7. I offer to kiss a huntress

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The tip of her arrow remains pointed at my forehead, whilst thirty or more huntress surround our tent, their bows all raised and pointing towards the entrance of our tent. Unsure of what to do, I raise my hands. Surprised by my gesture a few hunters lower their bows unsure of how to respond.

"Lieutenant Thalia Grace I do not mean harm" I say, "I can assure you that whatever the campers have told you is either not true, actually is misunderstood"

"They have not told me anything" She admits, I lower my arms, "But that is not always a good thing in my opinion", my arms shoot back up worried and unsure of what else to do.

"I have heard tales about you and your army" Thalia says, lowering her bow, "Often we have heard the calling of a distressed group of demigods and have arrived with the issue resolved"

My arms grow tried, assuming that today was not the day that I would be killed by the hunters of Artemis I drop my arms.

"Is that a thank you for making your job easier?" I chide, knowing that I would not be getting anything close to a thank you.

"Arrogant boy" A huntress behind Thalia grumbles.

"I do not appreciate a stranger doing a job that is assigned to my hunters" Thalia growls, "Especially not by ones who face I cannot see"

"Remove your hood for our lieutenant" A huntress commands.

"Would you like to see my face?" I offer. Knowing the answer, I put my finger up first, stopping Thalia before answering, "On the condition that a huntress will give me a kiss"

Thalia pulls back her bow, all arrows now point towards me. A ferocious storm of anger burns in her blue eyes, behind me Alpha exits the tent, "Who are you- "he stops talking and gasps, "Thalia". Thalia's eyes move past me and stare at Alpha unsure of why he had sounded so surprised to see her, he sighs, "What did you do?" He asks me like a parent would after warning a child to stay cautious.

"Miss Grace, like you and your hunters we have taken a vow to not show our faces to those who are not trusted members of our army" I prove, "Now if you would kindly lower all of your bows and I will answer any question within reasonable bounds"

"Why are you here?" She asks.

"Lord Zeus himself requested our services to solve how and why monsters are invading camp"

"How many of you are there?"

I turn to face Alpha, "Please call the others" Alpha disappears into the tent and shortly returns out with Angel and Huntress behind him.

Huntress gasps as she looks around at the growing Hunters of Artemis, "They have grown" She says pleased.

"They are immortal, they do not grow" Thalia responds mistaken by what Huntress meant.

Huntress turns to face Thalia, "Lieutenant suits thou" She compliments, she looks around at the hunters again, "Thou have been busy recruiting such fine young ladies"

"What is your name?" Thalia asks, confused by Huntress's compliments and comments about her hunters.

"Huntress, second in command to Omega"


"Much like thyself I was once a huntress but that was many moons ago"

"You cannot leave the hunters unless you're killed in battle" Thalia comments

"That is true, I perished in battle against a wicked man"

In Thalia's blue eyes, it is clear as she starts to put pieces together, too many pieces for my liking. I turn and point to Angel, who like Huntress is impressed by the growing numbers of hunters.

"This is Angel"

"It is an honour milady" Angel greets

I point to Alpha, "And that is Alpha" I say hoping to change the subject. Behind the hunters I see the half-bloods walking towards the arena, some look in our direction, curious as to what was going on. "Lieutenant is there anything else that you would like to ask, as I must be going down to teach the half-bloods how to fight"

"Yes" She responds, "Have all of you been resurrected?"

Hoping to throw off the trail I nod, "Yes all of the members of our army have died as heroes in battle" I say, "Our army is compiled of the bravest of heroes those who are willing to face death to save a cause, now you understand why we cannot show our faces it is to prevent hurting those who lost us"

We excuse ourselves and leave the hunters as we head down towards the arena, hoping that we had thrown Thalia off of her path, but knowing my old friend my fib would not be enough for her to not want to find out who we are.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter

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