9. The Wine Dude writes a play

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Her words play on a consecutive loop in my head, 'not my actions' she said, her tone harsh and filled with disgust. Believing that she is merely in denial and is telling herself this to feel less guilty, is harder to believe than I let on.

"Liar" I mumble as I storm past her, not wanting her to convince me that she is telling the truth. I head back, the stones on the path crush under my step, to the arena where Alexander battles against an opponent with a short sword. On his young face, his confidence shines brighter with every dangerous strike to his opponent's chest. Frustrated with Alexander's gaining advantage his opponent swipes at Alexander's head, luckily his reflexes react, he ducks and takes his shot at the chest. The tip of his blade digs into his opponent's armour, a victorious smirk sits on his face. His defeated opponent walks away with frustration resting on his face.

The class is called to an end, many leave with exhausted expressions and their swords dragging by their sides. Alexander walks up to me, his confidence still shines, he hands me back the knife.

"Thanks for the knife" He smiles, his tone now less shy and reserved, "It really helped me against that son of Nike"

"No problem, but keep it the knife is yours, you seem better suited for it than me" I admit.

Alexander leaves, joining a group of Hermes' kids. Alpha walks up to me,

"Who is that kid that you have taken such a liking to?" He asks, as he watches the Hermes group walk out the arena.

"His name is Alexander, and I think that he is your brother"

"I knew that there was some other reason that I liked him" Alpha chuckles, "Perhaps I should give him some lessons of my own to ensure that he makes my father proud"

"So, you are a son of Hermes then" A curious voice says behind us, already knowing the owner of the voice we turn to face Thalia, her arms sit crossed across her chest.

Alpha takes a few moments to respond as he takes in her intimidating stature with her bow on her back.

"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Alpha accuses, ignoring her question, "Lieutenant Grace, I did not expect such nosiness from a huntress like yourself" He teases, knowing that she would not appreciate such an accusation.

"I was not being nosey" She huffs, a look of distain sits on her pale face, "I am merely curious as to who the two of you are along with the others, and if you will not tell me who you are then it is up to me to find out, and I will find out eventually" She threatens.

"Miss Grace, you may dedicate the rest of your days to finding out, but I can assure you that unless we want you to see who we are, you will not find out" I vow to her.

"We will see about that" She warns through gritted teeth.

Thalia turns on her heels without another word and storms out of the area in a huff. With a lot on my mind, I announce to Alpha that I would be going on a walk alone to try and clear my busy mind.

I find myself walking past the cabins, the Hephaestus cabin is a chaotic workshop with electric saws screaming out the door, in the Apollo cabin a few demigods practice their sutures whilst others recite their haikus to one another. The other half bloods are dispersed around camp attending to their daily activities. I soon find myself heading towards to the Big House where a familiar god sits behind a typewriter, a grumpy expression sits on his face. I walk past hoping to not catch his attention, but my luck continues to falter,

"Ah Ohana" He sighs, I stop and turn to face him, his eyes still trained onto his typewriter, "I was hoping to bump into you"

"It's Omega" I correct, I would deny this if asked but a slight bit of joy filled me as he purposely gets my name wrong.

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