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Being a half-blood is a major package deal. We are asked to fend off wars for our immortal parents, to stop or kill titans or gods who have thousands of years of experience and power, we are fooled and tricked by those who we thought we could trust, so naturally we have trust issues.

When walking through Camp Half-blood the loyal faces I see, are the people that I know I can trust. Having been through so many wars together there are a very few who I would not trust, and surprisingly Clarisse, the daughter of Ares, a god who would jump at the opportunity to kill me, I trust. Although don't tell her that, she would probably call me a punk and try to change my mind in some duel.

Dare I say that after being gone on my own search and rescue quest for nearly a month, things looked as normal as to be expected, if you count half-bloods learning to fly a horse with wings normal that is.

With a hand-crafted necklace made by my brother, Tyson in my pocket I head towards the Athena cabin, hoping to find Annabeth. Having not been in the Athena cabin very often the layout still surprises me with the beds shoved to one side of the room, as if sleep was not a priority to these half-bloods and the rest of the room is filled with anything to do with architectural design. I look around excitedly hoping to find her here, but instead I find the newest member of the Athena Cabin, Lilly, a fourteen-year-old who was bought in towards the end of winter, admiring Annabeth's newest design.

"Hi Percy" She smiles.

"Hi Lily, have you seen Annabeth around?"

A look of annoyance quickly flashes through her eyes, but her friendly smile remains.

"I think she is somewhere on Half-blood hill" She says, "I think she went up there with that new Ares kid, Carter" She says, not bothering to hide her dislike of Carter.

I thanked her and head towards the hill. Like his father, Carter did not like me from the first day we met when Annabeth brought him in, and had tried to take many opportunities to initiate a sword duel between us. Unlike many of us who came in as kids Carter only arrived a week after his eighteenth birthday. He had created a huge debate whether to let him stay as some of us found it strange how it had taken him so long to arrive or to be found. But nevertheless Chiron allowed him in deciding that he trusted Carter, claiming that we could not deny a half-blood in need of a safe place.

The thing about trust, is the more you trust them the more it hurts when they break your trust. So imagine my pain when I get to the top of the hill and there is Annabeth and Carter, with their lips inches apart. I have never felt such pain, I was stuck to the ground with shock unable to speak nor move as I watched them together in their moment of betrayal. Carter is the first to spot me, his face shows surprise but his eyes show something else... victory. Annabeth follows Carter's look and sees me standing heartbroken, guilt and shame takes over her facial expression.

"How could you" I say softly, my voice coarse.

Inside I feel an urging tug but I ignore it, not wanting the camp to pay the price for this betrayal. My moment of shock ends and I turn on my heels and sprint towards the barrier, not wanting to be at this camp any longer. Behind me I can hear Annabeth screaming my name as she desperately runs after me, but then she stops and as much as I wanted to be away from her, I was disappointed.

Eventually I reach the road, having not thought this through I look left and right to see nothing but an empty road. With my hands dug in my pockets I begin to walk towards Manhattan. After a long ten minutes a dark black SUV appears next to me and stops. The dark tinted windows all remain closed except for the back right window as it rolls down.

A woman with hair blacker than coal sits in the car, her eyes covered with aviators.

"So, love has finally betrayed you" The man says with a deep voice that roars with power. "I myself have never been a fan of love, it's messy and the input is not worth the output"

Not wanting to know anything about this his I continue walking. The car rolls staying beside me.

"Percy Jackson, I do not appreciate this rudeness" He announces with distaste.

Having been through this many times, I do not bother asking him how he knows my name.

"Sorry" I mumble, "I am not in the mood for chatting right now"

"Then you will listen"

The man snaps his fingers and the next thing I am sitting next to him in his black SUV. I try to unlock the car door but it remains locked.

"I have been observing you for quite some time, son of Poseidon, you have been a fascination and I have been waiting for this opportunity to make you an offer that I hope you will accept"

My head turns to face his almost pale-white face. Everything besides his skin is a dark black, his neatly pressed suit, his lips and his nails

"Who are you?" I ask, eventually giving in.

"I am Khaos, the first primordial god to live" She says with pride.

"What about Gaea?"

"I am the father to all Primordial gods, my daughter along with her siblings were created by me" He says with a hint of irritation.

Stories of Khaos come to mind, the god who emerged at the dawn of creation and is the atmosphere which surrounds earth often referred to as the gap between heaven and earth.

"Your skills have impressed me for some time, I believe that those Olympians have taken you for granted by sending you to do their dirty work for them, I wish for you to become the general of my own army where your power will be seen as equal to the gods and you will no longer be Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon but rather Omega, leader of the army of Khaos."

Before today I would have turned down Lord Khaos without a second thought, as I would be leaving Annabeth behind. But she is no longer a factor that would hold me back. Perhaps my friends at Camp Half Blood would hold me back, but there aren't many left as many have left to start their own lives free of quests and worries about the gods enemies.

"Would I be able to visit my mother?"

My mom is one person that I would be leaving behind, but maybe it is for the best I could finally give her a life where she would not have to worry about me getting chased by some monster or having to fight against a titan as a half-blood.

"You will be able to come to earth whenever you please, once your training has completed"

I sigh, I look out the window to no longer see strawberry fields but rather my mom's apartment.

"For now you must say your goodbyes, as your training will take you away from them for a short period of time for us, but for them it will be a while"

"Okay, I will do it" I decide.

My car door opens and I step out into Manhattanfor the last time for a while.

Welcome to Chaos's Hero 2.0, I hope that you enjoy it and check out my others.

Awesome cover by: NinjaLuna

Awesome cover by: NinjaLuna

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