry and miserable"

"Bianca" I sigh, discarding her allocated name, "He suspects you" I point out, "I am suggesting that you return to Chaos, we cannot have him to reveal our identities"

She falls back into her chair, as she thinks over what I have said, a disappointed look sits on her face.

"My brother is loyal" She says with a small smile tugging on her lips, "He may reveal to us his suspicions but that is as far as he would go, he knows the risk that he would create if he were to expose us"

I drag a chair and sit across from her, I let out a deep sigh, "Bianca, you have not seen the pain and misery that he has experienced since you died, and when he heard that you had chosen to be reborn it crushed him and he tried to hide his pain but I could see it, now can you imagine how he must be feeling now knowing that your rebirth wasn't like any normal rebirth and that you could have come back to him?"

For those who may be unsure, rebirth is in fact when one who has faced death decides to start a new mortal life but has no recollection of their previous life, to do this they must take a dip in the River Lethe which clears their memories. Unlike many, Bianca, Alpha and Huntress were reborn, but they did not lose their memories as per a request made by Chaos who had chosen them way before I had joined the army, but it is easier for us to tell everyone that I had chosen them as I would have if given the choice.

Tears swell in her eyes.

"There is no dispute about your brother's loyalty but his love and desire to hug you and to physically see you is even stronger"

A single tear strains down her cheek as she reluctantly agrees to return.

A single tear strains down her cheek as she reluctantly agrees to return

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