6. I get a green cut for breakfast

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Normally when I wake up from an injury during a battle, I have come to expect that I would wake up in a different place to where I had been knocked out. In the past I have woken up in many strange places like the San here and Calypso's island, so imagine my surprise when I wake up in the same dusty spot, surrounded by a dozen half-bloods.

"Should we take him to the san?" A voice asks

"I say we take off his hood to see his face" Another eager voice suggests.

"I heard that his face was burnt in the depths of Tartarus and that it is so ugly it gives whoever sees his face nightmares"

"Has anyone called his friends?"

"Darcy your story makes no sense, nobody's face could be that ugly"

"Why don't we see for ourselves"

"Alright, sightseeing is over!" A familiar voice calls from behind the crowd

My eyes shoot open, above me twelve curious faces look down at my injured figure. Slowly I sit, my back continues to burn with pain, the demigods step back with gasps. To my left, a demigod sits with nectar and a square of ambrosia in each hand.

"I didn't want to remove your hood" She says.

Alpha pushes through the crowd and crouches next to me.

"What are you looking for?" Annabeth asks.

"Where is Carter?" I ask

"His mother has fallen ill" A camper spoke, "So he has gone home"

How convenient.

"Okay, the show is over" Alpha orders the half-bloods, he moves his hands back and forth as he chases them away.

"Did he do this to you?" Alpha asks, examining my back, hopefully implying that it was indeed Carter.

"Yes" I grunt, "His blade was poisoned"

"Let me take you to the San" Annabeth offers, "They can- "

"No thank you" I cut her off, "I will be fine"

Alpha takes the nectar and ambrosia from Annabeth who did not see herself as needing to go as well.

"Thank you for the ambrosia and nectar but please do excuse us" Alpha asks.

Taking the hint, Annabeth walks off with a grim expression. Using the reflection of my sword behind me, I manage to see the green surrounding my cut, reminding me of Annabeth's arm in the war against Kronos.

Alpha helps me up and offers his shoulder for support as we slowly walk back to our tent. On the way we catch the attention of many more curious half-bloods.

"Who started the fight?" Alpha asks.

Before I can answer, Chiron trots over from behind us with a concerned look. As per usual he wears a shirt with a witty line about centaurs

"Omega, what has happened to your back?" He asks.

"I fell against a corner in the arena" I lie knowing that he would not accept the answer.

"Omega if you consider me an ally then I would like some truth between us" He scolds.

I sigh, "I was attacked by an unknown person" I lie, this time more believable, "I was training in the arena with my back to the entrance, when I felt this burning pain against my back, worse than the burning feeling than the river Styx, I'd like to think" I quickly add, hoping that he does not think to deeply about the river Styx. 

His face is hard to read as he seems on the fence about whether to believe me or not, confusion and uncertainty start to grow clearer on his face.

"I will need to discuss this with my counsellors" Chiron eventually decides before trotting away.

By the time we arrive back at the quiet tent, the pain has subsided thanks to the ambrosia and nectar.

"There was someone else" I remember, as Angel and Huntress walk into the room, their faces both full of concern.

"What happened?" Angel asks, as she stares at my pale face.

"The usual, I got stabbed by a poisoned sword"

"By whom"

"Nobody important, just that horrid son of Ares"


"That's the one"

"Stupid half-blood" Huntress mutters with disgust.

Alpha pulls a chair out beside me; he sits on it backwards and rests his arms on the back rest.

"So, who was the someone else?" Alpha asks.

As hard as I try, the figure remains a blur. For the next hour we speculate about everything relating to Carter and the unknown blur. My back continues to get better but heals slower than it would if I were near water.

I am sure that you have been wondering why I have not been using Riptide nor the water, probably thinking that maybe I was angry with my father or maybe that my new sword was more powerful than my old trusty blade, but that is not it. You see, to disappear meant that I needed to avoid my father to and to not make my identity too obvious to those that I would interact with, so I avoid using Riptide, despite him always being in my pocket I do not use him. Could you imagine if I had come here baring Riptide in my grasp? They would see me as myself or they would fear the worst, either way it would lead to complications that I cannot afford to have here. Our task is simple, find out how and why these monsters are invading camp and put an end to it with as little casualties and complications as necessary. But let's be honest, with me nothing ever goes to plan. The same applies with my dad, he is the god of the sea if I used the water, he would sense my presence and he could bring me back against my will without my cloak or tell the others where I am or what I am doing and again that would lead to even more complications. 

Eventually I regain my strength and push myself up from the uncomfortable chair. Pulling my cloak back up I step outside to come face to face with a girl who looked the same as she did the last time, I had seen her, the body radiates with power and authority. Her spiky black hair is longer, and a silver charm sits on top of her head, with her bow pulled back and an arrow inches away from my nose.

"Well, hello there" I grin

"Well, hello there" I grin

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