3. We set up camp

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Chiron's room in the Big House had not changed all that much, alright that is an understatement it has, it has changed a lot. Whilst his stature remained calm and courageous his office showed desperation and frustration as broken glasses lay against the walls, photo frames lay on the ground shattered. One caught my eye, a photo of a younger me and Annabeth with Chiron in between the two of us, his hands sit on both of our shoulders with a smile like a doting father.

Behind us, Annabeth and Clarisse entered the room. Clarisse held a less angry expression with a hint of impressed.

"Chiron, who are these guys?" Clarisse asked not bothering to ask us this time.

"This is the Army of Khaos" He says, he points to each of us, "This is Omega the general, Huntress, the second in command and Alpha and Angel"

Ignoring them I keep my attention to Chiron, "Chiron, how has the barrier been compromised?" I ask, "It has not been in this state since Thalia's tree was poisoned"

Chiron sighs, "Perhaps it has been poisoned again"

"We will examine the border this evening, I suggest we put watchmen around the barrier we are happy to complete the night shifts"

"Clarisse has already made this suggestion, the first watch will start tonight"

I turn to face Clarisse, "I hope that you have chosen your watchmen wisely and that they do not have the same standard of skills as your brother"

Despite wanting to agree Clarisse protested, "Who do you think you are, just coming here and barking out orders as if you know this camp? You have no authority here"

I smirk, "Listen Princess" I taunt knowing how much she would dislike that name, "We were called by Zeus himself, we have faced much worse than this and trust me when I tell you that I know this camp more than you would think"

Clarisse takes a step forward, her knuckles tight, Annabeth places her hand on Clarisse's arm and pulls her back.

I am the next to take a step forward "I would stop fighting against me and rather fight with me or we will have a problem that you will not be able to solve" I threaten, my tone coming off a lot harder than intended.

Alpha pulls me back, "We will join you two on tonight's watch" He assures the girls.

"I will not be on tonight's watch" Annabeth says.

"Why not?" I ask, "Have you got a date or something more important than protecting this camp?"

"She has personal business to attend to" Clarisse interrupts before Annabeth can answer.

I put the picture frame back on the hook that it had clearly fallen from, I turn back to see Annabeth staring at that picture her eyes swelling with tears that she quickly blinks away.

"It better be more important than this" I growl as I pass them and head out the door.

Outside majority of the demigods had left only a few had stayed such as the Stolls who seemed to be up to mischief and a few others.

"We will set up camp by Thalia's tree, bother us only if there is a monster" I announce.

We climbed up Half-Blood Hill and pulled out two bags from the chariot before sending it back to Chaos.

The tents were easy to set up, using the same as Artemis's hunters had used. From the outside they looked small but once inside they were the size of a house with four rooms, a kitchen and dining room where plans covered the surface.

"Omega might I make a suggestion?" Angel asks.

"Go ahead"

"Perhaps don't try to make the demigods want you to be their enemy, they are our allies we must treat them as allies"

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